Status: Hiatus.

No Direction


Amelia's Point of View

I loved ghost stories, scary stories, scary movies, whatever you wanted to call them. They were the one thing that I remembered from my childhood. I could go to any sleepover and be the main attraction just for knowing so many. The whole travelling bit helped too, getting to know stories from all over the place.

Niall vanished after running into the door, and eventually everyone decided to go to sleep. Louis brought me back to his room, smiling at me as he tugged me inside.

We changed on opposite sides of the bed, sending glances at each other every once in awhile.

I sighed as we climbed into the bed. “Lucy still has an issue with me,” I told him as he pulled me close to him so I could rest my head on his chest.

“I'll have a chat with her,” Louis told me, running his fingers through my hair.

“No! Don't do that!” I sat up, turning around to look at him.

“Why not?” he asked, confusing dripping from his tone.

“That's like giving up...or, I don't know. You can't fight my battles for me. She needs to see it from me that I'm not just going to leave you guys forever. I get it. I understand that she's never really had a girl best friend before, and I'm a new person and I kind of scare all of you because you don't know me, and you're growing attached and I can leave at any minute. You all know that I'm not a resident here. I'm travelling.” I took a deep breath.

“I scare all of you a little bit because I can just leave. I have to prove to her that just because I'm travelling doesn't mean that she's not my friend anymore, that I'm going to leave her forever, or that I'm going to leave you. I need to talk to her. You talking to her will just make her think that I've brainwashed you into believing that I'll stay.”

“ haven't, have you?” Louis asked.

I giggled. “I'm not staying, you know that. You know I'm coming back though. Same time you're coming back. I promise.” I leaned close to him, hand resting on his chest and placed a gentle kiss on his lips.

I smiled at him, turning and resting back down on his bare chest.

“I told my dad about you today,” I spoke softly.

“You told your dad about us?” Louis questioned, his voice raising a bit. “What does that mean?”

“I think he invited you to dinner,” I giggled. “Our house is in North Dakota, so any time you're close to there, he'd be more than pleased to pick you guys up in an army truck and bring you all to a barbeque dinner. No guarantees he'll be nice, and I won't be there...but a whole bunch of pictures of me will be. And my mom's a really good mediator.” I smiled, turning my head and kissing his chest.

“I'll check to see when we're close to there and let your know so you can tell your dad to pick us up in an army truck. Harry will love that,” Louis chuckled. “I'll be terrified, of course.” He kissed my temple. I grinned, yawning.

“We're all pretty terrifying.”


The next morning I woke up before everyone else. I started on making some pancakes, turned both coffee and tea on and set about doing the dishes from the night before. Somehow there were more tea cups than I originally gave off, and a plate with a half eaten sandwich was in the sink.

As I was cleaning out the sink, I heard a huff. I turned to see Lucy walking into the kitchen.

“Do you want coffee or tea?” I asked her, sending her a smile.

“Coffee,” she stated. “Cream. Sugar.”

“Sure,” I smiled. “Did you have a nice sleep?”

“No,” she told me. “Niall crawled into bed with us. He said he was scared.”

I let out a giggle. “Poor kid.”

I set the coffee cup in front of her, pouring the cream and adding the sugar before her just in case she wanted more or less.

It was silent as I put the cream back in the fridge before she sighed.

“How was your sleep?” she asked me.

“Good. I'm not used to sleeping with someone, so a little weird, but nice. I understand why my parents don't have two comforters on their bed like I do, now.”

Lucy let a smile show before she took a sip from her cup. She paused after swallowing. “This is good,” she told me. “What is it?”

“Coffee,” I grinned at her. “With caramel shavings.”

She smiled. “Where did you get those?”

“Would it be weird if I said that I keep some in my purse?”


“I found it in a drawer.”

We both giggled.

“Oh good!” Louis walked in. “You told her you're coming back.” He smiled, leaning over and kissing my temple.

“Uhh, no. I didn't.” I bit my lip, turning quickly to Lucy. “Listen, i know you're still skeptical since I told you that I'm not sticking around. But you didn't let me explain. I really like you guys. Like, I really like you guys. And no, I'm not following you guys on tour, or whatever you semi-planned in your head, or staying in your apartment and keeping it clean while you're gone for half a year, or however long you're gone for, but I am coming back. And I'll call and Skype and send e-mails and text you and everything. So, while you're travelling, I'm travelling. And I can tell you all the cool places to go in each city, and I can get all my travelling out of the way so that when you guys are done, I can be done too and stay here. With you,” I breathed out, biting my lip, staring at her and waiting to see if she'd reply.

Her bottom lip quivered as she looked up at me. “Promise you'll come back? And you have to Skype or text me every single day at least once a day. I'll even pay for the phone bill and stuff. You're my best friend and I don't want to lose you or your friendship.”

I slowly let the smile come across my face. “I promise,” I told her, skipping over to her and hugging her tight. “Also, I'm dating your brother,” and I skipped back away from her quickly. It was always a good plan to throw the news out there. Good or bad.