Chasing Ever After


Am I really that hateful? Somehow, Sadie Hall makes me think so.

“Stop sighing like an old man,” Carter butts in, cutting through my self-thinking mode. “Why can't you just be honest to yourself?”

“I don't have anything to be honest about.”

“Yes, you do.”

I raise a brow. “About what, then? You tell me.”

Carter gives me 'the look'. By 'the look' I mean the ‘I’m gonna freaking bitch-slap you’ kind of look. “You can't stop thinking about Sadie Hall because—”

“I hate it when people ignore me, and she's ignoring the hell out of me, therefore I hate it when she's ignoring me?”

This time, he hits me with his palm. “—because, freaking dipshit, you like her.”

Truth be told, I've never liked anyone before. I've been on Earth for sixteen years and I've never, ever, ever liked anyone. I've only liked myself. The oh-so-perfect me.

That's why liking Sadie Hall is absolutely ridiculous. Totally out of the question.

Plenty of hot girls have asked me out. And when I say hot, I mean hot. Sadie Hall is not really much of a looker. She wears glasses. She's so childish looking with her braids. Her eyes are boringly brown. She's short, and she has a light spray of freckles on her face. She's dull looking. She has a rough mouth too. Not at all, even in the least bit, cute.

Aside from that, I don‟t really know much about her. We're in different classes. I wouldn't have even noticed her had she not confessed to me the night of the school festival.

“I don't like her, Carter,” I tell him bluntly. “You were right before. I just can't accept the fact that someone can just easily ignore my perfect self.”

“Narcissistic bastard. That egoism of yours would choke you to death in the near future, you know that?” Carter replies, sighing. “Whatever, man. You may be acing tests and acing looks, but on the common sense part, you are flunking big time.”

Just after he says that, I get an idea.

“That's it! I'll just make her fall in love with me again!” I exclaim confidently.

Carter sighs again. “Moron, you cannot make a girl fall in love with you again right after you make her hate you.”

“I'm different. I can certainly make her fall in love again. It's impossible not to love me. Even you would turn gay for me, admit it.”

Carter laughs then gives me the dirty finger. “Fuck you.” He continues shortly, “So, Mr. Perfect, how do you plan to make her love you?”

“You're going to help me get a date with her, of course.”

“No way in hell.”

“Come on, get Annie to help. You guys are dating, aren‟t you?”

Carter's eyes widen. “You knew?”

“Can't hide things like that from your best friend,” I reply with a wink. “Get Annie to set up a double date.”

“Annie will kill me. She hates the fuck out you.”

“You're her boyfriend. You two are lovey-dovey. I‟m your best friend. She's Sadie Hall's best friend. Help us get a chance to reconcile with each other.”

“Dude, you don't even love her.”

I twitch slightly at that. But I shrug it off quickly. “That doesn't matter. This isn't about love. What matters is that Sadie Hall would get to know the nice side of me—the one she can't resist, the one she can't hate.”

“I've always known you were a jerk,” Carter says. “But even though you are one, I can't just leave an idiot like you alone.”

“Does this mean you'll help me?” I grin widely. When he nods, I continue, mocking tears, “I want to hug you so tightly right now, man.”

“Try it and I'll kill you.”