If I Was Your Boyfriend


'Well, what's this amazing news that I'm not going to believe?' I inquired, feeling impatient. From the corner of my eyes I saw Justin waiting patiently for me to finish up with my conversation.

'Chloe and I have booked you an audition as a dancer on Miley Cyrus's upcoming tour!' she cheered on the other end of the phone.

'SERIOUSLY?!' I blurted unknowingly loud. 'When is it?'

'It'll be in a little over a week. I have a little the details here so when you come back the three of us can sit down and discuss it. So enjoy your vacay but when you come back, it's work, work, work.'

'I will! I will! Thank you!' I hung up the phone and turned to Justin with a smile.

'Good news I'm guessing?' he laughed a little.

'Yes! Chloe and Nikki booked me an audition to be a dancer on Miley Cyrus's tour!' I exclaimed.

'Wow.' he stared at me shocked, 'congratulations.' Justin pulled me in for a hug holding me close to him. 'That is huge for you. I'm happy for you.'

'Thank you so much!' I hugged him back tight. 'I need to go tell Danielle! I'll be right back.' I jumped from the bed and rushed to Danielle's room knocking on the door. 'Guess what?'

'What?' she pulled me into the room holding both of my wrists.

'I have an audition to be a dancer on Miley Cyrus's to-...' I started.

'FOR REAL!?' She shouted cutting me off. 'THE Miley Cyrus?!'

'Yes! That Miley Cyrus!' we jumped up and down holding on to each other squealing. Soon all of our family knew the news and we were going out to celebrate. Justin seemed to be distant during dinner and afterwards when we all were sitting around on the beach. I stood and pulled him with me to the side. 'So, what's up?' I poked his chest before wrapping my arms around his waist. He sighed lightly wrapping his arms around me as well.

'I don't know.' he mumbled aloud.

'Yeah you do.' I hid my face into his chest.

'It's just, we talked about me being finished with the tour and actually being able to spend time together and all that, both of us taking a break from work. But this is so incredible for you and your career.'

'I want that too.' i felt his arms tighten their grip on me.

'Why do you have to be such a good dancer?' he joked.

'Justin.' I giggled moving back from his chest.

'It's true. But, we'll figure it out, right?'

'We always do.' I agreed with a nod.

'I love you Chrissy.'

'I love you too.' he brought his lips to mine kissing me shortly.

'Let's get back over there.' I held his hand as we rejoined everyone else. Jeremy and Jeff stayed up late talking to Justin so I ended up falling asleep in my own bed. The next morning I woke beside Justin anway. I looked around confused, I wasn't in my room anymore I was in Justin's. 'I abducted you.' Justin spoke with a laugh as if he was reading my mind. 'You're a heavy sleeper. You didn't even feel me picking you up and carrying you down the hall.' i laughed shaking my head at him.

'Today's our last day here.' I frowned slightly.

'I'm still debating whether or not I'm leaving.' he smirked laying back on his pillow. 'This place is incredible.'

'We have to come back soon.'

'Alright. We'll come back. Just you and me.' he responded sitting up in the bed. For our last day in Maui we swam and hung around the beach. Early in the afternoon everyone met at a nice restaurant for our dinner. Danielle and I sat on the floor of our room packing our stuff. Justin dragged his suitcase into the room stopping in front of us.

'You girls ready?' Garrett appeared beside Justin. I zipped my suitcase with a nod following Danielle. I held Justin's hand as we met up with Paul in the hallway. Soon everyone emerged from their rooms and we walked to the lobby. The ride to the airport was short and fairly quiet. Jeremy, the kids, and Justin's grandparents were on their way back to Canada while we were going to busy LA.

'It was great seeing all of you again.' I wrapped my arms around Jazymn and Jaxon, then Jeremy, and finally Bruce and Diane.

'It was good seeing you too. Visit us soon!' Bruce smiled. 'Justin take care of her.'

'I will.' Justin shared a moment with his family before saying goodbye. We boarded our plane and I sat next to Justin leaning my head on his chest. We shared his phone listening to the music on it. 'You should come to my place tonight.' Justin whispered hoarsely into my ear. I giggled looking up at him.

