Ronnie The Rapist

Andy the freak

"Camels!" Andy ran into a pole thinking it was indeed a platypus.

"Wow, you emo, why is your hair so black?" Dany yelled.

"Why are you so mean? I'm not ugly!"

"Nobody said you were." Andy freaked out when he heard Ronnie's voice.

"I'm going to rape you." Ronnie said as he opened his..."arms" and walked towards Andy. Andy ran away.

"Ronnie is a rapist!" Some kid shouted.

"So? I'm just a person!" Ronnie said as he touched a kid on his..."arm". The kid punched him in his..."mouth".

Andy started crying because nobody except a molester liked him.

"I want a mustache!" Andy cried.

"I just want to rape somebody!" Ronnie cried. "Hey got a rabbit I could...use? I'll give it back."

"No," Andy said while looking back, "but I got a dad..."

"Ok, thanks babe."

*Andy hears screams*


Everyone started throwing raw eggs at Andy. Andy cried and Ronnie started thinking about rabbits.

Wacky and Evry...night were Andy's only friends.

Why? You ask.

Well let's just say they enjoyed each others company... very much.

The friends started talking about the rapist going around town.

"I wonder why he likes you. You're uglier than my..."uncle"." Evrynight said.

"'re...ugly." Wacky said.

They all heard a knock at the window. "It's me beautiful, "open up"..." Ronnie whispered.


Andy told his mom about the incident at school and his mom shot Ronnie. He liked it but she hit him in the..."arm".

Then Andy's mom gave up and left to go to a bar with Jer (the soccer mom, jk he's really a Jew. Jk, he's in Envy On The Coast...)

Ronnie took his chance and approached Andy.

"Oh hell no..." Andy panicked.

"I need you. You are my new RB. (Ronnie's B*tch.) RB went to white Bob Marley (Ryan Hunter-Envy On The Coast.)" Ronnie said while stroking Andy's..."hair".

"I'm not GAY!" Andy screamed.

"You can be just for tonight!...BOINK!" Ronnie shouted suddenly.

"What are you talking about?" Andy asked.

"It's time for some lessons."

"Yeah, in what?" Andy asked.

"Um, y'know, let's go to the park and find out. " Ronnie trailed off.


"Ok, now you just have to sit down." Ronnie said smiling.

Andy did.

"Now crawl up to the..."tree"."

Andy did.

"Now shoot the..."squirrel"."

"*high pitch voice* OK! I LIKE EXPLORING!"

"Yeah, too bad no one cares! Freak!"

Suddenly, Jer walked over and saw Ronnie touching Andy's..."foot".

"What are you doing! He's just a child!" Jer said.

"I'm giving him a...pedicure!" Ronnie said.


Andy ran into Jer's "arms".

Ron was very upset by this. So he grabbed Jer's..."bass" and shoved it up (down) his..."throat".

Jer started gagging. He said with his arms flailing. "Get it out of my mouth it hurts!" Ronnie obeyed.

"If you ever make my RB run away again, I will rape him even more!"

"Please don't! I'm just a little boy!" Andy started crying.

"Exactly..." Ronnie said while moving towards Andy. Jer ran away.

"I'm glad he didn't see any of this..."

Andy ran just before Ronnie kissed his..."face".

He ran all the way to his friend Evry's house. Instead of Evry opening the door, it was Ronnie. So, that is the story of Ronnie the Rapist.

THE END *screams*

Even though this story may be funny, it's a real issue. So hide your kids and hide your..."wives."

"Please, I'll do anything just don't..."

"Too late babe!"

♠ ♠ ♠
Even though this story may be funny, it's a real issue. So hide your kids and hide your..."wives."

"Please, I'll do anything just don't..."

"Too late babe!"