Love with Secrets

Chapter 8

All of the girls looked at me with jealousy and…

Zach gave me a sweetest and the warmest smile and the best I-live-you smile as I felt the hot and harmful gaze of all of the girls in the class. I saw Mara from the corner of my eye and saw her smiling happily. We had lab desks in our chemistry class and the seating chart was arranged in a way that Mara and Adrian were sitting together. Jeff wasn’t in our class. He was in a different class. I sat on the second to last lab desk in the column to the far left of the class. Billy sat behind me and Mara and Adrian were seating in front of me. I sat to the right to the desk, near the wall and Billy sat behind me. No one sat next to him either. I went ahead and continued introducing Zach to my half-happy and half-jealous classmates.

Mr. Physics, our chemistry teacher, asked Zach to take a seat next to me because it seemed that we already knew each other, and indeed we did. Now I found a new thing to stare at during chemistry, my new partner. I was happy that he was the one sitting next to me because he was my new friend, the one I made like 5 minutes ago, and not mentioning how hot and cute he was. I loved his hair, his facial features, his body…in all, everything. It is going to be fun now, I smirked to myself.

The class started and because Mr. Physics had a habit of telling jokes in the beginning of every Chemistry class, he made one today again. He started,
“Alright here we go, what is the most important rule in chemistry?”
He waited for our response and a kid in the far right yelled,
“Reading chemistry porn?”
“No,” said Mr. Physics, “never lick the spoon!” and he broke into a great laughter by himself.
“Ok,” he continued, “here’s another one. Helium walks into a bar. The bar tender tells him that they don’t serve noble gases in the bar. Helium doesn’t react. Haha get it. It doesn’t react because it’s a noble gas. Okay okay, one more. What did the mad scientist said when he found 2 isotopes of helium? HeHe….get it? HeHe because Helium doesn’t react with anything?” he laughed for a good 30 seconds before finally quieting down.
“Alright,” he said, “sorry for making bad chemistry jokes because all the good ones Argon…haha get it? A.R. G.O.N – Argon like are gone?”

He saw our not so laughing faces and continued the class while making more chemistry jokes here and there. I liked Mr. Physics. He was awesome and he was the best.

I didn’t pay attention the rest of the class because I was too busy staring at Zach’s beautiful face as he tried to pay attention in class. I wasn’t worried about not paying attention in Chemistry and failing because when it came to Chemistry, I was born good.

I was leaning on Billy’s desk now and my long, straight, and silky hair was lying on this desk. He scooted closer to his desk and put his head on my hair. He put his arm around my waist from under his desk. It was possible for him because he was tall. He sat like that for a moment.

It wasn’t very bothering because I had barely noticed or I did notice but was just too much into Zach to say anything. My heart beat very loudly when I was around Zach. Sometimes, I felt that he could hear it. I had promised myself not to fall in love right after I saw Mara and Adrian getting all lovey-dovey in chemistry class…about 10 minutes ago, but now every time I looked at Zach, I couldn’t stop looking. Aisha, you better NOT be falling in love with the guy you just met, I told myself, am I falling in love with Zach? I questioned myself and then looked at his face again.

I think Billy saw me looking at Zach because I felt him tighten his grip around my waist as he pulled me up against the front of his desk. He slowly slid his fingers under my white untouched shirt and my pencil fell out of my hand. I bent down to pick it up when he pulled me back up and got my pencil for me. Billy handed me the pencil and went back with his fingers under my shirt. He sat there carefully caressing the smooth skin around my belly button as the bell rang. Class was officially over and before I could move or tell Billy to stop, Zach turned to me with a smile. His smile started to fade as he saw Billy’s head on top of my hair, and his hands under my shirt.

Zach got out of his seat and looked at Billy as Billy returned his gaze by a cold stare…
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sorry....i apologize deeply for the delay in putting up the next chapter.....i just had finals and i am truly sorry especially to u(u know who u r...Mara :P)

isn't it ironic, the chemistry teacher's name is Mr. Physics....i thought that was hilarious......i am a GeNIUS.....get it....Ge is an is N and I and U and S :P

thnxx for reading :P
comment and tell me if anything is wrong.....besides the grammar of course.....bad grammar was done by me on purpose.....