Love with Secrets

Chapter 2

Someone yelled my name and I turned around to find my friends Mara and Jeff awaiting me with Billy behind them. I approached them as they looked suspiciously at me and them back at Billy.
“This morning, I saw and Billy outside the boys bathroom hugging…what is going on?” questioned Mara.
“Yea! Aisha, I am so jealous of you. You are dating someone as cute as Billy,” said Jeff.
Okay…My mind was asking me a lot of questions. I glanced at Billy and he was standing behind the two detectives, grinning.
“First…I am not dating Billy. I.M.P.O.S.S.I.B.L.E. Second, it was just a friend hug kind of thing. Third, Jeff, you don’t need to be jealous, I’ll hook you up with my Princess Billy anytime you like,” I joked.
Jeff made a face and walked off.

Mara embraced me tightly as I saw Billy grinning even wider than before from the corner of my eye. He got closer and split me and Mara apart.
“Hey! How have you been doing Aisha. I missed you soooooo much. How was your summer?”
“I missed you too Mara. It was the same, boring and lonely. Tell me how was yours?” I asked.
Billy once again came in and said that his summer had been great and he thanked us for asking him, sarcastically.

I patted his cheeks as I got into a long conversation with Mara and ended up skipping first period to talk to her. Though we were in the same class, we sat in the cafeteria, with Billy not wanting to leave us. We talked about many things but it wasn’t long when I realized that Billy fell asleep on my shoulder. We woke him up and headed for class. It was fourth period now and I sat in a corner, surrounded by guys on the side.

The kid sitting in front of me was named Leo. I knew him since seventh grade but hadn’t actually talked to him until that day. It was nice to make new friends. The other kid was Nick and I had been talking to him since eighth grade. We were in the same class, the third one next to me was Jerome. Jerome(pronounced as : Je-rome) was a super-dooper-ooper-smooper hot looking guy. He was the hottie of the school. Each and every single one of the girls had a crush on him. When he talked to a girl, he never took no for an answer. I was different. I never saw anything in him that made me fall in love with him. I mean, sure was hot, was super cute and good looking, had a sexy attitude…but, it wasn’t enough to make me fall in love. Maybe it was but Jerome just wasn’t the perfect guy I was looking for. I thought of him as rather pathetic.

He never liked it when I said no to him every time he asked me a question. Agreed that was a Marshall Arts champion but that didn’t chance the fact that I didn’t have to listen to him. I was quick to be friends with Leo and Nick. Nick was my homework copying buddy and Leo was my sharing food(Billy and I shared food every day but this was different) and talking on the phone buddy. I would talk with him on the phone more in one night than I would talk to Mara and Jeff combined in like a year.

It was a great life until…
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Hello again...2 chapters in 45 proud of myself!
i know the chapters are small but i am not looking forward to writing like a new novel so they will be relatively short...sorry if that is disappointing!(i think)..........want to guess what happens next?