Let's Take a Moment to Reflect on the Past Few Years of Our Lives

Chapter 1


"Oh my god, you bitch, I'm so fucking excited for you!!!" Erica squealed as we both got ready for the most amazing time of our lives.  We were going to see All Time Low tonight. At the Hammersmith Apollo. It was their last show of the tour. It was three, so it was a little late, but we only had seated tickets anyway. I was gutted, but Erica couldn't go in standing with her knees that sometimes played her up, so yeah. But it was still a show, still our favourite band. 

I loved them so much. There was just something...beautiful about each and every one of them. Plus they came from my hometown, Baltimore, back in America. I wondered how many times I had walked past them as a kid and not even known. I'd never lost my American accent, not really, and that was what guys seemed to like about me. That and the fact that my varying hair colours seemed sexy to them. This week it was electric blue.

I curled Erica's light blonde hair for her, trying hard not to burn he because she was jumping about so much with excitement. I laughed at her. "Erica, control yourself woman! I should be the one who's nervous!"

I was going to meet All Time Low. Can you believe it? I was going to MEET All Time fucking Low!!! I was so ecstatic, words could not describe my happiness. Yeah I was brainy twenty three, and still a fangirl. Did I give one? No. Because All Time Low are sexy as! Erica was so jealous of me, but I told her it was her own fault for not getting Hustler Club membership, and she couldn't deny that. 

Erica noticed a framed picture on my dresser. "Hey, Allie, is that you?"

I checked the picture and smiled. I was about nine in that picture, and the boy I was sat on the swings with, who was hugging me as we both smiled huge for the camera was about eleven from what I could remember. "Yeah, from back when I was living in America."

"Oh? What's his name? You look so close."

My brow furrowed. "Yeah, we used to be. I told him everything. He was my first best friend and my first kiss. You'd think I'd remember..."

Erica turned to face me. "You mean you don't remember his name?" I shook my head. "If he was your best friend then why did you not stay in contact? You'd make such a cute couple!" I shrugged.

"I don't really know. I can't exactly remember. I just know he kissed me and that was the last day I ever saw him or spoke to him before we moved. I never really made an effort to carry on the friendship...moving here distracted me I guess. And now I don't remember anything about him, he's just someone I know from pictures. I have billions of us together. I wish I'd kept in contact with him," I sighed. It was a mistake not to at least try to stay in contact almost twelve years ago.

Erica turned her head sideways as she inspected the picture further. "You know, he kinda looks like Alex Gaskarth." I mimicked Erica's movement as she held the picture next to one of my posters. I looked for a few minutes trying to find a smiliarity.

"Nah, looks nothing like him. Besides, Alex Gaskarth would not be the kind of person I would be friends with, even though I love him to death...my best friend never swore or anything. He was a good kid."

Eric's shrugged. "Time changes people. Besides, you used to live in Baltimore, it'd make sense."

I shook my head in denial. Alex Gaskarth was not the missing name. I think I'd remember if he was.

Finally we were ready, Erica in black skinnies and a tour shirt from the last time they were here, me in red skinnies and a plain white tee. Both of us rocking converse. Of course, I wore my Hustler Club wristband and we headed out. I was driving us, but I kinda regretted in when I remembered just how busy central London could get. But eventually we found a parking space, even though we had to walk a distance to reach the venue, it was all good.

This was my first time meeting them...oh god. I felt like I might die! After a few hours, Matt came out to round the Hustlers up. I waved excitedly to Eric's who was smiling ecstatically, happy one of us got to meet them. It seemed like a pretty small group of us to be honest, in contrast to the grand size of the Apollo. There was only about twenty of us, if that. You'd have thought there would be more people, unless members of The Hustler Club decided to not bother trying for such a huge venue and tried out for the smaller ones instead.

I was shaking. Literally shaking. Oh god, I felt like passing out. Was it just me or did this place seem really enclosed all of a sudden? I barely registered what Flyzick was telling us, I was suffering and anxiety attack over here, fucking hell. But then they started to come out.

