Chasing Shadows

Good Gone Bad

Looking up from his computer screen with a sigh, he rests his chin on his left hand and looks up to the small shelf above his desk. A smile breaks out and he can't help but laugh. In the picture is he and his wife; they just got married. The memory the picture holds is of them when they were younger, it was their two year anniversary. His mum had taken the picture for them,they were sat on the couch when Layla had fallen on to his lap and they both looked up as Marie shouted 'cheese'. His arm was wrapped around her waist and she was resting on his stoach and legs. Their smiles of genuine happiness.

"Coming out for drinks tonight mate?" Brad popped his head over the desk divider.

"Sorry Brad, it's Friday"

"Oh yeah" He he laughed and wriggled hs eyebrows.

"Lay off" Colin laughed and started to get ready to leave.

"I'm jealous y'know" Brad said, now standing beside Colin.

"Why?" Colin laughed as he slung his backpack over his right shoulder.

Brad fingered the ball of rubber bands he toyed with when thinking. He smiled at his friend and sat on his desk. Colin looked at Bradley with a bewildered look.

"Whats up Bee?"

Bradley lauged and punched Colin's arm.

"Shut up, nah, it's just. How did you find her? How are you two able to stay together for so long? Don't you get bored?" He asked.

"Whoa, easy Brad"

"I didn't mean it like that, I love Layla too but, I mean you guys have been together since you were sixteen! That's been twelve years"

"Yeah" Colin laughed.

"And you know, everyday I still miss her when I don't see her and I know it's not...manly, but even I get butterflies when I see her face light up" Colin added.

"Alright you big girl! Sorry I mentioned it"

Colin laughed and slapped Bradley's back leaving the office.

"Look, I'm going to be late, Synthia won't keep the shop opened all night"

"What are you getting her this time? Lillies?"

Colin saluted Brad and signed out of the building before leaving and getting in his car. With the music on, he sang along happily. Stopping on his way home only to pick up a bouquet of flowers; every Friday he brought Layla home a new Bouquet. With a wave, Colin ran out of the flower shop and started his car; he was late.

Rushing up the stairs and to the front door of his house. He took a breath and composed himself and opened the door. The smell of Paprika and chicken hitting him, he grinned and sighed in contentment.

"Honey, I'm home!" He laughed to himself.

"Hey babe ! I'll be two seconds hold on!"

Layla clattered about the kitchen, finishing off the dinner. Once she was satisfied she hurried out of her apron and put her spoon down and ran out into the hallway. Colin dropped his bag and produced the bouquet of flowers to his wife.

"Oh Sweetheart they're lovely!"

"I knew you'd like them" He smiled.

Layla fell into his arms and he wrapped them around her, the flowers hitting off Layla's back. They kissed and smiled at each other. They stared into each other's eyes, knowing that the longer they stare, the more their passions were going to grow.

"I should...put" Layla whispered.

Colin kissed her, she closed her eyes. They were going slow but then they could feel the spark igniting.

"I'll...get week" Colin said between kisses.

Layla laughed and Colin threw the flowers away. Layla jumped up wrapping her legs around Colin's torso. He supported her and cupped her bottom as he used the map of the flat in his mind to make his way to their bedroom. Leaving the door open and the light off, Colin turned and dropped Layla on the bed. Layla laughed and looked up into her husbands eyes, running her hands through his hair and then caressing his face, slowly caressing his lips.

"I love you"

"I love you more"

Layla smiled and kissed her husband, who kissed back just as eager. They had spent their whole lives revolved around each other, and everyday was even better than the next. Nothing could possibly spoil their happiness.


"Francis, I'm sorry. I've already had to do my own work, cover for Brad and...I'm late for dinner with my wife"

Colin spoke down the phone, hurridly putting things in his backpack.

"Colin, please"

"I can't, I'm already ready to leave, good luck and goobye Fran"

Colin hung up and swung his backpack onto his shoulder and went to leave when Steve stood in front of him.

"Colin! Just the person I'm looking for!"

"Not now Steve"

"Yes now Colin. I need your opinion on these faxs"

"That one"

"That's not my question"

"And it's not my decision to make"

Steve looked at his collegue and watched as he ran out of the building. Steve shook his head and thought; "his wife must have him whipped".

Colin ran up to the shop and looked through looking for any sign of Synthia, but no sign. He heard something flutter in the wind and looked down to his left; there was a bouquet of flowers under the rails with a note. Colin smiled and said a silent thank you for Synthia. He grabbed the flowers and left, driving to get home in time. Rushing up the stairs as usual, he could hear the crunching sound of the plastic round the flowers. He opened the door and inhaled.

"Honey I'm...home" He whispered.

Looking in there was no lights on. There was no smell of dinner being cooked or any noise at all...except for the sound of the wind blowing in form outside.

"Layla? Babe?"

