Status: Finished. :)

From Teammates to Best Friends to Boyfriends?


When I woke up, I instantly had a headache. I groaned and unwounded myself out of Dillon’s hold and stepped out of bed. I climbed down the ladder, and I immediately had to pee. When I finished there, I took some Advil migrane that in the kitchen. I took a shower, thinking it would help me feel better which it did. I washed my hair using Liam’s shampoo, I think. I left my stuff in my bad and I am too lazy right to get it. I pulled back on my dirty boxers from yesterday, realizing I forgot to get clean clothes. How stupid of me. I laughed at myself and exited the bathroom. I noticed Liam and his dad were still asleep. I guess I woke up pretty early. Oh well. I climbed back up and went to my bag for a clean shirt. I made sure Dillon was still asleep before I hurriedly switched my boxers for cleaner ones. I sighed as I climbed back into bed and faced Dillon. I was about to fall back asleep, feeling good, when last night’s events came back in my mind. The girls came over, we all got drunk, Liam and the girls went down to the water, and then the kiss.

I didn’t know what to think of it. I know I agreed to do it, but why did I? I don’t like Dillon like that, I don’t think. I guess . . . it was the beer that got to me and I didn’t acknowledge what I was doing. Oh well. Friends do stupid shit together when they’re drunk and that’s the way I see it.

I went back to sleep and the second I woke up was at twelve. Liam was still asleep, but Dillon and Bill were up. Bill was getting ready to go fishing and he invited us to go, but we said no. Dillon seemed very happy when he woke up. He wanted me to go down to the water with him after we made sandwiches and ate. We passed by Bill when we went down there. I haven’t gone swimming once on this trip yet and I wanted to right now. I made Dillon go in the water with me and we stayed to where I could touch the bottom. Dillon was humming a song, one that was playing yesterday. He looked over at me while I was staring at him and smiled. He splashed some water at me and I almost choked.

I was happy that Dillon was going back to his old self. He’s gone back to teasing me about anything but in a playful way. He’s joking around with me again. He’s now the Dillon that I became friends with. If that’s not enough, he’s become clingier in a way . . . which is cool, I guess, since we’ve kind of been ignoring each other since Dillon started acting weird around me.

“Dillon!” I laughed and pushed him away.

“What?” He asked, trying to act all innocent.

I huffed and swam away. I could tell he was following me so I stopped and turned around. He stopped quickly and chuckled. I shook my head at him.

“Hey, guess what.”

“What?” He asked me.

“I know how to float!” I lay out of my back and floated to show him. He laughed at me and pushed down on my stomach, making me go under. I guess he forgot I’m new to swimming. I struggled as I stood back up, breathing kind of fast. I didn’t get to hold my breath before I went under.

“Dick.” I muttered and he laughed.

“My bad, forgot you don’t know how to swim.” He teased.

We laughed at ourselves for no reason and swam for a little more.

When we got back to the cabin, Liam was finally awake and watching a scary movie . . . in the middle of the day. But we joined him after we changed into dry clothes. The movie was called Choose and it was okay so far. Scary movies aren’t really my favorite. But Dillon and Liam were into it.

Since today was our last day here, we were all just being lazy. We went swimming again after the movie was over and then we gathered up wood for a fire tonight. I wanted some freaking smores before I had to go back home. I was snacking on some pepperonis, watching Dillon and Liam arguing over how the firewood was going to set. Dillon was saying how it didn’t need to be a certain way and that it doesn’t matter, ‘cause it’s all going to burn. Liam thought that the wood had to stand like a teepee or something. I just sat back and laughed at them. I was pretty happy. Being here with two great friends, away from home for a little bit, and eating pepperonis.

I thanked Dillon earlier for getting them when they went shopping. He’s such a great friend. When I told him that, he blushed. I laughed, because I thought it was funny to do that for no reason.

When Bill came back up from fishing all day, he told us we were going to eat fish tonight. He said he caught a lot and I helped him skin the fish since the other two bozos were fighting over a fire.

Today was wonderful and I didn’t want to go home tomorrow.
♠ ♠ ♠
I did have planned more for this chapter like them going to bed, waking up the next day, and packing, but I felt like I should have ended it there. I thought it made the chapter better. Idk, that's just me. But yeah, Garret's just happy that Dillon is acting normal again. :D

Laura x

What do y'all think might happen next? Hint: It's gonna be about Dillon and he's brought it up before in past chapters. . .Also has something to do with his brother and baseball. . . . *insert creepy smile*