Big City Dreams

Nessa Monster,

Oh My God you’re getting married! I literally jumped up and down screaming with joy when I read that. In fact, I command you do the same right now and pretend I am right there next to you. Just me and you jumping and screaming like we used to in middle school. (Nicole actually barged into my room because she thought I was being attacked). And of course I will be your maid of honor even though it will be slightly difficult for me to calm down your tortuous bridezilla attacks from New York. And I really can’t just take of back to Kentucky for the next few months. I know I’m a terrible friend. But I will do everything I can to help you from here. In fact, the shopping is 234790982347 times better around here and we both know your mom’s going to try to get you to wear her tent from way back when, but come to New York for a weekend to find your dress. It’s the least I could do.

Tell Dashie Boy I love him and I’m insanely happy for the both of you.

-Addi Bear.