Status: slowly updating!

Music to My Ears

Chapter Two

They walked all the way to the Symphony Center, constantly talking and catching up. She led him to a seat once they were inside, and he kissed her on the cheek and whispered, "Good luck," causing her to blush a little. "Thanks." "Don't be nervous, you'll be fine!" He patted her head when she winked at him before turning and hurrying backstage to get ready for the rehearsal. What does that mean? Does he like me? More importantly, do I like him? She kept pondering these thoughts as she quickly unpacked and tuned before taking a quick warm-up. She then found the guest conductor who would be judging the competition, and greeted him with a handshake. "How are you Miss O'Kelley?" He asked with a smile. This conductor reminded her of an old, wise uncle who had an answer for everything. "Doing well! How about you?" He chuckled and answered, "Good! I'm ready to make music when you are!" They both laughed as they walked onstage. Before they started, she turned to the orchestra and greeted them with a smile and wave. She nodded at the conductor who was ready to start when she was, and then she looked out into the audience. Her eyes found Jon's, and his were full of encouragement and comfort that instantaneously filled her heart. This emotion was easy to see as she joined the orchestra in her concerto. She played her heart out, and it was gorgeous. She had a habit of closing her eyes while she played a solo, but it did help her play more expressively. The concerto soon finished with a flourish and silence. She looked up at the conductor who smiled down at her and nodded his approval. Phew. She smiled back, thanked him and the orchestra for the run-though, and exited the stage. She was grinning ear to ear when she packed up her violin case until she ran into her rival, Jia Song. "Hey Jia, how are you?" Ugh. I hate being polite. She sneered, "That solo was awful- everyone knows you're just trying to become concert master and steal my spot!" Only half of that was true. "Jia, I'm not going to waste my time arguing with you. We'll see who plays the concerto better by the end of this week," She sticks her hand out for a handshake. "May the best musician win." Jia simply glared at her once more and walked away. I have better things than to deal with that bitch. She just makes me want to beat her even more than I already do. I left the backstage area, and went into the concert hall to sit with Jon. I quietly whispered, "Hey, how's it going?" He was grinning ear to ear when he saw me. "You were amazing." I smiled and sized up the competition who was constantly being stopped by the conductor for not feeling the music and communicating with the orchestra. I had a slight smirk on my face every time he stopped her and almost burst out laughing when she practically screamed at him. Thankfully the rehearsal soon ended, and Jon and I exited the hall. "So, what'd you think?" I tentatively asked. He quickly responded, "I had no idea you could play like that!!" He then asked about Jia, and I was about to fill him in when I decided it would be better to sit somewhere and talk about it. "Let's talk in Millennium Park." He agreed, and we sat in the park and I explained the rivalry that was only fueled by this competition. "Well from my point of view, I definitely think that you are way better than this stuck up bitch." I laughed out loud when he said this and thanked him for his input. The sun started to set as we continued to talk about anything that came to mind. "Dee, I'm really sorry, but I'm going to have to go. Sharpie's having a team get-together that I have to go to." They quickly exchanged numbers, pinky-promising that they would call, and talk some more. "Have fun at your shing-ding, captain," she joked. He laughed before saying thanks and walking across the park to the sidewalk.
My cell phone woke me up early the next morning. “Hello?” “Miss O’Kelley? I’d like to congratulate you for winning the concerto competition.” What?! Really? YESSSS. “Wow, thank you!” I’m so excited. “Yes, and because you won, you do know that there is a concert today that is featuring you, so please be at the Symphony Center at 3:00 for a sound-check, and for you to get ready.” “3:00? Okay. Thanks!” I hung up my phone, let out a scream and started dancing around my apartment. My roommate and best friend Annalise mumbled, “Dee! Shut up! I’m trying to sleep!” I quickly ran into her bedroom in my pajamas and jumped on her bed screaming, “I DID IT! I DID IT!” She sat up. “What did you do that is so important that you need to wake me up for?” “I WON THE CONCERTO COMPETITION! YOU’RE LOOKING AT THE NEW CONCERT MISTRESS, BABY!” We screamed and hugged, then got up and danced to the kitchen. “CELEBRETORY BREAKFAST!” After we ate breakfast, we both got ready to go. Annalise insisted on shopping, even though I told her I have a dress. After 3 hours of shopping with no luck, we went back to the apartment and finally showed her the dress that she refused looking at. “Oh…Dee it’s beautiful!” “WHY DIDN’T YOU LOOK AT THIS BEFORE WE WENT SHOPPING?!” She smirked and walked out of my room. I sighed and remembered that I needed to call Jon about today. After five rings, he finally answered. “Helloooo?” “Hey Jon, I have some good news!” “Lemme guess, you beat that stuck-up bitch?” “YEAH I DID!” We both laughed before he congratulated me. “That’s amazing! Congratulations!” I smiled to myself. “Thanks. But because I won, I have to play the concerto tonight at our concert. So I was wondering if you wanted to come. Annalise has a date, so I still have two tickets. Do you want to go…?” “Of course I do!” I laughed and said, “Alright, I’ll come drop off the tickets at your condo before I head over to the Symphony Center.” Of course, being the gentleman he was raised to be, he offered me a ride. “I really would, but I have to go over there at 3:00 for a sound-check and to get ready. Sorry. How about I come over at 2:00 to drop them off and we can talk for a little bit?” He agreed, and gave me his address before we exchanged goodbyes. I quickly changed into a hoodie, packed a bag with makeup and things to get ready with (for the concert), grabbed my violin and her music, and exited the apartment. I stopped in front of her door when I heard a crash from inside, and just as I did, Annalise ran out of the door. “GOOD LUCK! I LOVE YOU!” I laughed and gave her a hug. “Thanks! I’ll text you afterwards with how it went. Byee!” I kissed her on the cheek, and then went to my car to go to Jon’s condo.

