If I Was Your Boyfriend


‘Chrissy! Are you alright? I’ve been worried sick!’

‘Yes, I’m fine mom. I’m sorry for worrying you.’

‘What on earth is going on?’

‘Minor allergic reaction.’

‘Allergic reaction? What did you eat? You’re not supposed to eat nuts, remember?’

‘I know, I know. It was my mistake.’

‘Oh my goodness Chrissy. What is going on?’

‘Mom what are you doing here?’ I ask, confused.

Jeff is close behind her slightly hovering cautiously. Justin holds onto my hand behind me for support. Isabelle carefully wraps an arm around her kids pushing them into her. For some reason I don’t understand. Dad and mom stare at each other, their shocked masks matching on another.

‘Tom.’ My mom finally coughs out, clearly uncomfortable.


The most awkward silence waves over the small circle at the airport’s lobby. I was hoping that Justin and I would to Arizona and leave without her knowing, yet. She was the last person I’d expect to see her. In Arizona.

‘Mom, what are you doing here?’ I hear myself ask again hoping for an answer.

‘I am woke in the middle of the night without paparazzi surrounding my house asking why my daughter was in the hospital in Arizona. If she had lip implants. Jeff and I took the first flight here this morning and here we are.’ My mom’s tone matched her expression, unreadable. ‘I certainly didn’t expect to see here with your father.’

‘About that…’ my voice trails off halfway into the sentence.

‘Were you leaving?’ she asks.

There were nine people including myself standing here but somehow the words were only traveling between my mom and I. I look around but no one else bothers to speak up or apply his or her two-cents.

‘Yeah, we were on our way back to Los Angeles.’ I nod glancing behind to see Justin still stood there patiently and quietly.

My mom lets out a heavy sigh looking back at Jeff. I watch as he leans down to listen to what she says.

‘I’m going to get us two tickets back to Los Angeles.’ Jeff announces before excusing himself.

‘It was great meeting you.’ Isabelle nods her head towards Justin and I, ‘I’m going to take the kids to the car.’

‘I’ll be there shortly.’ Dad kisses his wife’s cheek before sending her off with the kids.

‘I should really go check on our flight. Get our tickets. I love you.’ Justin murmurs into my ear heading off in the same way Jeff did just a second ago.

I took a mental note to slap his arm for abandoning me right now. I watch as he waves and nods his head to passerbys making his way to the information counter. Jeff and Justin shake each other’s hand.

‘How have you been?’ dad asks mom.

So this was happening right now. I don’t know the last time my parents saw each other. I know it’s been years to say the least.

‘Chrissy, go check on your flight sweetie.’ My mom readjusts the bag on her shoulder. ‘I just want a quick word with your father.’

‘Okay?’ I turn on the heel of my boot and join Justin and Jeff.

‘Have you gotten taller?’ Jeff jokes attempting to cut into the tension.

‘You say that every time.’ I stiff out a laugh.

‘Well you’re about a foot taller than the last time I saw you.’

‘Don’t give her false hope.’ Justin teases.

I wrap an arm around his leaning on his shoulder. Jeff leans on the counter talking to the woman behind the counter.

‘Everything okay?’ Justin whispers into my ear.

‘I’m not sure.’ I shrug glancing back at my parents.

They weren’t arguing. They didn’t look mad. Their faces were neutral as their mouths to turns moving. At a time like this I wish I could read lips. I couldn’t make out a word of what they were saying.

‘I’m sure it is. Maybe they’re just catching up.’ Justin offers a positive suggestion.

‘Maybe.’ I respond taking my eyes off of the scene.

It felt incredibly weird to see my parents together, talking. Especially after I went behind my mom’s back and got an allergic reaction in the presence of my dad. I glance back to see something I thought I’d never see in my life again.

My parents were hugging.

It was slightly awkward but it was a hug.

An actual hug.

