Invisible Armageddon

I Don't Know If She Survived

“The calling crystal. It’s worthless to anyone who doesn’t need to call for help. Hope it works.” Holding her breath she shoved the crystal into the hole and turned. The room shuttered as the huge door opened and excitement overflowed in Army. But that was soon squished as the pounding of feet echoed and howls viciously filled their ears. And in a blink the hall was filled with thousands of creatures ready to kill. Anger, sadness, hopelessness, and fear pulsated through Army. “Let’s fight until we can’t or we’re through that door.” She looked up at Zane who grimly smiled at her before they drew their weapons and dashed forward at their enemies.
Infinite amount of time seem to pass as the two fought endless amount of enemies. No matter how many they killed more seem to just replace their fallen comrades. Eventually, the pair made it to the door with only a few enemies between them and their goal. Army and Zane had to act fact for more were rushing in to block them off. They only had seconds before they would be once again cut off from the one thing that would let them go home. “Go!” Army shouted to Zane who she knew wouldn’t leave her behind. He looked fiercely at her and with his eyes told her 'No Way!' “Go or I’ll make you.”
“Yeah? How?” Zane shouted over the sounds of roars.
"Like this!" Army grabbed a chuck of shirt and whipped him through the door right before she was checked into a small pillar. *Shit, that hurt. Come on Armageddon you can do this. Ahh, I'm bruised. But hey, no biggy you’ve probably handled worse. Let’s do this!* She quickly got up and fought harder than before. Between using her gift and attacking, her strength was quickly failing. She dodged to the left and climbed a low cliff that we only feet away from the door. Finding an opening in defense Army used her gift one last time before using the last of her willpower and catapulted herself at the door.

-2 months later-
Zane was finally walking out of the hospital for good. It took him two months to convince the crazy doctors that he was fine and not going to hurt himself. He silently chuckled to himself how little they understood about his sudden change. How he went from a suicidal teenager to a strong young man who knew more about living life than anyone twice his age. So much had changed and he doubted even his parents even realized it. Apparently they finally agreed on what to do with him and got the divorce they always wanted. But really he did not care anymore about them. Granted he still loved them, but his goal was no longer trying to get their approval it was to live. He had a lot of time to decide what he wanted to do with his life; something he figured out and others he would let himself figure out later. Right now he wanted to make sure he graduated from high school (which meant repeating a year) and more immediate meeting up with Army. He was still unsure of she made it out of the trial, but some how he knew she had not died. Shaking his head he walked towards the car awaiting him. He smiled to his aunt and climbed into the passengers side.
"You ready to go home?" His aunt smiled as she put the car in reverse.
"Yes I am." Zane smiled to himself. *One more month.*
-1 month later-
Zane walked quickly to get out of the sticky humid air. His clothes were beginning to stick to him as he breathed in the unpleasant air. Within minutes he made it to his destination and opened the door grateful for the cold. He pulled off his hat and wiped the sweat from his forehead as he scanned the room he’d been waiting to see for three months. *Finally here…*
“Zane!” he whipped his head to the right and grinned widely as a dark haired girl rushed at him and leaped into his arms. “How have you been? It’s been forever!”
“It sure feels that way doesn’t it, Armageddon.”
♠ ♠ ♠
And so this story ends. This story evolved from when I wrote it two years ago and I'm quite happy with how it turned out. I really enjoyed that I got to do Zane's point of view, I hope you didn't mind the sudden switch. I really wanted to make you guess whether or not she died or not. Believe me I was tempted to twist the ending. Leave comments on how you liked it =) Cheers