


“If I were to say that I don’t do this often, would you believe me?” Kelly nodded far quicker than she would have liked.

Let’s face it. She was just an eighteen year old girl, fresh out of high school, and in the presence of most likely the most talented and fucking gorgeous man she has ever seen. She knew her best friend was waiting for her after the show so they could drive back home, but it wasn’t like anyone got this opportunity very often.

Pete Wentz saw Kelly in the very front row of the pit, her eyes closed as she belted out every damn word to every damn song. He knew the risk he was taking. She could have been a radical fangirl who would only give him the time of day purely because of who he was. He knew that is was wrong of him to be so attracted to a girl he knew nothing about. He knew that the guys would kill him if they found out he hooked up with a fan.

But he didn’t care. He wanted her.

He wanted her bad.

He gave her a small smile before he pushed his body closely against hers, causing her back to gently collide against the side of the bus. He slowly closed the distance between their lips and Kelly could have sworn she felt a spark. She couldn’t believe what was happening. She was kissing her inspiration, the man who’s music kept her company on the lonely nights.

His fingers desperately reached for her hips just as he was violently pushed away from her.

“What the fuck, dude?” Pete yelled as he looked over at a very pissed looking Andy.

“Bus call. We’re leaving,” he said through gritted teeth as he sent a deathly glance at Kelly, immediately sending a shudder through her thin body. Pete nodded and looked at the ground until Andy disappeared on the bus so they were alone together again.

“You got a cell, babe?”

Kelly nodded and handed him her phone. He typed in it for a moment before handing it back.

“Text me when you can, okay? Let me know you made it home safe.”

Her heart fluttered at his kind words. She knew the potential of it all being in the hopes that he gets into her pants, but she didn’t object. “Thanks,” she told him sincerely. “I’ll text you.”

Pete let out a small sigh of relief at her composure. God knows he didn’t need his phone number to get leaked again. He leaned forward and hugged her, whispering a goodbye in her ear before climbing onto the bus. She was left there, alone, completely out of breath.

She just kissed Pete Wentz. He wanted her to be safe.

He most importantly wanted to speak to her again. Soon.

Kelly walked, chest out, head high, to her best friend’s car, fully prepared for whatever harsh words would fly out of her mouth.

And not a single fuck would be given.
♠ ♠ ♠
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