Status: Finished. :)

From Teammates to Best Friends to Boyfriends?


I woke up to find myself lying beside Dillon. For some reason I didn’t really won’t to get up. It felt nice just laying here. It was cold but I could feel heat coming off Dillon so I moved closer and wrapped my arm around his waist. It was still dark outside my window so I’m guessing it was in the middle of the night. I hid my face between Dillon’s shoulder and a pillow and tried to go back to sleep.

It was totally okay, in my opinion, to be in this position with Dillon. He was my best friend, and I didn’t really care if it looked like a weird situation.

I woke up a second time, but this time it was because of my alarm clock. Dillon groaned beside me and pushed my arm off him. I buried my face in my pillow; still half way asleep. Dillon got up and turned off my alarm. I heard him walk around in my room, probably gathering his things. I looked up my pillow to see him heading to the door. He turned to me and I noticed the small patch of color on his cheeks.

“Heading back to my house. See ya in first period,” Dillon walked out of the room.

After what felt like 30 minutes, I finally had the energy to get up. I picked up the covers that Dillon and I used last night off the floor and stored them back in the hallway closet. If I didn’t do it right now, I would come home to mom nagging at me. And that’s something I try to avoid.
I decided on Under Armour sweatpants and a hoodie for today and went to the kitchen for breakfast. After I was finished, I waited for my father to take me to school. I usually catch a ride from Dillon but he told me this morning ‘see ya in first period’ so I guess he’s not going to pick me up this morning. Also, I’m still 15 and I can’t drive legally yet.

“Alright, let’s go.” Dad came into the living room, trying to put on a shoe as he walked.

The car ride was kind of awkward. Dad was stiff looking and would glance at me every now and then.

“Um, is something wrong, dad?” I couldn’t handle the awkward silence anymore.

“This morning, I opened your door to see what you wanted for breakfast and you and Dillon were. . . very close. . . uh.” Dad said and looked everywhere but me.

“Yeah?” I pushed him to continue.

“Well, I’m just curious, son. Are you gay?” He asked and pulled into a parking space. He looked directly at me, waiting for my answer.

"No, dad. Why would you even ask that?”

“Well with this day and age, I don’t know what to expect from teenagers. . .” he trailed off.

“Uh, well this really awkward. Can I go?” I asked and put my hand on the handle.

“Yeah. Bye. Love you, son.” He said and waved as I stepped out.

I entered the school gym and saw my friends, Chandler and Mason playing basketball with a couple others. Dillon was talking to Liam on the sidelines, holding a basketball. He noticed me walking toward them. I watched as his eyes widened. What’s up with him?

“Hey guys.” I said when I was in front of them. Liam grinned.

“Sup, mate?” He greeted back, full of energy.

Liam was from the U.K. He came here about 6 months ago. He still had his British accent, which for some reason a lot of girls swooned over. I don’t get it. Anyways, he wasn't a bad looking guy either. When he moved here, he fitted in with our crowd easily. Even if he didn't play any sport and was kind of not athletic at all.

“Nothing much. Just got out of a really awkward convo with dad.” I started. At this point, Dillon turned around and started walking away dribbling the ball. We both watched him, confused. Well, at least I was. Liam seemed like he knew what was up, as he had this sympathetic look on his face.

“What’s up with him?” I asked Liam.

“Uh. . .He doesn't feel too well.”

Liar. That was one thing about Liam. You could tell when he was lying. He pauses and looks up at the ceiling, as if thinking that a good excuse is up there.

“Hmm, well talk to you later.” I waved and headed for the exit.

I went to first class early today. I was thinking about my Geometry test I have today and my friends but mostly Dillon. I have first period with him and he sits behind me, so he’s bound to tell me soon what's up with him. Between thinking too hard and staring at my desk, I didn’t notice that the classroom was filling up. Dillon came in last and sat down behind me. I turned around and gave him a look.

“What?” He asked. I sighed.

“What’s wrong?” I asked and he shrugged. Sometimes Dillon can be so bipolar. Some days, he’ll pour his thoughts out to me. Then sometimes I have to force him to be open with me.

Homeroom was about 15 minutes long. So it was 15 minutes of awkwardness and silence between us after that.