'They won't let that happen.' I pointed over to our family talking to one another.

'I'll come back for you then.'

'Okay.' I agreed with a smile. We landed in the crowded LAX lobby, as usual. Fans awaited us with cameras and posters. Paparazzi questioned us, asking if we enjoyed the trip and about the latest rumor. We stopped shortly and took pictures signing anything they handed to us before we were rushed out of the building. We dropped off Pattie, then Danielle with Garrett, then it was my turn with my mom and Jeff. Justin followed us inside helping with the luggage. I hugged him tight as he explained the plan in my ear. I kissed his cheek closing the door once he hit the steps. I packed a change of clothes into my backpack then changed into a pair of sweats and a tank top. Justin sent me a text and I hurried out the door to meet him. Justin was dressed in a hoodie and He stood on the steps of my house with a smile. I greeted him with a kiss and took his hand.

'I parked down the street.' he informed me. We walked a little further and all I spotted was a black motorcycle trimmed in red along side the curb. I stared at him with a confused face. 'Like it? It came in while we were in Hawaii.'

'And I'm supposed to get on this with you?' I questioned curiously.

'You trust me, right?'

'In a car.' I stated unsure. Justin pulled me into his chest kissing me passionately.

'Do you trust me?' he murmured close to my lips.

'Fine.' I gave in as he smiled victoriously handing me a helmet. I pulled it over my head and climbed behind him.

'Hold on tight.' he smirked before pulling his helmet over his head and slightly revving the engine and peeling down the street. I held onto Justin's waist tighter than i've ever held onto something. I had fistfuls of his hoodie in my hands. Soon I relaxed loosening up my grip on him. We made it into his house and he tossed my backpack aside. 'That wasn't so bad was it?'

'I guess not.' I wrapped my arms around his neck standing on my tip-toes to look into his eyes. 'Just don't get too comfortable with picking me up in the middle of the night on your motorcycle.' I joked.

'Aw c'mon.' he laughed touching my sides with his hands. 'Your boyfriend being this semi-badass, you love it.'

'A little.' I confirmed with a giggle. Justin pulled me in for small peck on the lips smiling into the kiss.

'I love you.' he whispered not too far from my face.

'I love you.' I repeated. We climbed into his bed with a bowl of popcorn and watched some of his favorite action movies. I fell asleep curled up against his chest with his arms wrapped around me firmly. I woke up the next morning and slipped out of Justin's bed to make him breakfast. By the time he tiredly made his way to the table I was finishing up with the bacon.

'What's this?' he grinned sitting down at the table set for two.

'Just because I love you.' I made his plate and set it down in front of him then got the orange juice out of the refridgerator.

'Mmm.' he smiled, 'thanks baby. It looks great.' I sat across from him and we started eating our food. 'You think your mom will go in and check on you?'

'I don't know, maybe. But she'll probably be super tired from getting in so late last night.'

'Alright, we'll leave soon.'

'We pick Rocky up today!' I chimed excitedly. I haven't seen Rocky since I left to meet Justin in the Bahamas.

'I know!' Justin smiled at my excitement. We finished up eating and I went upstairs to take a shower. After Justin finished I followed him out to his garage to his cars. He decided to take his Range Rover today and drove me to Chloe's office for our meeting. 'I'll wait here for you.' Justin sat down outside the office dialing up someone on his phone.

'Okay.' I nodded before going in. Nikki and Chloe were waiting at the table for me when I entered the room. I hugged each of them then settled in my seat.

'So, here's all the information you're gonna need for the audition. The routines you'll be asked to do are also in this packet so I suggest you start immediately.' Chloe jumped right in.

'Competition will be tough so take the next couple of days and get your head in it to win it.' Nikki added.

'But guys, how long would this tour be?' I questioned wondering how long I'd have to be away from Justin.

'It's a world tour so we're looking at close to six months of traveling.' Chloe answered. I swallowed hard looking back at Justin through the glass doors. His thumbs were stabbing away at the screen of his phone, he was probably playing one of his usual games.

'Six months?' I stared at each of them.