Behind the Bleachers

First Day of School

About a month after the funeral Regan was settled in her grandma's house in California. She has to start school again, all the way across the coutnry. She already misses her friends from Florida.

She realises she woke up an hour late, so she takes a shower and pulls her natural blonde curls in a pony tail, grabs an apple to eat for breakfast, and heads out the door with her grandma.

She gets in the car that smells just like her grandmas house, too much perfume and ancient. They pull up to the school.

"Sweetie do you want me to go in with you?" Her grandma asks her.

"No, umm that's okay grandma. I love you." She says as she shuts the door. She heads for the front doors of the school when she notices a group of three girls staring at her.

"What the hell are you looking at?" Regan says to the brunette girl who looked like the "head" of the group.

"Obvously you, are you new here?" The girl says.

"Yeah, I moved here from florida." Regan says.

"Oh, I'm Jessie, these are my friends Natalie and Erica." She points to the girls.

"I'm Regan." Regan says. She starts walking away, when Jessie grabs her arm.

"Wait, um, I wanted to know if you could sit with us at lunch." Jessie said.

"Oh, um yeah sure." Regan said, trying to hide her excitment.

"Well, there is one condition for sitting at our table." Jessie said.

"Oh, um what?" Regan says.

"We don't EVER wear our hair in ponytails." Jessie says. She grabs a brush out of her bag.

"Oh, um, yeah sorry i woke up late so i took a shower and-" Jessie interrupts Regan.

"Just take down your hair, I don't need the deets." Jessie says. Regan shrugs her shoulders and pulls out her hair. She grabs the brush and burshes her hair.

"Wow your hair is so pretty!" Jessie says as she grabs the brush out of Regans hand and snaps.

"Come on girls." Natalie and Erica start following her like little puppy dogs into the school.

"Um, bye." Regan says after they are gone.


I get out of the lunch line and see Jessie sit down in between Natalie and Erica. Across from them are three guys. I start walking towards them and I see a really hot guy with shiny brown hair and stare at him as he walks by. He smiles a really cute smile at me and then walks up to me.

"Well, hi there I'm Michael." He says.

" I'm Regan." I say, knowing my face is beet red.

"Hi Regan. Do you want to sit with me at lunch?" Micael says.

"Um..well. I kind of already promised to sit with someone." I say to him.

"Who?" Michael asks.

"Her name Jessi. I don't know her last name, but she's right over there." I direct my head towards her.

"Oh, god. She is so mean." Michael says.

"Why, um, why is she mean?" I ask.

"She does this with every new girl. She pretends to be there friend, learns their secrets and then tells the whole school." Michael says.

"Oh." I shake my head at that.

"Yeah, so do you want to sit with me?" He asks.

"Um, yeah I guess." I say with my face still red.

We walk over to a table with a boy with curly blonde hair. Micheal sits down and motions for me to sit next to him. I sit down.

"Who's the girl Michael?" The boy with curly blonde hair says while moving his eyebrows up and down.

"This is Regan." Michael says.

"Hi, Regan I'm Josh." He says with a smile, obviously trying to impress me.

"Hi." I say. The rest of the lunch period I sit mostly in silence.


I get to my 4th period class, chemistry. Finally last period of the day. I think in my head. I walk in and walk up to the front desk.

"Hi, um. I'm new here. I think your Mr.Derrulo?" I ask the teacher.

"Yes, your Regan right?" He asks.

"Yeah." I say.

"Ok. Go sit next to Michael, he is in the back over there." He points to Michael.

"Ok." I start towards the back of the room.

"Hey Michael. Apparently we are lab partners now." I say.

"Hey Regan!" He says as I sit down. The rest of the class everything I said that was funny he laughed at. And he said my smile was cute.


The last bell rings and I rush out of the classroom. When I turn the corner I see Jessie, Natalie and Erica all standing at my locker. I start walk up to my locker.

"Um, hi. Can I get to my locker, your kind of blocking it." I say.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" Jessie says.

"Um, excuse me?" I say.

"You heard me you little bitch. Now listen up. Michael is MINE! He is my ex-boyfriend. You stay away from him. Because if you want to stay friends with us, there are a list of rules." Jessie says, hands me a paper, snaps her fingers and the three of them leave. I dial the numbers on my locker, looking at my schedual. I haven't been able to open it all day.

"Damnit!" I say. I look around and notice the hallways are mostly clear. Except for Michael and Josh. Josh walks up to me.

"Hey babe, need help with your locker?" Josh says.

"Actually yeah, that would be nice, thanks." I say. "My numbers are 13-" Michael pushes Josh out of the way.

"Josh is a player, so what are your numbers?" Michael says.

"13-22-30" I say. Michael spins the dials and opens my locker. He gestures like he opened it like it was magic.

"It's magic." Michael says.

"Thanks. Pretty much. This damn thing barely opened all day." I say laughing.

"If you need any more help my locker is just around the corner. I can show you it if you want." He says.

"No not right now sorry. My grandma's probably worrying about me." I say.

"Okay bye, see you tomorrow." He says.


When I get home I open up the note of rules Jessie gave me.


Rule#1: Never wear your hair up

Rule#2: Never talk to one anothers ex-boyfriends

Rule#3: Never dress ugly

Rule#4: ALWAYS sit with us or you'll never sit with us again


I crumple the note up and throw it away in my trash can. Just then I get an e-mail from my best friend Ally.

Hey:) How did your first day go? Imy:'(

I reply: Omg too much to talk about, video chat me!

She answers my call:

"Hey" She says.

"Hey. So there is a lot to tell you. Okay so when i first got there some bitch was like hey, your pretty with your hair down...bla...bla..bla. And she invited me to lunch but when I was waling towards the lunch table this REALLY hot guy named Michael stopped me and was like, this girl is fake. Apparently they used to date. She gave me this stupid list with four rules. Number one, never wear your hair up. Number two, never talk to one anothers ex-boyfriends. Number three, never dress ugly and number four, Always sit with them at lunch or I won't sit with them at all."

"Wow, she sounds awful! Are you actually gonna follow those rules?" Ally asks.

"Hell no. I'd rather sit with the guy." I say

"Yeah I would too. Oh, my mom is telling me I need to go to bed. It's 1:00 a.m. here." Ally says.

"Oh yeah.. sorry. Goodnight." I say.

"Night."She says and then hangs up.

I turn off my laptop and go to bed.
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