Status: Finished. :)

From Teammates to Best Friends to Boyfriends?


The past two days have been nothing but fun. On the second day we went boat riding with the campers beside us. That morning when Dillon’s mom was making breakfast, she got real friendly with one of them, the woman. I think their last name was Taylor, but I’m not completely sure. The woman and man only had one kid and when Dillon’s mom told her we weren't really doing anything that day, she invited us. We went to cliffs and jumped off some. It felt really nice that day and right now I wished the weather could have been a few degrees lower. It was hot and it made the water temperature rise up a little. On the third day, all we really did was sit around camp or swim. It’s only one right now and we went to the park earlier. I wanted to do something out of the camping area and maybe go into town. I heard this town had shops downtown that were really cool. Like old restaurants, thrift stores, but what I was really interested in was this toy store they had. I know, I know, call me a kid. Apparently this store has games and things back from like the eighties and nineties.

I thought about calling up Robin and Beth, the girls I met last time we were here and ask them if they would like to show us around their home town. When we got back from the park with Sammy, I asked Dillon what he wanted to do and he said whatever I wanted to do. I don’t think he really cared what he did, because the only thing he really wanted was to just be around me. So I called up Robin and asked what her and Beth were doing today. I’ll admit before I had feelings for Dillon, I did find Robin attractive. I still kind of do. As weird as it may sound, I like girls that tatted up and rebellious type. That’s why I never really dated any at the school because there were none like that and plus, why would they want to go out with me, a baseball player. They are probably into type that dresses like them or you know, punks. I know I’m being stereotypical, but I think it’s true that most people date someone that’s like them or has same interests and things. Like for example, Dillon and I are from the same group and we like each other. I liked that we played the same sport together even though Dillon doesn't like baseball anymore and I’m switching over to soccer, but we still have memories of playing together and it was a lot of fun. We have the same style clothing wise. But I like that we also have our differences, like how he likes to draw and write and he helps me out in English. I like how I still surprise myself when I admit it, because it’s still a new experience for me to like another guy . . . especially when that guy is Dillon. I still don’t see how I’m attracted to him now, but I’m not going to stop myself. At first I may have not liked the idea that Dillon liked me, but after our second date, something happen like a switch going from off to on and I saw Dillon in a different way.

I asked if it was okay if Dillon and I could go into town with Beth and Robin, once Robin told me that they weren't doing anything and said it would be cool to hang out. At first Dillon’s mom didn't want us to go to town with them, but caved in eventually when I told her that I knew them. So Dillon wanted to sit inside the camper until they got here. Robin told me it would take about ten minutes to get to us, so we just sat down at the table and talked about soccer. I didn't know when tryouts would next year for next year’s team. I know that the soccer season starts around March and I have the whole summer and fall to learn.

Robin texted me, asking what camp site we were, and I texted her back with ’34.’ When they pulled up, Dillon and I left the camper and headed towards their car. They still looked the same with the same hair and style.

Beth greeted us in a sweet way with a ‘hi’ and asked us where Liam was. Dillon told her that he wasn't invited on this trip. Beth actually thought that we were all brothers which made us laugh.

“So have y’all ever been around town down here?” Robin asked us once we were on the highway.

“Well, I went to the Wal-Mart if that counts.” Beth chuckled at my answer. While talking back, Dillon reached down for my hand and held it between us. I was sitting in the middle so there wasn't that much space in between us in the small car. I smiled up at Dillon, but at first he didn't know he had my attention until he turned to me. He face got redder which only made my smile wider and I rubbed my thumb up and down the length of his own. He turned back to the window and rested his head against it.

“Well then, today is going to be a crap load of fun!” She exclaimed.
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I really don't know why I wrote this chapter. . . I forgot I had wrote it Wednesday night and didn't publish it because I thought I would make changes to it Friday night after school but I didn't even plug in my flash drive until now. Sorry. Just felt a bit unmotivated because life just sucks right now.

Story time! So in my EAST class (which is in a computer room) and guess whose in there! Grant. You know the Grant in the story? Well, I kinda based him off of a real person too. XD
And now real Dillon is in my English class. And real Garret comes in Chemistry class a lot because he's in the class by mine and he talks with the other guys in there. And one time him and his friend were hugging and Garret was patting his butt. . .