The Quiet Things That No One Ever Knows

Need You Like Water In My Lungs

Evan and I didn't do much, really. We just made out and he groped me and I felt like I was on fire. After a while, he got a text from whoever it was he was texting that said to meet him at the tree you and I would always meet at. He returned to me moments later with a sandwich bag full of weed and a bottle of vodka.

"You got soda?" He asked, setting the bottle down on the end table next to my bed. I shrugged and got off of the bed, walking toward the stairs.

"Maybe I'll have to look. Why?" I asked.

"Because we're not going to drink straight vodka, El." Evan laughed as he followed behind me like a lost dog. What a strange analogy, that is. Why is the dog lost? What happened to make it lost?

"You do have a point. Uh, we have coke and root beer," I said as I looked at the fridge. "Is that good?" I asked.

"Yes, absolutely. Might not taste the best but it'll be okay," the teen replied with a smirk. I nodded and grabbed out two each and looked up at him.

"So... Now what?" I questioned with a tilted head.

"Now we get absolutely smashed and shoot the shit," the shaggy-haired teen replied with a big smile. I just nodded and followed him back up to my room.


An hour into our drinking escapade, I realized something; Evan was like my moon and you were like my sun. You were the sun in this instance because you were so big and bright and warm in my life and even on the sunniest of days, I still never felt like I belonged in your light, and the sun will always set. Evan, my moon, was always there. He was there during the day and rose during the night. He wasn't cold, but not warm, and still shone almost just as bright at the right times. He was constant, you came and went. I needed the moon more than the sun.

"Have you ever wondered what it would be like if there was no moon?" I asked outloud after that thought, taking a drink.

"There would be an infinite amount of daytime and no waves," Evan replied with a lazy grin. I shook my head, swallowing before crawling onto his lap.

"That's not even it, really. There would be no day and night cycle so therefor no seperate days. It would be continuous, boring and tiring. That's why I'm glad that there is a moon. And I think you're my moon," I murmured. I could feel myself getting drunk.

"I'm your moon? Why the moon?" He asked, wrapping his arms around me and kissing my forehead.

"Because my days end with you and begin with you and you're always there, never setting. I mean yeah the moon disappears on the horizon but even on the sunniest and clearest days, it can always be seen. You're there at 4 in the morning when I'm breaking down and still there at 1 PM when I'm cooking. You're not just with me when it's convienient for you. I can never not think about you," I spat out. I covered my mouth and shook my head. "I talk way too much.." I giggled, feeling fuzzy.

"You're so fucking amazing, El," was all the shaggy-haired teen said before he kissed me. Hard. After we kissed for a good minute, I pulled away and my blue eyes met his hazel eyes and I blinked slowly.

"I love you..." I said, shaking my head after a split second. "And you don't have to love me and I know it's only been a few days or weeks or whatever but I love you and you're my moon." I explained, slowly starting to freak out.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, El, calm down. Who ever said I didn't love you? And also, whoever the fuck said there is a certain amount of time required in order to love someone? Because that, frankly, is bullshit. I love you, too, El. You're my moon and my stars and this is the happiest I've been in a long time," Evan replied as he placed his hands on the side of my face, fingers slipping into my hair. I began to cry, for no real god damned reason. "What's wrong? Why are you crying?" His mood changed, worried.

"Don't worry no it's fine.. I just... I fucked up so bad and you picked up the pieces and you make my heart swell and I've never felt this amount of love from anyone. Not even my dad..." I murmured, looking at his eyes some more before closing my own and gently pressing my forehead onto his own.

"Make love to me, El," Evan whispered into my ear. I melted. I just nodded, moving so I was facing him and straddling him. He was up against my bed on the floor so I could lean into him as much as I needed to and I felt like I did need to. We kissed passionately and with every breath our clothes fell away. Our skin felt good together and my fingers found themselves tangled up in his now beany-less hair. It was love, some sort of fucked up teenaged love but it was love.

Evan, my moon.
Me, his stars.
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