Status: hmmph

Sacred Words

This was based off a story by my dear Mibba-friend-mom-older-sister-thing CJ, which can be found here. This girl has inspired me in so many ways that most of my stories are secretly based off hers (you guys honestly thought that Mona Lisa Bird was wholly my own creation, didn't you?). This time I'll give her credit, because Sacred Blue holds a special place in my heart. The crying place, most specifically.

This story is about a little bit fictional. I won't say how much I made up and how much I just word-barfed onto a paper, but it's not all real. I should give character credit to the real people in it... meh... that description isn't THAT detailed. You couldn't look at all of my friends and pick the right person out instantly.



P.S. I'm sick of making all my stories sequels of each other >:(
  1. "and we're greeted with open arms in this world"
    I oughta write a story about that story.