Behind the Bleachers

The Weekend

I get to school and go straight to my locker. It's finally friday! I think. I shut my locker and head to first period.


After second period I go to lunch and head straight to Micheal's table. Trying to completely avoid eye contact with Jessie's table. I get to the table and sit next to Micheal.

"Hey Regan!" Micheal says.

"Hey Micheal. How has your day been?" I ask.

"Awesome! Hey I wanted to ask you something." Micheal asks.

"Yeah sure. What?" I ask.

"Would you like to go to the movies on Saturday? Just me and you?" He asks.

"Oh, um yeah. Sure!" I say blushing.

"Do you have a cell-phone so I can get your number?" He asks.

"Yeah. If you stop by my locker after 4th period I can give it to you." I say.

"Okay." He says.

"See you in chem." I say. As I go to dump my tray. I turn around and see Jessie and the girls.

"Hello Jessie" She says like my name is disgusting.

"Hey, I'm not looking for a fight just let me go. No drama please?" I say.

"Lemme guess, he asked you out to a movies, maybe, Saturday?" She says. I get freaked out. How did she know that. Lots of people go to movies on Saturday's. I still ask.

"How did you know that?" I ask.

"That's the first date. It's a routine. Your just another one of the girls that he'll date, and then break up with in like a week." She says.

"I don't believe you." I say.

"Believe whatever you want. I'm just warning you." She says as she snaps her fingers and walks away.


I walk into 4th period and walk to up to the lab table and sit down.

"Hey!" Micheal says.

"Hey, um I have a question. Are you just going to date me for like a week and then dump me? Because Jessie told me that you take all your first dates to the movies." I say.

"No of course not." Just then the bell rings and we turn our attention to the teacher, Mr. Derrulo.

"Alright class today we aren't doing any experiments we are learning a new unit on monday. Everyone get out your textbooks." He says. I raise my hand.

"Yes Regan?" He asks.

"I don't have a textbook." I say.

"I'll have to order a new one, but while we are waiting why don't you share with micheal." He says.

"Okay thanks." I say. I scoot closer to Micheal and read along with the teacher.


After class Micheal follows me to my locker. I rip out a little piece notebook paper and write down my number and address.

"Thanks. I'll text you when I'll pick you up." He says.

"Okay, bye." I say.



I wake up. It's saturday. I think. I roll over on my side and grab my cell-phone to see what time it is. 12:03 a.m. And 2 text messages. I open up the first one. It's from Ally. Sent at 12:00.

Hey girlie. Just woke up. Got any plans with anybody this weekend? *ahem*Micheal.?

I reply: Me too. I just woke up. And yeah. Movies tonight with micheal!

She replies back: No way!! Have fun. I have to go to softball. It's so sad w/o Megan. :( R.i.p.

I cringe when I read Megans name.

I reply: I will thanks. R.I.P. Megan. I love her:'(

She texts back: Cheer up girlie. Things happen for a reason. Maybe it was so you could meet Micheal. But I really have to go. Bye <3

I text back: Bye-bye<3

I check the other text message. It's from Micheal.

Hey, be ready at 6. The movie starts at 8. I have a suprise for you. :)

Ok, I will. see you at 6

okay. byebye



At 4 I get out of the shower and look in my closet. I find a cute bright pink blouse in my closet and get out a cute tight black skirt. I brush my hair and decide to put in bobby pins to pin back that sides and let my hair air dry. I put in Megans gold hoop earrings that she never let me wear and become suddenly sad, but then remember what Ally told me. I put on some top eye-liner and light brown eye shadow to match my brown eyes. I put on blush and then I put on tons of mascara and top it off with the bright pink lip-stick my mom never let me wear. I find 1 inch black heels and put them and see that they magically fit me. I find my black little purse I got for $10 dollars at claires. ______________________________________________________________________________

I walk down the stairs at 5:55, hoping and praying that Micheal is taking me out to dinner before the movie. Just then there is a knock at the door.

"I'll get it grandma!" I yell up the stairs.

"Okay honey, have fun on your date. Don't be out past midnight."

"Okay." I say. I walk to the door and open it. I look at him and he has on black jeans, a black shirt with a print of a bow-tie on it and his hair is spiked up in the front.

"Wow, you look beautiful. Here." He says and hands me a red rose.

"Thank you, um, for the rose and calling me pretty." I say blushing.

"You're not just pretty, your beautiful." He says.

"Thanks. Um are you taking me to eat because I didn't eat because I didn't know if you were taking me to dinner."

"Actually, um no. We aren't going out to eat." He says.

