Status: amazing

were together til death do us part

love at first sight

I was in the courtyard, reading Wuthering Heights for chemistry class. Then that's when Brandon showed up. He had pitch black hair lightening blue eyes and tan perfect skin. He saw me staring and smiled his dazzling white teeth had me stunned. I was knocked out of the trance by my friend Lola. "Hello, earth to Scarlett . Why the fuck are you looking at him like that??" She had her soft brown hair up into a bun and her brown eyes were darting back and forth between Jonathan and Frank. Both of her ex boyfriends."Why are you still thinking about sex??" I said knowing she had sex with both of them last night that's why she was worried. Their both friends and if they talked about it, she would be named slut of the year."Im not, I'm just worried." she said a tear dropping from her eye.What's wrong now? " I said."I might be pregnant. I mean it might be by Jonathan or Frank. I don't know really but I'm worried. And I had sex last night. I could lose it if its there." she wiped her tears and looked at me."I want to be just like you Scarlett. Nice and sweet and never hurt."
(Two years later)
I laughed and giggled as Brandon nibbled my neck and squeezed my ass.He leaned back and stared into my eyes he always did that I didn't get it. "You're so beautiful with your black hair and light green eyes. Where have you been all my life?" I bit my lip and giggled. "In the back of the classroom staring at you." I answered smushing his lips with mine. His kisses were so sweet like sugar and honey. "I love you." he said smiling that perfect smile. "I love you more." I said. "You know what since your so beautiful you deserve a beautiful dinner." I smiled and hugged him. "Okay, just no more McDonald's ." he bursts out laughing. "Alright anything for my queen