I knocked on the door, and waited a minute before he answered the door. I wonder who he’s taking to the concert… He answered the door looking annoyed. “Hey, come on in.” “Are you okay? You look really annoyed,” I asked tentatively. He sighed. “Yeah I’m fine. My girlfriend just got pissed that I’m seeing your concert instead of going to dinner with her.” Wait. Girlfriend? “Well didn’t you invite her?” I looked up at him while digging through my bag for the tickets. “Yeah, I was about to! Then she got all mad when I mentioned you.” She got mad about me? She doesn’t even know me! “I don’t know what to tell you. Try talking to her about it? If you don’t want to do it today, at least do it tomorrow,” I was actually confused as to what to say. “You’re right. I’ll deal with it tomorrow. Tonight is about you.” I laughed before saying, “Hey! Don’t put this on me!” “Who said I was?” He winked before turning and walking into the kitchen. “You want anything to drink? You want an iced tea?” I looked at him with my mouth slightly hanging open. “You still remember that iced tea is my favorite drink?” He shrugged as he handed me a can. “I remember a lot of things, Dee.” I smiled as I sat down at the counter. “Do you remember the day you taught me how to skate?” He laughed, and agreed. “But Dee, do you remember when you tried to teach me how to play violin? You got so angry with me! Little seven year old Deidre was standing there yelling at me, ‘Put your fingers down! Fix your bow hand!’” We both laughed even harder at that memory. “I was not a patient child,” I said as we calmed down. “Not at all,” he chuckled. We talked about Winnipeg for another half hour before I had to go. “I’ll see you later,” I said before leaving. “I’d say good-luck, but I know you’ll be great.” He winked, (and I blushed) before he pulled me into a hug. I mumbled thanks into his chest before looking up at him, smiling and picking up my bag and violin. “Where should I meet you after the concert, Dee?” Meet me in front of the stage twenty minutes after it ends. Hey, don’t forget to dress up, and find a date for the concert!” I winked at him before he said, “I know, I know. Don’t worry! I got it. I’ll see you later.” We both smiled before I left his condo.
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her outifit:
hope you liked it! sorry it's a bit short... before today, they were shorter chapters, but i decided to smush them together :P comments? maybe? thanks! xoxo