"Oh crap, do you mind if I heat up something to eat real quick?" I say.

"Yeah I do! We are going on a picnic." He says.

"At 6 o'clock?" I ask.

"I know it sounds crazy! But it will be fun. It starts to get dark in 15 minutes. Let's go!" He says.

"Okay." I say. I shut the front door and start walking towards his car. It's a black prius. I start to open my door.

"Woah, woah, woah. I got your door." He says and opens my door.

"Thanks." I say as I get into the car. He shuts the door and walks over to the drivers side. He starts the car and pulls out of the drive.

"So I never did ask you how old you were, I mean since your a sopmore you have to be 16 or something." Micheal asks me.

"Yeah I'm 16. I haven't gotten my licence yet though. I still have my permit. It's kind of a long story." I say. I was going to get my licence the weekend it happened. I didn't want to tell him that yet.

"Oh, We have time it's a 15 minute drive." He says.

"No sorry, I'm not ready to talk about it yet. It's kind of personal. I'll eventually tell you, just not right now." I say.

"Oh okay, well I'm always here." He says. He turns on the country station and starts singing. Something bout a truck.

"Oh so you listen to country?" I ask him.

"Yeah it's a secret, don't tell anyone!" He says.

"Okay it's cool. I love country music me and my sis-" I stop in the middle of the sentence.

"What?" He asks.

"Nothing." I say.

"Oh, okay." He says. About ten minutes later it's starting to get dark and we are at a beach. He gets out and goes around the car and opens my door.

"Thanks this place is beautiful!" I say. I grab my purse and get out. I get out my cell-phone and see that it is 6:16. He pops the trunk and grabs a picnic basket. He shuts the trunk and locks his car and comes over to me.

"So what exactly are we gonna do for an hour and 45 minutes? And I got dressed up I'm not sitting in the sand!" I say.

"Yeah you are." He says. He puts a sheet down on the ground and starts unpacking the picnic basket. By now it is dark, so he gets out 2 candles and lights them. He pulls out 2 penut butter and jelly sandwiches and 2 juiceboxes. I laugh when I see the juiceboxes.

"What's so funny? You think I can cook? Nope, and the juiceboxes are my 6 year old sister's." He says.

"Maybe I could meet her sometime." I say as I open up the penut butter and jelly sandwhich. I take a bite.

"No, you don't want to meet her. She is annoying and thinks she is the only girl that I can ever havve in my life other than my mom." He says. I giggle at that.

"She's over-protective. How cute" I say.

After I finish my sandwhich and drink my juicbox we clean up and Micheal picks up the sheet. We walk back to the car and he unlocks the doors and puts the picnic stuff in the trunk then opens my door. I get in and he shuts the door then goes around and gets in the drivers side. I check to see what time it is. It's 7:30.

"We will probably get to the movies around 7:45." I say as he starts the car.

"Yeah. So did you like the candles?" He asks me.

"Yeah, I did. Oh crap what movie should we see?" I say.

"Bat-man The dark night." He says.

"Awesome! I want to see that movie so bad!"

When we get to the movies he opens my door up and we go inside. We wait in line and Micheal asks for two tickets for batman. We order a large popcorn and a large pop and put 2 straws in it. By the time we get into the movie, it is just about to start.


We pull up to my house 11:30.

"Do you want me to walk you to your door?" Micheal asks me.

"Yeah sure." I say. He comes around and opens my door as I grab my purse and step out of the car. We walk up to the door.

"Well, bye..I guess." I say.

"Bye." Micheal says as he leans in to kiss me. I panic and jerk my head to the side.

"What was that for?" He asks.

"I don't got scared. Um goodnight Micheal." I say as I walk inside.

"Bye." Micheal says. I shut the door and pull out my phone. I text Ally:

Hey girl. the date was awesome. he took me to a beach and we had a picnic in the dark and he had candles. then we went to see bat-man. He walked me up to the front door and tried to kiss me. I got scared and turned my head. Ive never kissed anyone before. I think he hates me.

She replies: I don't think he hates you. On monday just tell him that you've never kissed anyone before and you got scared. If he doesn't understand then he just is a jerk.It's like 130 a.m. here and i'm tired. gn

I reply: gn.


I wake up on sunday at 10:30. I watch a movie with my grandma. I decide to text Micheal.

Do you hate me Micheal. I am sorry I turned my head. I was scared I've never kissed any1. I hope you understand

He replies:I understand. Maybe we can go mini-golfing next saturday. I g2g do a bunch of chores. see ya at school tomorrow. <3

I reply: Okay thanks for understanding<3
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