

You always did love flowers. I don't think you ever told me how this mild obsession started, and to be honest, I don't really remember caring, either. All I knew was that whenever you were upset, hurt, or just bored, there was one thing that could lift your spirits.

The soft, natural beauty of a flower.

Do you still love flowers? Can you even find them where you are?

I hope so.

I step through the crowd surrounding you, a flower clutched so tightly in my fingers that the stem is bent slightly. And with a smile on my lips and a tear in my eye, I drop it in the casket being lowered into the ground.

After all, you always did love flowers.
♠ ♠ ♠
Wrote this about an hour ago. Meaning at around 3 in the morning XD Comment and tell me if you like this or not. Silent reading is highly discouraged.