Rian's teeth really are that white in real life, and his breath smells good too, almost as good as Jacks that I got a whiff of when he leaned in to hug me after signing my ticket. Then I had a small chat with Zack and got a picture with him like I had the others, and fuck I could feel his muscles when he out his arm around me. I was in heaven. And I thought it couldn't get any better, but it could, it really could, because finally Alex freaking Gaskarth came out. I waited and waited to get through to him, and eventually he was surprisingly left with nobody, because they all went back to crowd around either Jack, Zack or Rian. I was shocked no one stayed to talk to Alex, I mean he's just...well...words can't describe okay?

So I plucked up the courage, walked up to him, tapped him on the shoulder as he started to walk towards Matt, and he turned around. 

God his eyes were beautiful. I couldn't help but think they looked so much like the boy in my photographs. This close up, I could see a resemblance, but he still didn't have whatever spark it was that my friend had in his eyes. Alex's hazel ones opened wide. I don't know why, maybe he just didn't realise there was another fan waiting for him.

"Hey, I'm a huge fan obviously, and your music has gotten me through so much you don't understand. I just wanted you to know that, like I don't think I'd be able to smile if I didn't have your music."

He nodded and smiled warmly, eyes lighting up. "Thank you, so much. I guess there's no need for introductions right?"

I smiled back at him. "Well duh, I certainly know who you are! I mean you're Alex freaking Gaskarth!"

His face fell a little, and I didn't understand. "But...well, yeah but is that the only reason you know me?"

I gave him a weird look. "Uhm, how else would I know you? But anyway, I think the rest of the band is going now so I best let you go to...OH! But would you mind signing this for me?" I handed him my ticket and with one last sad little glance at me, be signed my ticket. I bit my lip to stop the smile making me look like an idiot in the worlds most perfect guy's presence. 

He bugged me goodbye, but I think it was a little too long. Don't get me wrong, I loved it, but it was just strange. Like why would he be that attached? Alex left after being called by Matt and I started the walk to get the best seating position I could find for Erica and I.

While I was waiting, I looked through the photos I had taken with all four members of All Time Low, and couldn't stop smiling. I had met them!!! Alex looked a little down in his picture with me, but I shrugged it off. Maybe he was having a bad day, happens to the best of us! 

Then I checked over my ticket. I was surprised to find a proper little message from Alex. "Allie, thanks for keeping me with you just a little bit. I love you, Alex" and two kisses. Huh, what? I didn't even understand that message. It probably had some deep meaningful lyrical essence behind it, but I was oblivious to stuff like that, so I let it wash over my head. But I couldn't remember telling Alex my name...I don't know, maybe I did. My brain was so fucked up anyway due to meeting them. I'd probably forgotten a lot of it. 

Erica finally got to me and we both did a little happy squeal dance from the best seat in the house...besides the standing obviously. I had jut met All Time Low and now I was going to heat them live. Oh. My. God. Best day EVER!


I knew the second I locked eyes with hers that it was Allie. It was my best friend. My first love, and my only real love. It took a second before the realisation kicked in, and I was so happy I'd finally found her again, she hadn't forgotten me. 

But then she couldn't remember me for the seven year old she first met and the thirteen year old she left broken hearted. Unless it wasn't her, but it had to be. No one else had those eyes, that smile. Her hair may have changed, but I still knew Allie when I saw her.

But she didn't know me. And that killed me. At least she hadn't forgotten me entirely...I mean she must have seen something familiar in me to like the band right? She still had the same American accent. It had to be her, there was no way it couldn't be. I knew her.

I had never forgotten. I always kept my promise. I tried everything I could but I didn't have her address or number. I thought for sure Allie would contact me after at least a couple of weeks...but then weeks turned to months, which turned to years, and here we are now. The first kiss I ever had, that first kiss with her, it was still the best kiss I had ever had, left my lips tingling, always wanting more. It was only a small peck, and we were only kids, but it had meant everything to me, and I'd never felt that sort of emotion with anyone else. That was why it was the best. Not because of how experienced the kissers were, but because of who it was...it was Allie, forever the love of my life.

So how could she ever forget?
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Guys...I'm actually gonna love writing this one!!!! But now its 2:35AM and I wanna sleep :') hope you're liking it thus far!!!! And thanks to the subscriber already! I feel loved :') I hope you like the rest of this!!! Let me know what you think!

Thank you SO much for reading/subscribing! I LOVE YOU ALL!