Status: Finished. :)

From Teammates to Best Friends to Boyfriends?


I woke up at nine a.m. with a slight headache on Sunday morning. Church day. God’s day. I got up and went to take a shower. Usually my Sunday mornings are like this: Wake up, shower, get dressed, eat breakfast, and then leave for church. And that is just what happened.

When I went down for breakfast, I saw my mom cooked bacon, eggs, and oat meal. And she already had my plate made with two eggs and three bacon strips and some oatmeal. I sighed and picked it up and walked over to the table where my dad was.

One thing about my mom is she likes to control the things I do. You may think that’s she is just being motherly. More like smothering. She makes my plates for me, orders me to do whatever chore, and she even once tried to pick out my outfit for school. Actually she did my whole 8th grade year, but that stopped when we got into a fight about it. But the one thing that I hate the most that my mom controlled over was which sport I play. I remember being on teams since I was five. And I’ve played just about every sport. . .except soccer.

I still don’t get it. Why can’t I play the sport I’m most interested in? I mean, sure, I love baseball. I’m good at it. But still, why does my mom have to control that? I should be able to play whatever sport I want. . . I wonder what my mom would say if I just told her I didn’t want to play any sports anymore. Would she get mad? Would she make me play? Would she be okay with it? Would she finally cave in and let me play soccer?

Who knows.

So I sat down with dad, who was eating too.

“Hey, dad.” I quietly greeted him.

“Hey, bud.” He picked up his drink.

“Are you going to church?” I asked.

“No. Hey, did you know that today is national give somebody a pat on the back day?”

I looked up at him to him on his phone, probably on twitter. My dad is weird. He rarely goes to church with us. He works as a student councilor for an elementary school. Him and mom has the strangest relationship. They’ll be all lovey-dovey one day, or at each other’s throats the next, or not even on speaking terms. I think today was one of their not on speaking terms day, because mom wasn’t in the kitchen right now and she usually is.

But I have to say my dad is my favorite of the two. I just connect more with him than I do with my mom. But I still love my mom.


“Hmm, neither did I.” He laughed.

He got up and put his plate in the sink. I looked back down at my plate, thinking that our morning conversation was over. But then I felt his hand on my back and he patted it.

I slowly looked up at him with a funny face. He grinned and ran away, heading to the hallway.

“Have fun at church!” I heard him shout.

“Have fun going back to bed!” I yelled back at him.
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter is mostly just a filler to show the relationship between Garret and his dad. Which is a good one. Lol.


Laura x