Let's Take a Moment to Reflect on the Past Few Years of Our Lives

Chapter 7


"So...what do we do now?" I asked Alex. it seemed like he knew exactly what we should be doing on my birthday. We had already been sat on the pier for a good few hours, and it was way too cold. So at about eight, we decided to head back. Currently we were sat in my living room warming up, snuggled together on the floor in front of the fire.

"We could go next door and see mom...but I think she's planning something for you later. So how about we head over to my place?" His place? You mean the place he shared with Rian? All Time Low's drummer? Hell yeah! Of course, I didn't let that excitement seep through, I just nodded and after a few more minutes he let me go and get changed.

What did you wear to go meet one quarter of your favorite band? To be honest, it was fucking freezing and I just wanted to be warm. Plus, I guess I was really meeting one of my best friend and my kind of fiance's best friends...okay yes, I had met him before at the tour but that was as a drummer right? And this time it was as Alex's friend. And Rian wouldn't remember me anyway. They meet so many fans, I couldn't possibly expect him to remember

I ended up sporting skinny jeans and another random grey hoodie, and of course threw on my coat. I really couldn't be bothered. I was still so tired. I looked for my hat and found it thrown on the floor. Geeze when did I become so messy? I guess maybe since I moved and and hadn't bothered to keep everything neat. I sighed and bounded down the stairs, greeting a happy looking Alex at the bottom. He smiled at me as he took my hand and lead me out the door to his car.I could definitely get used to his hand in mine. Just like old times. I always held hands with my childhood friend.


"Damn, you really are her! Well fuck, Alex, I guess I owe you an apology...but maybe not seen as she's here to steal my best friend away," Jack said, winking at bewildered looking Allie who had just come back from the bathroom.

When Rian saw her and I told her who he was, he had insisted on calling the guys. But Allie had been in the bathroom then, so she hadn't known and they had arrived here in less than ten minutes. I didn't realise my life was so interesting...well actually yeah I could. I'm Alex fucking Gaskarth. Be jealous.

"Uhm...huh? You are?" Allie asked, surprise on her face, mixed a little with shock. She was probably in that much shock it didn't register who she was in front of.

Jack's mouth fell open in shock, and speechlessly turned to Zack, just pointing at Allie, unable to speak. Zack and I laughed, while Rian tried not to rub it in too much.

"OH! Oh god, I'm so sorry! You're Jack Barakat! Oh my life, you're my lock screen on my phone!" When she said that, Jack looked at me, and laughed this time at my bewildered face.

"But...but what about me?"

She grinned. "Oh Alex, you're my home screen."

I punched the air. "Hell yeah! Home screen beats lock screen every time! Suck on that Barakat!"

Jack shrugged, and turned to questioning Allie about everything. Her childhood, her life in England, why she moved back, how she got into our music...everything. A few details she was a bit sketchy on, but it was so long ago that I was a little sketchy on the exact details Jack was asking about. The interrogation lasted a good hour, and then Lexie excused herself to go to the bathroom. To be fair, if I could, I would, I mean I bet she was exhausted with all those questions.

When she had gone, three pairs of eyes settled on me.

"Alex, please tell me you haven't jumped into a relationship with her," Zack said, staring me in the eyes, worry settling in his.

"Why wouldn't I? It's not like we don't know each other. And I love her. I waited so long and we both waited so long to find each other again. You know how upset I get about it. She makes me...better."

"Oh god," Jack groaned.

I rolled my eyes. "Oh come now, Jackie dearest, I'll always be your one and only," I teased, winking at him. Jalex in the making.

Rian shook his head. "No, Alex, I think...I think it's a bad idea."

"Why?" I demanded, anger clouding my vision. I wasn't going to wait for Allie any longer. I had waited so long, and I needed her. I needed her so bad.

"Because you're both...older. And this time, when she leaves, it'll be her choice, not anyone else's, and that'll kill you even more," Rian said gently.

"What the hell? Dude, if you're worried about the band, I'm not abandoning it. The music was the only thing that kept me going when I got real bad, but it doesn't even matter, because she's not gonna leave. Not this time."

Zack looked the most worried. What was their problem? They knew how bad I was sometimes. Every birthday, christmas, valentines day, or just any day that was special to Allie and I. "Look, Alex, we love you, your our best friend. And I guess...well if she makes you happy then make the most of it. But please, if anything bad happens...just try not to let it get to you like it did last time. I guess just be careful is all we're saying."

I sighed and nodded. I guess there was always that possibility, but I was adamant that it wouldn't end like that again.

We ended up playing a couple of video games, and then Zack and Jack had to leave. I noticed the time and realised Allie had been gone quite some time, so I bounded up the stairs and couldn't find her in the bathroom. But the door to my room was open.

When I pushed it open more, I saw Allie was on the phone, her back to me. "Yeah, okay, I love you too," she giggled. "I expect you over here soon missy! I need my best girl with me! Yeah, yeah, I know...of course I remember! Alright, see you in time for New Years then? Alright babe, see yah!"

I walked in and put my arms around her from behind. She jumped, turned around, saw it was me and calmed her breathing down. "Fuck, Alex, you could warn me next time!"

I chuckled at her. "You were the one in my room making phone calls. I thought you'd disappeared into thin air."

"Nah, my mom called me, then my grandparents called me, and then my best friend Erica called me."

I pouted a little. "But I thought I was your best friend in the whole wide world!"

Allie rolled her eyes but smiled. "You have Jack, remember?"

I shook my head. "He's not my best friend though, he's my husband."

Allie faked shock and put both hands over her mouth. "OH MY GOD JALEX EXISTS! I must alert The Hustler Club!"

This time I rolled my eyes at her.

We said bye to Rian and left for my parents. It was actually getting later and it was almost six. So my mom would have got the cake all out and ready for us. I took Allie on a little detour first though, just around Baltimore, helping her remember some of the places she had genuinely forgotten, which turned out to be a lot. I needed to keep her busy though, just so Rian had time to get to my parents house first.

Finally I decided it was time, and we headed back, listening to Simple Plan. I smiled as she sang along. She really didn't care that she couldn't sing, did she? I didn't care, I just loved that it was her. It was proof she was here, she was with me. And it hadn't been hard to start noticing little things about her either, the things I was starting to fall in love with. She was right this morning, getting to fall in love with my best friend really was awesome, nothing like past girlfriends and especially not like the many hook ups I had collected over the years.

Eventually we reached the house, and as soon as we turned the lights on inside, the music of A Daydream Away and Zack's vocals filled our ears. Allie let out a delighted little laugh, and my mother hugged her.

I smiled at her happy little face as she listened and watched, and I took over vocals. I wanted her to be as happy as she looked in this moment for the rest of her life. The rest of her life that would be spent with me.
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I have a feeling this story is gonna be quite short...but the sequel will be longer, I promise! But as for this one, I like where I'm going with it. I'm crap at writing the personalities, but I love the story and I love the fact that these guys are the main people XD I shall update again tomorrow!

THANKS FOR READING/SUBSCIRBING! And thanks to the comment I have on this story so far! Would be great to get more! *hint hint*