Big City Dreams

Dear Addalyn,

Dear Addalyn,
I don’t know what to say. My life is so incredibly average compared to yours. My alarm clock screams at me at six every morning. I drive for an hour and a half to sit in class until two. Then I drive for another hour and a half to go to work at the bakery until around ten. Some nights I hang out with Dash. Others I just go home and go to sleep. I have a really boring life.

Dash and I have been talking a lot about the future though. He still hasn’t gotten down on one knee yet, but I have a feeling it’s coming soon. Any day now I could be engaged.

As far as this cute waiter you work with goes, tell me more tell me more like does he have a car? I think my Addi Bear has a crush on someone she hasn’t known her whole life!

Oh and speaking of Owen he wants me to send you a letter.
