Status: story is only in two parts.


Hear me scream outside your window

“It’s so clean.” He said shocked.

“Yeah…your old room is untouched. I kind of took your mother’s room. Harry, Sirius, and Rina all have the second floor bedrooms.” I said as I petted Buckbeak.

“We can put Buckbeak in Regulus’s room then.” He smiled.

“Sirius…” I said looking at him when he came back.

“Yes?” he said hugging me before I moved away.

“A lot has changed in the past 12 years.”

“I know.”

“I gave birth to Russ. I figured out how to remove your mother’s portrait. I raised Harry, Ross, and Rina on my own. I started teaching at Hogwarts, and I…I…started dating Remus.” I said looking away.

He stayed silent.


“Sirius I still love you, i mean it. I never thought you betrayed us in the first place.”

“You’re still my wife though.”

“I know that’s why I’m giving you the choice. Do you want to stay married or not.”

“No. I love you Tiger, but so much has changed, you are not that young girl I fell in love with
that held that spark in her life, and I’m not that guy anymore. Azkaban has changed me so much.”

“I understand.”


“Oh my fucking god are you seriously kidding me!” I yelled out after I opened the door.

“Tiger, it’s not what it looks like!” Remus cried stumbling to put on his boxers.

“Oh really, because from where I am standing, it looks like that she was riding you. Remus, how fucking could you?” I yelled getting more and more full of rage.

“I meant nothing, she seduced me into bed. Tiger please listen.” He pleaded with me out side of my room.

“No. I don’t fucking care anymore. I trusted you, I loved you. I accepted you, but this. This is ridiculous, what happened to the Remus that I loved, what happened to the sweet shy man that I fell in love with?” I whispered.

“I’m still that man Tiger please just give me another chance.” He pleaded holding onto my shirt.

I looked at him and heard footsteps below entering the house, meaning Sirius was back after dropping off the children at King’s cross in his dog form.

“No. You are not a monster because you are a werewolf. You are a monster for being a cheating git, and putting me through this for months. That’s right I fucking knew, I thought it was as one time thing when I first smelled her all over you, or did you forget what you made me. I am not putting up with this, I hope you both are fucking happy.” I said walking away from him.

I brushed past Sirius down the stairs, he called out to me after seeing the tears but I kept going.

I appareted to Hogsmead and started walking up to the castle gates, I might as well throw myself into my job.

I sulkily made my way to my class room trying to organize it for classes the next day.

“You are here early.” His voice rang out.

“So, I have work to do I have to move my classes faster after the pretentious ass infected me.” I all but snarled out slamming books around.

“Trouble in Paradise.” He asked venturing further into the room.

“Just rub it in my face already okay? You were right all those years ago. I fucked up and wasted my life suffering through it okay?” I snarled looking at him.

He looked surprised at my outburst.

“What in the world are you talking about Tiger?” he asked walking up to me.

“I left Sirius for Remus, and Remus cheated on me with that 22 year old” I cried out letting the tears fall.

He was quiet and did the most unexpected thing. He hugged me and just let me cry.


“Um, would you like to go on a d-date?” Severus asked unexpectedly as we were patrolling the corridors late at night, looking for any guest students wondering the school.

I looked at him, and I had a flash back to when he first asked me on a date, when we were younger and in school.

He has helped me so much in the past months, and it showed me he was still sweet.

“O-okay, I-I mean sure.” I clumsily said blushing like an idiot.

He grinned and it made me smile at him.


“How long have you been teaching here Ms. Black?” the fat pink toad asked in her falsely sweet voice.

“Seven years.” I said clipped as I helped a student with his notes about airplanes.

“And you attended this school as a child correct?”

“Yes, I was sorted into Gryffindor.”

“And your children and charge attend here as well.”

“Yes, but you must understand I treat Harry like my own son, in fact he pretty much is my son
being as my twin sister birthed him.” I mumbled out to her in a clipped matter.

“Do you show them favoritism in class?”

“No, I treat all of my students equally no matter what.”

“Including blood status?” she asked curiously.

“Yes, these children are treated equal no matter what.”

“Included fellow mud blood students?” she went on.

The quite hush of the students chatter ceased as I accidently snapped a quill in my hand from aggravation.

“They are not Mud bloods, if you to use that offensive word I will have you to leave my
classroom and I will take this matter up with the Headmaster.” I said curtly my anger flaring up.

“And you are considered safe in your condition?” he went on ignoring my death glare.

“Yes I am, I lock myself away each month, and I brew my own wolfs bane potion. I am not a
threat to any living creature.”


I slammed against Bellatrix so her spelled missed Sirius and hit a random shelf.

“Oooo little Tiger wants to play!” she laughed out manically.


“Sev, love what you are doing is dangerous, everyone will think the wrong thing till the end.” I mumbled to him as we sat huddled on my room’s love seat.

“I know, that’s why I’m telling you the truth now, so you’ll know not to make the wrong

“I will stand by you through the end, but I am muggle born. Won’t I be a target?”

“No, not when the dark lord finds out your new last name.”

“New last name?” I asked confused.

“Marry me.” He whispered.

“Okay love.”


“Mom I mean what the fuck are you marrying Snape for?!” Rina yelled out at me after I told her.

“Rina, I should have told you this a while ago. Severus is your father, we were set to marry before and things went wrong.”

“He’s my father?”


“Oh my god.”


“No baby, we are going to patch you up okay. I just have to stop the bleeding!” I cried out trying to stop the blood on his neck bites.

He held a vial up to his crying eyes and let them leak into it. He handed them to Harry as I sat crying.

They ran off and I stayed with him till he passed away peacefully.

They all learned what type of man Sev was, and what he was doing unbeknownst to most people. Remus and Tonks died in the fight and I was Teddy’s god mother. I raised him as my own and watched Harry , Rina, and Russ get married and had their own children. I ended up living with Sirius after the battle and we took care of the children and went on as normally as we could get. Life was worth living because of the freedom we won.
♠ ♠ ♠
and that's the end. i hoped you enjoyed the ride.