Behind the Bleachers


I grab an apple and head out the door with my grandma. I walk outside and see Micheal leaning against his car waiting for me.

"Oh my god, Micheal! What are you doing here?" I ask him.

"I want to take you to school from now on, that is if your grandma is okay with it." He says asking my grandma. I secretly hope she will say no to prevent the awkwardness of the car ride to school with him.

"Oh, thank you young man. I would be okay with it." My grandma says. "Your Micheal right?" She asks.

"Yes, I am. I'm the one that took Regan on the date Saturday night." He says.

"Oh, yes. Well it's nice to meet you and thanks." My grandma says.

"Your welcome." He says.

"Thanks grandma, I'll see you after school. Are you going to pick me up?" I ask my grandma.

"Actually, I'm offering to take you home too. Everyday." Micheal says.

"Oh. Okay. I'll see you when you get home sweetie. Pay attention during class okay?" My grandma says to me.

"Alright grandma. Thanks." I say. Micheal opens the door for me and I get in. He shuts the door and goes around to the drivers side.

"So, Regan. Do you want to be my girlfriend?" Micheal asks me.

"Um, oh, um, yeah sure." I say blushing. Micheal stops the car suddenly.

"What are you doing?" I ask him.

"What do you say, we skip school and go to the fair in San Diego today?" He asks.

"Well, I've skipped school before when I was in florida, but I just started school last week and I want to make a good impression.

"Why don't you just call yourself in sick. Pretend to be your grandma?" He asks.

"Well, um, I guess I will." I say. I pull out my phone and call the school and call myself in sick. I have a temp of 102 today.

"Wow, your good at that." He says.

"Practice makes perfect I guess." I say.


We get to San Diego and pull into a mall parking lot to the fair.

"I've never been to a California carnival." I admit to Micheal after he opens my door.

"Don't worry you'll love it." He says. He puts out his hand for me to hold. I start to debate whether or not to take and decide to. We walk up to a ticket booth.

"Can I have two unlimited bracelets please?" Micheal asks.

"That will be $40." The woman says.

"Oh, Micheal that's a lot of money do you want me to pitch in some money?" I ask him.

"Now what kind of a boyfriend would I be if I had my girlfriend pay for part of her own ticket on a suprise date?" He asks. I have to think about that question.

"Well, none. I guess, unless your a jerk." I say.

"That's right. I'm not a jerk." Micheal kisses my cheek. I blush and stick my hand out to get the wristband.

"Thank you." I say, directing it towards Micheal and the lady.

"Your welcome." The lady says.

"Your welcome sweetie." Micheal says. I blush.

"So what first, the ferris wheel, or do you want me to win you a giant teddy bear?" He asks.

"Well, both sounds nice, but how am I going to bring a giant teddy bear in my house and explain it to my grandma?" I ask.

"Hmm. Ferris wheel it is. Sorry." He says. We go to the ferris wheel.


We get up to a stand that says Funnel Cakes.

"Want a funnel cake?" Micheal asks me.

"Depends, how much are they?" I ask him.

"Don't worry about it." He says. He turns to the guy at the counter.

"1 funnel cake please." He says and pulls out his wallet.

"That will be 3 dollars and 99 cents." The guy says.

"Micheal you don't have to do this." I say. Micheal just kisses my cheek and hands the guy a 5 dollar bill. He gets the funnel cake and we sit at a table.


After we eat Micheal tells me to close my eyes and hold his hand. I do. He leads me around and it seems like hours pass by. I hear him say, "Excuse me" To a bunch of people. We stop suddenly.

"Open your eyes." Micheal says. I open my eyes and we are inside a huge tent.

"Oh my gosh a circus! No way!" I say to Micheal. Just then the lights dim and the show begins.


We go up to a photo booth and Micheal puts in $3.00.

"Spending more money on me I see." I say.

"Making more memories for us. Now smile!" He says. I smile in the first one, kiss his cheek in the second one, make a peace sign in the third and Micheal tickles me so we are both laughing in the fourth one.. We get out of the photo booth and take the two prints of our pictures.

"I love them so much Micheal! Thank you!" I say.

"Your welcome." Micheal says. I pull out my phone and realise it is almost three.

"Hey, I think we need to go!" I say and show him my phone.

"Okay. Come on." He says.


We pull up to my house and I grab my backpack and head up to the front door. Micheal walks me up.

"I had a great time today." I say.

"Me too." Micheal grabs both my hands.

"Are you ready to kiss me yet?" Micheal asks me. I nod my head and he leans in to kiss me. Our lips lock and I suddenly feel like I'm flying. I never knew a kiss would be this magical. I've kissed when I was little, but that was usually just a peck. And it never meant anything as much as this did because it was usually a dare. He pulls away.

"Wow." I say blushing.

"I'll see you tomorrow at school." Micheal says.

"Yeah, thanks for everything today." I say.

"Your welcome. Bye." He says.



After dinner I go upstairs to my bedroom and grab my laptop. I see that Ally is online on video chat so I call her.

"Oh my god! Hi!' I say.

"Hey. What's up?" Ally says.

"Oh my gosh! I had my first kiss! And I skipped school with Micheal." I say.

"What? Where did you go?" She asks.

"We went to a fair, and when he walked me up to the door he asked me if I was ready for a kiss and I said yeah. And it was magical!" I say.

"I know! My first kiss was like that too!" She says.

"Well I'm tired from today. Goodnight!" I say.

"Night." She says. I hang up and turn off my lamp and go to sleep.
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