Chasing Ever After


How totally cliché.

I am not even surprised anymore to hear from the field director that our class, 3-C, will be sharing the same pavilion with 3-A and 3-B.

3-A is Jack and Carter’s class.

We are lining up in the main hall, and from here, I could easily spot Jack. He stands out that much, anyway, with his sleek jet-black hair and that goofy smile he always has on. I could hear the girls from my class getting all excited about him, too.

Annie elbows me, hard, and I throw her a glare. “That hurt!”

She narrows her eyes at Jack’s direction and tells me, “Is this okay? A lot of girls from 3-B and our class are crazy about him. I doubt you two will have time together.”

I snort, incredulous. “So what? I don’t need time with that goofball.”

She looks at me funny, then shakes her head. “You really are a hopeless case.” And I don’t even get what she means by that.

“Welcome to Rothschild Nature Park. Here, we provide—“ Blah blah blah. The field director blabs on about a bunch of boring introductions and tours, and for the next half hour, we just sit cross-legged and bored to death on the wooden floor, just waiting to get on with the activities. He finally finishes, and we all are escorted to our rooms to leave our stuff and change for something ‘outdoorsy’.

The girls are divided into two, since we’re just sixteen in class. The boys take up most of the population in our school anyway. The boys in our class are about twenty two, so they have at least four rooms.

Good thing Annie and I are in the same room. I don’t really get along with our class that much. Mostly because I never got close to anyone but Annie, because, in case it isn’t obvious yet: I am called the ‘Ice Queen.’

Just right across our hall, to the left, is where 3-A students are lodged, and to the right are the noisy 3-B students, and in the middle of this pavilion is actually where the bathrooms are, which means the percentage of crossing paths with Mr. Ego is notably high.

I am not too enthusiastic about that. But then again, I’m not too enthusiastic about this entire school trip anyway.

“—the first activity is trekking, where you’ll be taught of all the wonders of this preserved nature wonderland—“ Blah blah blah blah.

I just roll my eyes.

Let’s just get this over with, please.


Have I ever mentioned before that I have a strong dislike for the outside world? Well, if I haven’t, then I’ll say it again.

I hate being outside.

Mostly because I suck at being outside.

We’ve only been out here, trekking, for twenty minutes and I already have scratches and gashes and my feet are killing me and I feel all sweaty and all that shit. For the first time ever in my life, I hate my braids. It feels icky, and it has twigs and leaves on it.

I look at Annie. She looks like some mineral-water model as she’s drinking from her jug, her free hand held out to me. She’s beaming at me, and I feel so sorry for being so non-athletic.

I take it, thinking that, goddamn, I need to get out of this shitty mountain. Nature just fucking hates me.

“Calm down, Sadie,” she tells me, laughing.

I groan over-dramatically, miserable and feeling all pitiful. “I wanna go hoooooome. I need my beeeeed. Fuck this triiiiiip.”

“Sadie, you pitiful soul.”

“Remind me not to—WHOAH!”

Next thing I know, I’m on the ground, tripped over some goddamn tree root that’s as thick as fuck, and I’m cussing a lot and my left ankle hurts as hell.

“Sadie!” Annie exclaims.

Now a bunch of people are gathering ‘round us, and suddenly I’m some sort of attraction. There’s probably a brightly-lit neon sign somewhere near me: PITIFUL NERD GIRL TRIPS OVER A FUCKING TWIG-THING.

My face flushes beet red—I could feel it. I try to stand up, and then end up falling on my butt again.

I kind of expected them all to burst into a fit of laughter, but they don’t.

“Sir! Hall’s injured!” some guy from my class shouts.

Then two more guys approach me and offer their hands, and as soon as I’m up to my feet, they slowly, carefully, lead me to the infirmary.

What a great memory for a school trip, eh?
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