Status: amazing

were together til death do us part


I sat in the car at wal-mart scoping the parking lot for jonathans red mustang. I was surprised his cheap ass could afford it. He pulled up beside me and got out. He got out of the car I could see Georgina looking at me but making sure I didnt see her she was in the passenger seat. " So I took JJ shopping or whatever and got him some new clothes and everything." Jonathan said taking out JJ from the back seat he was sleeping away. "Alright thanks." I said struggling to put a smirk on my face. I put JJ in the back seat when I looked back up Georgina was standing behind me she was holding JJs' bag of new clothes. I smuggly felt like snatching them but instead took them lightly and quietly said "Thank You". She nodded her head and waveed good bye. I leaned on the car as I watcheed them drive away. I started the car and backed away, turning the a/c on. When I pulled up to the house my mom was out on the porch sipping tiny sips of wine from her glass. "Lolo," she said sitting down her cup on the deck and reaching her hands out for JJ. I put him in her hands and walked into the house threw the bag on the floor in my room and thrust myself on the bed. I dialed Scarlettes number. "Hello..?" she answered "Hey its me Lola" I said getting up and brushing the knots out of my hair. "Oh, hey what you doing?" she asked I could hear Brandon in the background laughing at I think spongebob. "Nothing Just got JJ , What is B doing ..?" I asked trying to not make her notice I was obsessed with her boyfriend."He is at work.. Thats his little brother Ron here. He said He was going to help me put up these curtains in our dorm but all hes done is sit on the couch eating cheetos and watching cartoons." I could hear the smile in her voice as she talked. "Oh haha how old is he.?" I changed out of my jeans and t-shirt and into a tank top and shorts. "Like 16. Well anyways I'll Call you later. These curtains arernt gonna put themselves up." then she hung up. I sighed and laid under my covers. Trying to get some sleep before I had to go to work all the way in San Francisco.
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Hey I hope you guys like this other chapter Lola is going to be surprisingly a....well read the next chapter and you will see