
chapter 1

Michelle and I had always been friends. And when I say always I mean always. We had ran around in diapers together. But she was a diffrent race than I ,she was white and I was black. We were forbidden and we were to always be that way no matter what. My mom was suppose to clean her house while her mother told her what to clean and what to do. But let's get real its 2012 and who are the other races to tell use what to do. I think not. Her mother was fine with us being friends but, her father was the most racist, horrible,belittling person I had ever met. Or glimpsed at. It was December, 3, days before christmas and my mom had went and bought the Klents each a present . Michelle a doll, Her mother some make up, and her father some tools. You know, the classics. Her mom had went right into the restroom and tried her's on while Michelle had played and combed her doll, but her dad thrusted his tool package to the wall while made a hole. I gasped and immediately started crying. Even though I didnt buy the gifts it still hurt. I gave them gifts and he had the nerve to grunt. And not even say thank you. That hurt, so my mom just said your welcome to the Klents and we walked out the door. And when we got home my mom told me dont be sad. It was just that Mr. Klent was racist and that night is when I decided me and Michelle were forbidden friends, we were meant to be enemies.
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I hope you like it guys