Status: Finished. :)

From Teammates to Best Friends to Boyfriends?


The next morning I woke up with Garret practically lying on top of me. I didn’t mind, and it was sort of cute on his part. I chuckled and gently pushed him off me. Today we only have Geometry and English exams, so we didn’t need to be at the school until ten. I took a quick shower and went back to my room. Garret was still asleep so I changed by my dresser into my boxers and basketball shorts. I went back to bed and jumped on it, making Garret bonce a little. He slowly woke up after making him bounce more. He whined while turned away from me and pulled the cover over his head. I laughed and got under as well. I basically spooned him and wrapped my arm around his waist.

“You need to get up soon, dude,” I started off. “Its eight thirty right now and we need to be at school by ten. Do you still want to take a shower or smell like my bed all day?” I gave a short laugh that sounded like a girl’s.

“I don’t care and I don’t wanna.” I heard him mumble.

I stared at the back of his head that now has a mohawk. I grinned, remembering about last night. I unwrapped my arm around him and fingers trailed through it. This made Garret groan and sit up. I copied him and then he just sat there and stared at me with a straight face.

I laughed. “What?”

He shook his head. “Next time. . .” He trailed and then spoke again. “When my hair grows back, I’m going to get this weird hair style and I going to make you get it with me.”

“Hmm.” I shrugged.

Garret got up and walked to my closet and grabbed a shirt and gray sweatpants. While he was in the shower, I decided to see what mom was doing. She was watching the Ellen Show in her pajamas.

“You off today?” I asked. She nodded. “Hungry?”

“Yeah.” She said.

I decided to make breakfast for us three. I didn’t know how to make pancakes, but I knew how to cook eggs, bacon, and biscuits. By the time the food was ready, Garret was still in the shower. I made an egg and cheese biscuit and went down the hall to see what was holding him up. I knocked on the bathroom door and asked with a mouthful, “You okay?”

I didn’t get a response so I opened the door. Garret was standing in front of the mirror. I sighed.
“It’s not that bad, Garret. If it counts, I like it so other people will too.”

He turned and frowned at me. I sighed and leaned against the counter beside him. “Honestly, you look hot.” I grinned as his face expression softened. I grabbed his hand and dragged him out of there. “I made breakfast.” I almost cheered. He laughed at me as we entered the kitchen. Garret grabbed a biscuit and three slices of bacon and made a sandwich out of that.

We headed out, saying goodbye to my mom and made our way to my truck. At the school, the parking lot wasn’t as crowded as it usually is. Half the student body is probably exempt. There were a few people hanging outside, probably waiting for ten o’clock to get here too. We sat in my truck for a while and just listened to music and I laughed at this one guy who started dancing in front of his friends. They were laughing too. I noticed two of them were Tyler and Sarah from our first period. Garret moved around so his back could lean against the car door and his feet could rest on my lap. I picked at his sock, because I was bored as he played on his phone. After a while, I checked my phone. It was nine fifty-five.

“Wanna head out? Third period is about to start.” I asked Garret.

He looked up and nodded. He put his phone away and got out. We headed to the side entrance and walked on the sidewalk to the main building. All the mathematics classes were all on the same part of the hall so I stood with Garret at the entrance of his Geometry class.

He looked at me after this random girl passed us. “I wonder what she thought of my hair. . .” He trailed off.

I shook my head. “Don’t worry about it. Only to more two days until summer.” I reminded him.

The bell rang and I left Garret to go to my own class. There we’re only eight of us that had to take the test and we had to spread out. I sat in the back corner. No one really listened as the teacher as she read the directions.

I was handed the test and I looked all throughout it. Two pages, one was just definition for vocabulary. I signed my name at the top and started number one. Define Geometry. Really? That’s so easy. I wrote down that Geometry deals with relations of points, lines, surfaces, and solids. I’m pretty sure I left out a couple words in there, but I think that was a good enough answer. I shrugged as I went to the second question. I’m not really good on test. They’re probably the reason why I have to take to the test today is because I get C’s on them.

When I was done with my test, I turned it in and got to leave. I headed to my locker that was practically on the other side of the school. I needed to clean it out. I grabbed one of the trashcans at the end of the hall and ragged it back to my locker. I picked up papers that had writing, papers that were crumpled, and old notebooks. I threw it all away. I didn’t bring my backpack today because we only had tests going on today. I left the trashcan in the middle of the hall and I carried my Biology book and lock to the office and turned it in. I went back to the mathematics hall and waited for Garret to get out. I didn’t know what we were going to do for the next hour since our English class is fifth period. Maybe hang outside? I don’t know, we’ll just have to see.

The bell rang and a few people came out. Garret was last and as he exited, I hooked my arm around his shoulders and we walked down the hall.

“So what do you want to do?” I asked. He shrugged.

“I don’t know. I still need to clean out my locker.”

I nodded.

After cleaning out Garret’s locker, we didn’t have anything else to do so I suggested going to the gym to hang out in there. When we got in there, we saw Chandler shooting hoops and we walked up to him.

“Hey.” My boyfriend greeted him. Chandler smiled and told us to go get another ball. I went to go get one for Garret out of the ball room and passed it to him. I sat against the wall and played a game on my phone. In the background I heard Garret and Chandler talking and a few others laughing from the other side of the gym. This period went by really slow and I was just ready to go back home.

By the time English rolled around we left the gym and made our way to Mrs. Redmond’s classroom. She didn’t make us spread out so we sat at our regular table. I sat beside Garret and she handed out the test. It was only one page and about poetry and writing. It took me only five minutes to answer the multiple choices and I turned it in. Garret and Chandler finished a couple minutes later and we just hung out in there for the rest of the period.

“Are we going back to your house after this period?” He asked me.

“If you want.” I laid my head down, but faced his direction. He did the same and made a funny face. I wanted to kiss him, but we were in class with Chandler right in front of us playing with a string on his backpack.

As soon as the bell rang, we headed out to the truck and headed back to my house. Today was just a boring day.
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So this is just a crap chapter, I think. Idk, the things I want to happen don't happen until the summer begins. :D So this chapter and the next one are basically going to be fillers of there last days of school. :)

If I go by what I have on the outline and nothing gets changed I think y'all are really going to like chapter 51 to ones after that. :] We'll just have to see how it goes! :D I'm excited to get past the next five or so chapters. . . .

So what did y'all think of this one? I love to know what y'all think. Is there anything y'all want to happen?