If I Was Your Boyfriend


‘She was really nice.’ I say as we load the groceries into the trunk of the car.

‘Diane? Yeah she was.’ Justin agrees as he pushes the basket through the railing with the others. ‘When do you want to go to the Children's Hospital?’

‘Could we go tomorrow? And I want to see more than just Annabelle, I want to meet other kids there. Do you think we could do that?’

‘Sure. We'll just need to call first to let them know.’

‘Calling now.’ I retort already looking up their phone number on the internet. As Justin hurries into Petco for Rocky I ask permission if Justin and I could stop by for a few hours. They were pleased and said that it would be perfectly fine, ‘we're good to go.’ I inform Justin as he's putting Rocky into the back seat.

‘Cool.’ He replies backing out of the parking space, ‘maybe tomorrow after one?’

‘Sounds good. Hi Rock! Did you behave yourself during the bath?’

‘They said he was the tamest dog they've put in a bath all week.’ Justin informs me as he slips his slender fingers in the spaces of my hand. I love how Justin would drive with one hand and hold mine with his other. ‘Rock, mom's cooking us spaghetti.’ I look back at Rocky who's laying down in the backseat. We make it back to the apartment and put all of the food away.

‘Babe can I borrow a shirt and boxers?’ I ask Justin hovering in the bedroom door.

‘You don't have to ask.’ He smiles as he sits back on his bed. ‘Help yourself.’

‘Thank you.’ I say before digging through Justin's drawers. I find a plain black tee shirt and a pair of red boxers then head into the shower. After my shower I get dressed and find Justin downstairs in the living room watching TV. He had stripped down to a pair of navy blue sweatpants and his slippers.

‘Wow.’ he breathes out looking up at me.

‘Stop.’ I pull at the shirt I was wearing and the boxers were baggy.

‘You stop.’ Justin pulls me down onto his lap, ‘you look so good.’ I feel his lips press against my cheek. After a few moments I stand from Justin and go into the kitchen. I fry up the meat as I'm boiling the noodles. ‘It smells great in there baby.’ Justin calls from the sofa. It wasn't long before Justin wandered into the kitchen.

‘Justin you promised you'd stay out.’ I place the top back over the pot.

‘Can't I just have a taste? I'm hungry.’ He playfully whines snaking his arms around my waist.

‘I'm just waiting for the bread.’ I respond leaning back against him. The grip around my waist grows tighter as Justin's muscles tighten. ‘It'll be done in less than 10 minutes.’

‘Fine.’ He pouts and pours himself a drink before walking back out the kitchen. I finish preparing dinner and fix Justin a plate as well as myself.

‘Justin! It's ready!’ He didn't waste much time before he plops down into one of the wooden chairs. I pour Rocky fresh dog food before joining Justin at the table. He was already digging into the food. I eagerly wait for his approval of the meal.

‘You know,’ he pauses to swallow his food, ‘at first I wasn't sure about the sausage when you said it in the store but this is really good.’

‘Thank you.’ I'm able to relax in my seat and enjoy dinner.

‘Really. I need you here more to cook dinner.’ Justin grins twirling more spaghetti onto his fork. We finish up our dinner talking about how we would grow old together. I brush my teeth and redo the bun at the top of my head. I walk across the hall to the room Justin had designed for me whenever I stay here. The room was the same, nothing out of place. As if no one ever stepped foot into this room. I've slept in the bed once or twice so have Danielle and Garrett. I've never used the drawers. Or the closet filled with hangers just waiting to be used. ‘Baby?’ Justin's now upstairs after watching some hockey game on TV.

‘In here.’ I respond not leaving my spot. The walls were pastel purple, the perfect shade. Justin obviously went through a lot of time and work with this room. You never use it. Could you really see yourself living here? With Justin?

‘There you are. You were hiding from me.’ he laughs standing in the doorway. Could you see yourself waking up beside him every day and falling asleep with him every night?


‘Just looking in here.’ I turn to face him, ‘i never really come into this room.’ We could take turns making dinner and goofing off with each other. Go to bed wearing one of Justin's shirts every night.

