Big City Dreams

Dear Nessa,

Of course you can buy the house on the corner of fifth and main! Yeah, that was my dream house at one point, but I don’t think I’ll be buying it anytime soon. There is no one I would rather have living there than you and Dash. I can just picture old Ness and old Dash swinging on the porch with grandbabies running around in the yard. And of course fabulous Auntie Addalyn will spoil the heck out of them, even from this far.

This next part I thought about not telling you, but I promised to tell you everything a long time ago.

We’ve been friends for approximately 19 years. How many times have you seen me cry? Not a lot right? Well, reading your last letter I cried. No, that’s an understatement; I balled my freaking eyes out. I cried because I miss Kentucky. I cried because I miss you and Dash. I cried because I miss my parents. And for the first time since the fight I cried for the loss of Owen.

I don’t even know how to explain the fight to you. It was the worst fight Owen and I have even gotten in. We were hanging out by the swimming hole. It was just a normal night. We had just gotten done swimming and were lying in the bed of his truck. I started singing to him, As Long As You’re Mine from Wicked. Then I started talking about New York. Coming here someday. Being on Broadway. It’s not like this was news to him. I’ve always wanted this. Owen said something about how cute my silly dreams were. We started fighting about whether New York was just a silly dream or not. After fighting for about an hour I asked him if he would follow me if I left the next day. He said no. The guy I had been dating for four years wouldn’t follow me to the end of the earth. The boy I thought I would marry was not willing to help me realize my dreams. I would have gone anywhere to be with Owen, but he wouldn’t do the same. I left for New York the very next day.

Well now you know.

Love you much,