There was no response. Leaving his key in the door, colin slowly made his way into the house. Looking for the source of the noise. He followed it into the living room, their large window, and it was gaping open.In his panic he rushed to the window and peered out; but he would of saw he body when he got out of the car. Panic started to slowly make it's way into Colin's mind, he dropped the flowers.

"Layla!" He shouted.

He made his way into the bedroom and turned on the light. Colin stopped. His face went white. There on their bed, was the body of Layla. Colin couldn't move, he was horrified by the scene before him. Layla's eyes were opened and in a terrified expression, her hair was a mess and her head was facing the side, looking at the door where Colin was standing. Layla's top was ripped in many different places, he could see parts of her bra. Scanning further down her body he saw that her skirt had been ripped right off and her underwear was now resting at her ankles. Of course there was blood. Although he didn't see the blood till he went to the right side of the bed. He looked down at his beloved wife, sick rising in his throat. there were two gaping rips in the side of her neck. As if someone had stabbed her with a barbacue fork and used to rip her throat open. Colin narrowed his eyes and looked at her neck closer...the blood was still flowing, ever so slowly.

Colin tenderly reached forward and touched Layla's hand; she was still warm. Colin moved away from her body and vomitted beside the bedside cabinet. He fell to his knees and began to cry. He wept and wept, almost half an hour passed by before he heard a knock on the front door.

"Mr Barker...Mrs Barker...everything ok?" The voice of Mrs Singer called.

"Mrs Singer! Don't come in here! Call the police! Please" Colin wept.

Mrs Singer paniced but when she heard the desperate cry of the distraught Mr Barker she rushed to their house phone. Mrs Singer's wanted to comfort her neighbour but she had to call the police. She could hear his heart-breaking sobs, calling for his wife to come back. What had happened to Mrs Barker? This was terrible.

Mr Barker knew not to touch his wife, but he couldn't help but hold her hand and lean on her arm and weep. Her body was still warm, but the heat was fading fast. He heard Mrs Singer put the phone down and slowly make her way to the door. The bedroom door was opened so Mrs Singer gasped in horror at the sight before her. The smell of blood and vomit hit her and she looked at the crying man on the floor beside his dead wife.

"No Layla, Layla please! You can't be dead, you can't be! Come back, please, please, Baby please come back!" He wept.

Mrs Singer knew that Mr Barker shouldn't be near the body, it would ruin the crime scene and it wasn't good for his mind. Mrs Singer made her way into the room and took Mr Barker's shoulders.

"Come on son, you shouldn't be here"

"Come on, Colin, Colin. Listen to me. There is nothing you can do, come now, the police are on their way"

Colin sluggishly got up and eventually let go of Layla's hand. He followed Mrs Singer through to her house across the landing. Mrs Singer left Colin in the living room with Mr Singer who sat quietly, not knowing what to say. Although he knew that loosing a loved one was never good, he was always worrying about the day he would loose his beloved wife to old age.

When the police showed up, a few went to inspect the house and others questioned Colin. He wept and the police that had suspected him as the murderer couldn't, no man would weep this hard, good actor or not, for someone they were pretending to love and had murdered. Colin could hear the men talking in the landing and hear the squeaky wheels of a gourny. He shot up out of the arm chair he was in and looked otwards the door.

"Let me see her"

"Sir I don't think that would be the best thing for you right now" the Police man said.

"Please..." He begged.

The Police man looked at Mr Barker and his heart fell. This man was truely going to be lost without his wife.

"Please...I won't be...I won't see..." Colin bit his lip to try and stop the tears from falling.

The Police man nodded and Colin raced out before the gourny went down the first set of stairs. He asked the men to stop and unzip the bag, they looked at each other and did so with a nod form the Police man from Mrs Singer's house. When the bag made that horrible zipping noise, Colin closed his eyes, took a breath and looked down. Layla's eyes had been closed and she looked like she was sleeping. Colin's breath caught in his throat and he reached to touch her face. The Police man stopped him.

"I'm sorry, you can't, not until the investigation is over"

Colin nodded and whimpered as the bag was zipped up and the gourny taken away. He turned and slammed his fists against the wall. The Police man already there and a few leaving Mr Baker's flat moved towards him, incase he became violent.

"He killed her!"

"Who did?"

"Whoever it was! They took her life! They killed her! What did she ever do to anyone?! She was beautiful! She was loving and kind! And they killed her! They raped her and killed her! Those Monsters!"

Colin fell to his knees, leaning on the wall and he wept.

"My Laylay...she's gone. She's gone"

The Police didn't know how to handle this man. Mrs Singer and Mr Singer stood at their flat door, holding each other, their hearts breaking for the Barker's. They were lovely people, Mr Barker was right, Layla wouldn't have hurt anyone. She was a kind and loving person who always tried to help people; she didn't deserve to have her life taken from her.

"They'll pay...I'll make them pay"
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Hey guys, hope you like it! It's not that different to my other ones but I love it <3