Let's Take a Moment to Reflect on the Past Few Years of Our Lives

Chapter 4


I knew exactly where I was running to. I didn't feel comfortable anywhere else. I felt like I couldn't breathe. Everything was just too much. She didn't remember me, and that hurt so bad, worse than any other pain imaginable. I just couldn't understand it. How could she forget me? I loved her. I still did. But nothing would ever be okay again. how can I be her best friend when she can't remember?

I reached the playground and headed straight for our swings. I just sat on the one I always occupied. There were no kids here, guess it was too cold. Well to be fair, the sand was covered in snow...

I leaned my head against the metal chains that supported the seat. Twenty five and I was still running back to the swing set. When I was younger it had been because I hoped that she would be here, somehow. She'd find her way back to me, but every year I was disappointed. Every year it was just me, just me alone. Sat on the swings. Praying for the day that she would maybe return. My mom used to try and console me, tell me it would all be okay, that she was sure Allie would call any day now, but she never did. And as I grew up I stopped asking.

Why bother when I would only disappoint myself?

I felt tears escaping my eyes. "Fuck, Allie. Why did you break your promise? Why did you forget me?" I said quietly to myself. I didn't bother wiping away my tears. I just hung my head. I stayed like that for a while, crying in the snow, when I felt a pair of lips softly kiss away the hot liquid trailing down my cheeks.


I was so happy, I would finally get to see him. I wondered how different he would look. Would he even remember me? I mean, I had certainly changed, with my hair that constantly rotated colour. But when I finally reached my destination, I paused, hands on my knees trying to catch my breath. I saw a figure on the swing, shoulders shaking, but I didn't think it was from the cold. It was like he was crying. He had his back to me, but I knew it had to be him. It had to be my best friend. There was no one else here.

My heart was beating so uncontrollably. I knew, after all this time, I still loved him. As if I could ever stop loving him. So I took a few steps into the unknown, not knowing his name, what he looked like now, his change in personality, nothing. I knew none of it. But I wanted to learn so badly.

When I finally got in front of him, his head that was hung looked so familiar. So I knelt down, just like the last time I had been with him on these swings, put my face close to his, closing my eyes, and kissed away his tears.

Then he froze.


Was it her? Was it really her? I didn't want to open my eyes just in case it wasn't. But no one else would do that, right? No fan would find me and kiss my tears away, right?

So I pulled my head up and opened my eyes. And sure enough I saw those same familiar blue grey eyes I had known all those years ago, that I had been reunited with a few weeks ago. It was her. It was so obviously her. It was Allie. It was my Allie. So I burst into a huge smile, which soon disappeared when Allie pulled her eyebrows together.

"Oh...erm, I'm so sorry, I came here looking for my friend...I haven't seen him in a while and...HOLY SHIT YOU'RE ALEX GASKARTH! Oh god, I'm so sorry, I really did think you were my friend...shit, you do kinda look like him...I think...but...sorry, I'll...I'll go now," Allie said as she started to walk away. No. Not this time.

I jumped off the swing and caught her arm, spinning her around. "Allie, why can't you remember me?" I asked, searching her eyes.

She looked even more confused. "I do remember you, I met you at your concert in London...how could I forget that?"

I shook my head. "No, I mean from before! I'm that friend you're on about!"

"No, you're not! My friend was...he wasn't like you. He was...better. Yeah you're music saved my life and all but, well the boy I knew was never interested in loads of girls and drinking or anything, he was...well he wasn't you. I'm sorry, but if you're looking for a hook up you're not gonna get one from me."

"Fuck Allie! Just remember me! I'm not looking for a damn hook up! You left! You left and it changed me!" I yelled at her. Big mistake, because now she just looked pissed off.

"Well, it was...nice meeting you again Alex, but now I'm going back home to tell my friends mom I couldn't find him. Have a good birthday." And she walked away from me again. But she was going back to my parents house, so I just had to wait a little while longer. She really did know how to break a guys heart, didn't she?
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Okay so this and one more chapter and then I'm actually gonna do my History courseowrk :') HOPE YOU LIKED IT! thanks for reading/subscribing guys! Comment and lemme know what you think! Or tweet me - @GaskarthsBell94