‘It's always here for you.’ I think the answer is evident.

‘I know.’ I reply taking one more look around the room. ‘Justin,’ I walk over to him holding his hands, ‘does that offer still stand about me moving in with you?’

‘I thought you'd never ask.’ the widest grin spreads across Justin's face as he wraps me up in his arms. ‘This is going to be so great baby, I promise.’ Without another word Justin tosses me over his shoulder and runs across the hall into his bedroom. We flop down onto the bed where he attacks my sides with his hands.

‘J-Justin.’ I breathe through my laughter. ‘J-J-Justin.’ I squirm underneath his tickle attack trying to roll out of the bed. My laughter is cut short by Justin's lips pressing against mine. I lean up into the kiss using my elbows to prop myself up. I pull away from Justin to catch my breath.

‘I love you.’ Justin's hand cups my cheek as he pecks my lips once more.

‘I love you.’ I repeat laying my head back on the pillow. Rocky is laying at my feet curled up. ‘Goodnight Justin’

‘sweet dreams’ I hear Justin before falling asleep. When I woke Justin was in the shower. I went out to the laundry room and retrieved clothes I wore yesterday which were now clean.

So happy to see my baby home today! - mom.

See you soon! - Chrissy.

‘Jay!’ I call out once I was dressed.

‘Yeah baby?’ He calls back as the shower water turns off.

‘Could we go to my house?’ I listen closely to the door.

‘Sure, give me a minute.’

‘Okay. Take your time.’ I let Rocky out of the backdoor to let him use the bathroom. As I'm coming back into the apartment Justin was waking down the stairs. He was dressed in a pair of simple jeans and a blue shirt with some funny design on it with a pair of black Supras. ‘Ready?’ He wonders walking over to the key rack.

‘Yes.’ I respond tossing my phone into my purse.

‘You want to ride on the Ducati today?’ Justin smirks holding up the key to his black and red motorcycle. ‘Great weather.’

‘Not today.’ I laugh in response following him to the garage. ‘Where’s my car going to go?’ I look around the already full garage.

‘We’ll make it work.’ Justin unlocks the chrome fisker karma before sliding inside. I slid in beside him and close the door. The engine purrs to life before Justin backs out of the driveway. Not fifteen minutes later we arrived at my house and Justin followed me to the door. I unlock the door with my key and step inside.

‘Chrissy!’ my mom shouts hurrying from the kitchen to hug me. ‘Look at you! You look gorgeous! How’s my baby doing?! How was the trip? Tell me everything!’

‘Mom.’ I laugh gesturing to Justin was just stepping through the doorway closing it behind him.

‘Justin! How are you?’

‘I’m good ma’am.’ Justin politely responds with a nod of his head.

‘Jeff! Chrissy’s home!’ My mom walks over to the stairway and shouts once again.

‘Chrissy?!’ Jeff calls back before he jogs down the stairs yanking me into a hug, ‘how are you?!’

‘I’m good! You guys really did miss me.’

‘Well, because we’ve been dying to tell you the news.’

‘News? What news?’ I inquire sitting down on the sofa with Justin. My mom slowly lifted her hand waving a shiny diamond in the air. ‘You’re engaged?!’ I jumped the sofa grabbing her hand, ‘it’s so pretty. Congratulations mom.’ I hug her tight.

‘Congratulations.’ Justin and Jeff shake hands as Justin examines the ring too.

‘Justin and I were actually going to the children’s hospital in about an hour so I came to change.’

‘How was the flight and everything?’

Well I got in yesterday and decided to stay with my boyfriend, oh yeah we’re moving in together too.

‘It was good.’ I say instead. ‘Long, but good.’

‘Good, tonight we’re going to have dinner. Justin, you should invite your mom.’ My mom suggests. Justin and I glance at each other for a moment before he nods his head.

‘I’m sure she’d love to.’

‘I'm gonna find something to wear. Come on Justin.’ I pull him up the stairs and into my room.

‘I think tonight would be a good night to tell them about us moving together.’

‘How do you think they'll take it?’

‘Ask me during dinner.’ Justin jokes as he takes a seat in the chair of my room.