I quietly nudge Justin’s arm, nodding back towards my parents. Justin looks over his shoulder with a small smile.

‘See, it’s going okay.’


Jeff finishes up with the clerk and moves aside so Justin could pay for our tickets. Soon we join my mom and dad who were now sat in two chairs talking.

‘It was fun, kid. Maybe we could do it again soon, without the hospital visit.’ My dad wraps his arms around me tightly.

Something in me suddenly felt complete. Whole. It felt like I finally figured out that annoying feeling that something was missing. It was clearer than ever before. That thing missing happened to be my father. I bury my face into his polo shirt breathing in the expensive cologne he wore.

‘Call me when you get back.’ He orders with a point of his finger.

I could see in his eyes that he was on the verge of tears? His eyes were starting to water. I could feel the annoying knot building in my throat.

‘I will.’ I promise standing beside Justin.

He wraps an arm around me for support and I was grateful.

Dad waves as we all walk through security and to our terminal. Justin finds our seats signaling me to come over to him once he did. My mom and Jeff were thankfully several rows behind and over. I didn’t want to get to that conversation with my mom just yet. I had about an hour to worry about it though. Maybe I could jump off the plane and land into the apartment.

‘So when are we going to come back?’ Justin wonders curiously looking at me.

‘I’m not sure.’ I stare out the window avoiding eye contact.

‘What do you mean?’ Justin asks.

‘I’m just saying maybe we should go when it’s convenient for everyone.’

‘Everyone?’ he continues, ‘like who? Your mom?’

‘No, not her.’ I glance back to see my mom and Jeff in some kind of deep conversation. ‘Isabelle.’

‘Isabelle? What does she have to do with us going to see your dad.’

‘Can you just drop it already Justin.’ I hear myself snap.

I regret the tone as soon as the words flow from my lips. He purses his lips as he settles in his chair. He doesn’t look at me as the plane takes off. He usually holds my hand in his because of how nervous I get, he doesn’t. I could tell if he was offended or pissed off. His deep brown eyes stare at the chair in front of us, which was thankfully empty. That didn’t stop the couple in the row beside us to causally glance over more than necessary. I wanted to demand to know what their problem was but instead I bite my tongue. Justin doesn’t seem to pay it any attention or maybe he’s gotten that used to people staring at him.

‘I didn’t mean to yell at you. It wasn’t called for. I’m sorry and I love you so so much.’ I mutter quietly looking up at him.

I watch as his defensive wall of ice slowly melts away as he grabs my hand.

‘I love you too.’ Justin replies just as quietly. ‘So much.’

‘I was just trying to say Isabelle isn’t a big fan of popping in unannounced.’

‘What gave you that idea?’

My mind flashes back to the encounter I had in the kitchen with my dad’s new wife, my step-mom, Isabelle. The entire incident was burned in my brain. When I first met her she was kind and inviting before the end of the night all of that changed.

‘And you didn’t tell your dad?!’ Justin demands loudly once I finish reminiscing.

‘Justin! Sssh.’ I give the skin of his hand a hard pinch.

‘No!’ he readjusts him in the seat, ‘why didn’t you tell me she talked to you like this?’

‘I don’t know.’ I shrug as Justin starts digging through his pockets.

‘I’m telling your dad.’ Justin says when he finally has his

‘What? No!’ I grab the phone from his hand.

The attendant had already told us to put up electronics so it’s not like he’d call him now mid-air but still.

‘Chrissy.’ He states in a neutral tone as he reaches over me for his phone.

I slip the phone down into my purse and set the purse down under my shoes. Justin bites the inside of his cheek pressing his fingers to the bridge of his nose. Justin settles back into the seat beside me with his eyes closed. I let out a relieved breath of air settling in my own seat.

‘This isn’t over.’ Justin says to me, ‘we will be talking about this as soon as we get home. I’m not kidding Chrissy.’

Well that makes two things I’ll have an hour to worry about.