Status: Finished. :)

From Teammates to Best Friends to Boyfriends?


Wednesday night continued.

Hannah has been ignoring me for three days now. I don’t really know what her problem is and quite frankly I don’t really care. But I should, right? I am her boyfriend. Couples go to each other for comfort, don’t they? Should I try to confront her again, like I did on Monday, after the pep rally? It didn’t really go so well. She yelled at me that nothing was wrong and to just go away.

And when I say she’s ignoring me, I mean, she’s not talking to me, answering texts or calls, and during school. Yesterday, I walked up to her during lunch and she just turned around and acted like I wasn’t there. . .

It still bothers me though. I want to know if I’ve done something wrong.

My phone vibrated in my pocket and I pulled it out. It was a text from Liam.

Dude, you’re never gonna believe this. But. . . I was hanging out with Garret tonight and he asked me if you liked him! . . . Yeah, let that sink in a little bit.

My eyes widened as I read it. New emotions such as worry and shock replaced the confusion I was feeling because of Hannah. But know she’s not on my mind anymore. Garret was.

I felt like my stomach dropped to ground, my hands were starting to get warm. I was getting anxious. Why would Garret ask that? Does he know? Did Liam tell him? Holy shit. . .

I quickly texted back: Why would he ask that? Did you say anything to him?

I sat down at the kitchen table, phone on the table in front of me and waited.

What if Liam really did tell him? What would Garret do? Would he stop being my friend if he found out I was having thoughts like that about him?

I focused as I read the reply, Liam just sent.

Well. . .I did a while back, but at the same time I didn’t really. I told him about how I saw Hannah. . shit, you don’t know about that, either.

His message confused me. Now Hannah’s in it. What did she do?

I called Liam instead of texting him back.

“Don’t be mad at me please.” Was the first thing I heard when he answered the phone.

“Just. . .explain everything to me right now. And maybe. Maybe I won’t be.” I sighed.

“Well. . . Do you remember the game that when I went with Garret to the bathrooms?”

“Yeah. Y’all took like forever to get back.”

“Well, after he was done, we went outside. . . because I wanted to smoke. So he joined me. . .”

I felt my mouth turn into a frown. Liam said he had quit that nasty habit.

“I thought you said you quit smoking?” I asked, sounding harsh.

“Yeah, I know I lied to you about that, and I’m sorry. . . But can you nag at me about that later? We have bigger things to worry about here!”


“Well, I was telling him about how I saw Hannah with Quin at movies. . . Yeah, long story short on that: I forgot to tell you. I’m sorry. But the two were all couple-ly like. . . Anyways, I was telling Garret that and then for stupid reason, I said that you probably wouldn’t care if she was cheating on you. Then I said something like you liking someone else. . .” He inhaled after that.

I stayed quiet, taking this all in. I can’t believe Liam didn’t tell me this before.

“Then he asked who, and I’m so sorry but. . . I said it was him. . .” He paused and then continued. “I didn’t mean to, honestly. I don’t even know why I was really telling him all that. I’m really bad at lying and I said it was him and he seemed really confused. He asked what the hell I was talking about but I dropped the convo as soon as I said it. I can’t believe it though. He kind of figured it out.”

Now I’m getting confused, but before I could say anything, Liam started again.

“So tonight when I was over at his house . . . He wanted to watch a movie with me. . . Anyways, he was telling how he’s noticed you’ve been acting weird around him . . . Saying how he thinks it has something to do to with him, since you’re not telling him what’s up with you. . . I asked him in what way does he think it has something to do with him and he said he was hoping I could tell him, since he didn’t know.” He finished.

“What did you say to that?” I asked. If Liam could see me right now, he would be able to tell I was nervous.

“Well, I didn’t say anything after that. I was trying to think of something, a lie but he kept on and he told me. . . read the note that was between us. . .” He trailed.

“What note?”

“Apparently you left the note that between us in your truck. The one that we were writing a couple days before we went to the lake.” He informed me.

“Oh.” That one. Shit.

“Shit.” I cussed out loud.

“And then he asked me if I thought you liked him. . . I told him I wouldn’t know. . . Oh, my God, I was never caught off guard so bad!” He exclaimed. I chuckled at that. Okay, Liam didn’t fully give me away.

“I’m never telling you anything ever again, dude. But know what do I do?” I asked.

“Uh. . .Well, if you’re not wanting him to find out any time soon, I would just try to be a little distant with him. Like not full on ignoring, okay? Just for a week maybe or two.” He suggested.

“Uh. . okay. . . I’m gonna go now and die of humiliation or something.”

Liam laughed. “Okay, sorry buddy.”

I hung up the call and walked to my room. I sat down on my bed and thought about my situation now. Garret is suspicious, I know that much. He’s read the note. He now knows about my weird thoughts about him.

But why hasn’t he confronted me about the note, yet?

Maybe I should be the one to confront him about the situation. . . Maybe he’s waiting for me to.
Maybe he’s all weirded out by it and wants to ignore it all. So should I confess to him?

No, I shouldn’t. I might ruin our friendship if he’s disgusted by my sick thoughts.

And then there is Hannah on the other hand. She went out with Quin and didn’t tell me? I was kind of mad about that. What if it was a date? I know, I’ve always said that I wouldn’t care if she ever cheated on me. But know that it’s possible she did cheat, it kind of hurts.

Great, now I have to confront her about that too sometime down the road.
♠ ♠ ♠
Wow, I can't believe that I'm on chapter 18 already. I feel like I should be one 10 or something.
Well, what do y'all guys think?

The chapter might be confusing so to sum it all up: Dillon is worried and wondering what Garret thinks about what he read on the note. He doesn't want to confess to Garret that he finds him attractive but then he does at the same time. Then there's the Hannah thing, which kind of hurts.

I don't know it that made since either. lol.

Laura. x