Status: Let The Haunt, Begin. c;

Invisible to the Touch

1. The unexpected.

Mom and dad we're fighting again. They always do this. I try to block them out, but their screaming can most likely be heard on Mars.
"Elva! Get out here now!" The screams were getting louder, I could hear footsteps stomping closer. The door knob rattled, I could practically feel her fiery eyes burning me from the other side.
"Who do you think you are? Open this door right now!"
I couldn't take it anymore. The abuse and pain. I had to flee. Grabbing my emergency duffel, I leapt out into the saftey of the dark woods.
I breath in and out slowly. I can do this. I can do this. I sit in a small chair in the airport tapping my hands slowly on my knees, trying to keep myself busy.
"Flight 263 to Germany is now boarding." My eyes lit up. That's me. Heading to to my gate, a middle aged lady with short down hair and gleaming emerald eyes smirks and asks if I have my ticket, and I hand it to her.
"Staright on." She say's with a smile. I nod my thanks, and start walking. Stopping at the boarding door, I turn around taking one last look around. "Goodbye." I wisper and head onward.
I rub my neck. 16 hours on this flight. I stand up stretching my back. "Wow. Germany's scorching"
The streets were crowded and noisy. I slip the crumpled paper from my pocket and sigh again at the adress of my new place before calling over a cab. He speeds across Stuttgart, yelling profanitie's most likely at the other people in dutch before letting me out at my new apartment. It is a nice affordable two person apartment off of Holzstrabe ave. Waiting, for the road to clear with a few other people, I look ahead and see a girl. She's just standing there in the middle of the street.
"Hello!" I call out, but she doesn't seem to notice, "Hello. Girl!" She still dosen't hear me.
Looking to my left I spot a semi roaring down towards her, honking wildly.
"Hey! MOVE! YOU'RE GOING TO GET HIT!" But she keeps standing there. I start moving foward, maybe attempt to pull her away. But... I was to late. The Semi went right over her. I gasped, it couldn't be to late, no. I wait for the Semi to pass to see what remains of her. But when it does, she is not dead. She's on the sidewalk. Alive. Looking at me. I rub my eyes in disblief, taking another gander.. She couldn't. I mean, I seen it hit her. What, what just happened?
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Hiya! I hope you like this chapter!~