Status: Finished. :)

From Teammates to Best Friends to Boyfriends?


So the next morning was a weird one. When Garret’s alarm went off, he made a whining noise and he didn’t even turn it off. I had to get up from my spot on the floor and do it. After that he just stayed in bed and he even started to cry. He kept complaining about his stomach hurting. Now that I remember, I do recall waking a few times during the night because Garret would take off to the bathroom. I tried comforting him the best I could, but I’m horrible at taking care of someone. I went down downstairs and got some medicine for him.

“Thanks.” Garret took the medicine and water. I sat down at the foot of his bed. I was waiting for him to tell me what he was going to do: stay home or go to school. I needed to know because I was his ride this morning.

I heard him sigh. “Well, I might as well get ready. Mom sure as hell won’t let me stay home, that’s for sure.” He walked over to his closet.

“You want to borrow some clothes, since it’s already too late to swing by your house.” I looked up to met his gaze.


For some reason, Garret didn’t want to sit in our usual seats in first period. He wanted to sit in the very back corner, and he wanted me to join him. Since he was having a bad morning, I agreed and sat down in the seat beside him. Nobody else sat at this side of the room. It felt weird.

In our first period there are these two band geeks. The guy claimed he was bi. At the beginning of the year, Garret and I kind of teased him about it and we still kind of do just not as bad. Anyways, the girl, Sarah is really goofy. Our usual seats are right beside their’s and we would talk with them. We would joke with them and they would joke with us back. They were actually pretty cool. But today, Garret didn’t want to be messed because his anxiety level was up, he told me. But unfortunately, Sarah picked today to mess with him.

“So are you two like a couple? Cause where ever you go, Dillon goes.”Sarah yelled over to us.
“No.” I said. I wasn’t really in the mood to deal with her, either.

Thankfully, after that she decided to stop and turned around to talk with the other band geek, Tyler.

All throughout first period, I was texting Hannah. She was in her English class. Hannah is actually a sweet girl. When I first met her last year, we were at the movies. My friends were hanging around with her friends. When my friends found out that I was interested in her, they told me she cheats and it wouldn’t be any different for me. I didn’t believe them though and we hooked up. We’ve been together since and I don’t think she’s cheated on me once.

Anyways, we made plans to hang out this weekend.

Garret seemed to be feeling better around 3rd period. He was going back to that happy mood.
“Garret, Dillon, I need y’all to go out to the field house and get a form for me. I’ll write y’all a note for being tardy when y’all come back.” He instructed.

“Okay. Where exactly is the form?” Garret asked.

“On my desk. Couch Lou will be in there to show you.”


It was weird changing back into our clothes. It was just us and I . . . don’t really know how to explain it.

I don’t really know why but ever since that night we slept on floor, I’ve been getting this feeling whenever I’m around Garret. Like I wanted to protect him. Be closer to him but at the same time keep a distance.
♠ ♠ ♠

Laura x