Behind the Bleachers

My birthday

The rest of the week goes by in a blur and soon enough it's Friday. I look at the date during second period and realise that my 16th birthday is tomorrow. How could I have forgotten. The bell rings for lunch and I head to the lunch line. After I pay for my lunch I head to the table.

"Hey Micheal, hey Josh." I say as I sit down.

"Hey babe!" Micheal says. He kisses me on the cheek when I sit down.

"Hey Regan." Josh says.

"So guess what?" I say.

"What?" Micheal says.

"My birthday is tomorrow and I can't believe it but I just realised it today. I don't know how I can forget!" I say.

"Oh. That means that there is an excuse for me to not have a present for you." He says.

"Well, yeah I guess." I say.


After school we head to Micheals car.

"Sorry, I wish I would have remembered my birthday." I say.

"No babe it's okay." Micheal says. The whole way home it is silent. I look at Micheal and it looks like he knows something I don't know.


I get on my laptop and see that Ally is online on video chat. I call her.

"Hey!" I say.

"Hey." Ally says. In the backround I see a duffle bag and there are clothes everywhere on her bed.

"You going on vacation or something?" I ask her.

"Oh, um, yeah. My parents are going to Italy for the weekend so I am going to my Aunts house in New Jersey." She says.

"Oh. Guess what?" I say.

"What?" She says.

"Well, I just remembered that my birthday is tomorrow. I hope my grandma remembered." I say.

"Oh, I'm sure she did hun. What kind of grandma would she be if she forgot your birthday?" She says.

"Well, I guess your right." I say. Just then I get a text message. It's from Micheal.

Hey babe, wanna go out for breakfast tomorrow and go back to that fair and stay all day for your b-day? I can win you that teddy bear!

Yeah! Sounds fun!

Ok i'll pick you up at 8:00 a.m. I want you to meet my family first. They are going to go too!

wow. Making me wake up at 7 on my birthday. Jk ok. I'll be ready.

"Who are you texting Regan?" Ally asks me.

"Micheal. He wants to take me to meet his family, then eat breakfast and go to a fair with him tomorrow for my birthday!" I say.

"Oh sounds fun. I have to finish packing so I'll talk to you later." Ally says.

"Okay bye!" I say.



I wake up at 7 and take a shower and get ready. I wear my favorite jean shorts and a black cami with a green and black striped shirt over it. I have my make up on and my hair is straightened when the door bell rings. I grab my earrings and start putting them in and run down the stairs. I answer the door.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY REGAN!!" Micheal says and hands me a dozen roses right as I get the second earring in.

"Aww thanks!" He kisses me.

"Come on lets go!" He says.

"BYE GRANDMA I'M LEAVING!" I yell towards the stairs.

"Alright honey have fun." She says.

"I think she forgot my birthday." I say.

"No I'm sure she didn't." He says.

"Well okay." I say.


We pull up to Village inn. Micheal walks around and opens my door for me and grabs my hand and helps me out. We hold hands and start walking towards the doors.

"What if they don't like me? What if they think I look like a slut. I should have worn capris and not shorts!" I say panicking.

"Regan, don't worry! Just be yourself. It's hot out they would think you were wierd if you were wearing capris." He says. "Whatever those are." He mutters under his breath not wanting me to hear. I giggle a little at the last part.

"Okay, I'll try." I say. Micheal opens the door for me and I walk in. We walk up to a woman with light brown hair just like Micheals and a man that's eyes are almost identical to Micheal's. There is a little girl with brown hair that looks up and gives me a dirty look and I try to shake it off.

"Hello, I'm Carrie!" His mom holds her hand out for me to shake.

"Hi I'm Regan." I shake her hand.

"Dad, Jonah, this is Regan." Micheal introduces me to his dad and little sister.

"It's very nice to meet you." I say to his dad and shake his hand.

"And you must be Jonah!" I say to his sister bending down to her level sticking my hand out for her to shake.

"Whatever." She says.

"Just ignore her, she's a little bit jelous right now." Micheal wispers in my ear. I nod my head.


After we eat we are heading out the door.

"I wanna ride with bubba!" Jonah says.

"Mom, just have her ride with you." Micheal says.

"Okay Jonah you can go with them." Micheals mom says. Micheal rolls his eyes.

"Come on, Princess Jonah." He says.

He opens my car door and Jonah slides in the front seat.

"No Jonah, get in the back." Micheal says.

"Whatever." She says. She gets out and stands in front of the back door. I slide in the front seat and Micheal shuts my door.

"Thanks." I say.

"Your welcome." He goes around to her door and opens it for her.

"Thank you bubba!" She says.

"Whatever Jonah just get in." He says.

The whole car way we listen to her Big Time Rush c.d. and she kicks my seat. I don't say anything because I don't want to be rude.


After the fair Micheal pulls up to my house. I tell him goodnight and thanks for everything. I open the front door and turn on the light to the living room.

"SUPRISE!" I hear people screaming. I see a sign that says 'Happy 16th Birthday Regan!' I look around and see a bunch of my friends from my old school and Ally.

"OH MY GOSH!! Thanks everyone!! ALLY!" I run up to Ally and give her a hug.

"I missed you so much!" She says. "And who is that?" She says pointing to the door. I turn around and see Micheal standing there.

"Oh," I say, "This is my boyfriend, I uh think, Micheal. Micheal this is my best friend from Florida, Ally." I say.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you! I mean, we've met on the phone, but-" Ally says.

"You did what?" I interrupt her.

"How else do you think we could have made the suprise. We needed someone to take you out all day so we could decorate." Ally says.

"Oh you guys! Thanks!" I say.

"Don't forget me! I helped plan it too!" My grandma comes up to me and gives me a kiss on the forehead.

"Thanks so much grandma!" I say and give her a hug.

"Why don't you come in the garage with me?" My grandma says. I follow my grandma to the garage with Micheal and Ally following behind me. We finally reach the door and my grandma opens the door and turns on the light. A 2004 ford explorer was parked there.

"Oh, wow, um grandma! Thanks! I love it." I say lying. I hated the car but I obviously wasn't going to say it to my grandma. I heard Ally giggle and I look at her with a look saying 'stop'. She instantly makes a fake serious face. I look at Micheal and he is trying so hard not to laugh.

"Why don't you take it for a test drive?" My grandma asks.

"Oh thats ok grandma. My feet are sore from walking all day." I say.

"I hate it." I say to them as we walk into the kitchen to grab some punch.

"It's not that bad." Micheal says.

"Yeah, you can fit a lot of people in it!" Ally says fake agreeing with Micheal.

"Now lets tell the truth." I say.

"It's terrible." Ally says.

"It's ugly." Micheal says.

"How do I tell my grandma I hate it, without actually saying I hate it." I say.

"Well honestly it's kind of impossible." Micheal says.

"Just tell her the truth, hopefully she'll understand." Ally says.

"Well I guess I could just tell her the truth." I say.

"Well anyways, how long are you staying Ally?" I ask her.

"For the weekend. That's what I was packing for when we were videochatting. I lied, we all know my parents can't afford a trip to Paris." She says.

"Well obviously I wasn't thinking straight." I said. Come on lets go dance. I go up to my room and grab a bunch of my mix c.d.'s and take out my grandmas c.d. and put in one of mine. A slow song comes on and Micheal asks me to dance with him.

After I dance with Micheal, we all pretty much lose it. We all start dancing like crazy.
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