Status: Finished. :)

From Teammates to Best Friends to Boyfriends?


As usual, I woke up in the very early hours of the morning. I tossed around on the blankets, but I couldn’t get comfortable. I groaned and sat up. I don’t even get how I can stay up till 11, thinking about things, making me stress out, and then wake up only four hours later.

“You okay?” I heard Dillon ask, who was lying on his side by the edge of the bed. I was startled because I wasn’t expecting him to be awake.

“Uh, yeah. You?” I tried to look at him, but it was too dark. I got up and walked over the light switch to turn the light on. We both swinted at the light, and I made my way back to my bed. Once when my eyes finally got used to the brightness again, I could see that Dillon looked worse than earlier. He was sweating, but shaking at the same time.

“Thirsty or anything?” I asked him.

He nodded. “Thirsty.” His voice cracked. I nodded my head and went out of my room to get some water for him. I grabbed the thermometer and fever reducer medicine out the cabinet in the bathroom too. Dillon’s hand was a little shaky when he took the glass. I held out the thermometer and told him to raise up his arm. I proceeded to take his temperature while he drank his water. When we heard the little beep noise go off, I checked it to see he had a temperature of 100.

“What is it?” Dillon asked.

“It’s a little high, babe. Here,” I handed him the bottle in my hand. “Take some.”

I set the thermometer on the ground beside my bed and waited till Dillon was done. When he was, I took the glass and bottle away from him and set it down on the ground too. I turned off the light.

“Are you cold?” I asked. He still seemed a little shaky. He nodded. I sighed and grabbed one the blankets off the ground and spread it out on the bed, giving him more covers. I climbed under the covers and lay beside him.

“What are you doing? I thought you didn’t want to take a risk of getting sick?” He asked. I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him closer to me. Dillon seeming shocked (which he wasn’t the only one. I was shocked at myself for doing this too.) squeaked.

“You said you were cold.” I muttered.


“Shut up or I’ll change my mind.” My nose nuzzled his t-shirt covered chest and pulled him closer. Dillon draped an arm around my shoulder and pulled the part of the cover behind me closer to my head. Even though, I was kind of getting wet from his sweating, I stayed close to him. He soon fell asleep and his shaky stopped. I loosened my hold on him a little and let myself fall back to sleep.
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I don't even know why I wanted to write another chapter on this whole Dillon sick thing. I just wanted to show Garret getting closer. He also calls him 'babe'. Haha, anyone spot that? :]

Also, this story reached 50 subscribers and I just want to say THANK YOU!!!!!

Also, do y'all want a time jump another two weeks later or a date for the next chapter? (which would be their second date). I'm thinking I might do a time jump that goes into a date. . I don't know.