Status: slowly updating!

Music to My Ears

Chapter Three

(Jon’s POV)
I looked at my watch before getting up, grabbing my keys and heading out. Jeez, I haven’t realized how long it’s been since I’ve seen Deidre. She’s gorgeous. Much prettier than I remember her to be. I smiled a little before getting into my car. I decided to take Kaner because if I didn’t take him, he’d probably go out drinking and hook up with some puck bunny. Hell, he’ll probably end up drunk tonight anyways. I drove to his house to pick him up. We drove to the Symphony Center, parked and went to our seats. They were box seats with, I assumed, were other musicians’ families or friends. In my case, I’m kind of both. I smiled at the thought. Pat must’ve seen me because he looked at me funny and asked, “Whatcha smilin’ about Tazer?” “Nothin. Just thinkin…” Soon, the concert started and the lights dimmed. As usual in a concert featuring a soloist, the orchestra started the concert with an orchestral piece. I only know this because of years of hearing it from Dee. If she didn’t tell me, I would’ve been lost. Kaner poked my arm and whispered, “Dude, where’s this Deidre girl? You said she was playing a solo!” I shushed him before saying that the orchestra always plays a song before the soloist comes out. “Ohh…okay.” He sat back and watched. The orchestra soon finished their piece and exited the stage. Kaner and I looked at each other weirdly before looking on stage. They were moving the chairs; leaving space for a soloist. “Here we go,” I said under my breath. Hell, why am I so nervous? I’m not even playing the damn solo! The orchestra came back on stage, and the concert hall was silent. The conductor came on stage and everyone clapped politely, but I kept twiddling my fingers waiting for my best friend to come on stage. A beautiful, young woman in a long red dress walked on stage, beaming with her hair braided behind her. I was grinning when she was only half way across the stage. There’s my girl. Pat poked my arm again. “Is that Deidre?” he mouthed. I nodded, still grinning. He whispered in my ear, “Your grin gave it away. You have it so bad.” I blushed and admired my best friend on stage. She took a bow, and the hall was still clapping for her. She turned to the orchestra and the very unhappy-looking concert master turned to tune the orchestra and the soloist. Dee nodded at the conductor who was beaming at her, looking like a proud grandfather. She smiled, turned around, and closed her eyes. The orchestra opened the piece, and I was still waiting anxiously for Deidre to start playing. Finally she put her violin on her shoulder and starting playing. She’s so beautiful. She looks so confident in her playing, but I know that she is going to tear herself apart later tonight when she thinks about how she played. I smiled thinking about this girl that I grew up with. I was lost in my thoughts as the piece continued, and she was the center of everyone’s attention. The concerto ended with a flourish, and the whole audience was immediately on their feet, cheering. Myself and Patrick both stood up, grinning and clapping. Dee looked up at the box, and our eyes met. We both beamed at each other, and she blew a kiss to me. I blushed and caught it with a wink. Patrick poked my side again, and said with a grin, “Dude, you have it so bad.” Maybe I do have it bad…

Twenty minutes after the concert, I had everything packed up, and people kept coming into my dressing room to congratulate me and tell me how great I played. I graciously thanked them before heading out to the concert hall like I promised Jon. Playing this concert reminded me of playing my very first solo in an orchestra concert. I was eight years old, and Jon was ten. Similar to tonight, we both beamed at each other, but tonight I decided to blow him a kiss. I stopped walking. I blew him a kiss? I quickly remembered what happened, and got over the fact that I did. Let’s say that I blew it to the audience. Phew. I started making my way down to the stage and smiled when I saw Jon. He had his best friend Patrick with him, which is who I figured he’d bring anyways. I walked up to them and Jon handed me three red roses, and kissed my cheek. “You were amazing,” he whispered in my ear. I blushed and thanked him. “Umm…I’m Patrick.” “It’s nice to meet you, I’m Deidre,” I replied with a smile. Nothing can ruin this great night. “Patrick, was this your first orchestra concert?” “Haha, yeah it was. Jonny-boy here didn’t tell me that he was such good friends with a world-class violinist!” “Ha. World-class. That’s a good one!” I lightly punched his arm. Jon said, “Dee, it’s getting late. I don’t want you driving home by yourself. Kaner, you take my car back to your place and I’ll grab it tomorrow. I’ll drive Dee home in her car.” I looked at him with a slight smile on my face. Patrick looked at the two of us and said, “Oh. Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow at practice Jonny. It was nice finally meeting you Deidre!” He waved as he left the hall. I turned to Jon. “Doesn’t he need keys?” He looked at my weirdly then his mouth formed a big “o”. “I’ll be right back…” I laughed as he ran after his friend. Why does he want to drive me home? He knows perfectly well that I can take care of myself… He came back with a smile on his face. “Ready to go?” I nodded and we walked back to my dressing room to grab my stuff and go home.
We drove down Michigan Avenue in a comfortable silence before I realized that he wasn’t taking me to my apartment. “Jonny, where are we going?” He smirked and said, “It’s a surprise.” I rolled my eyes and rubbed my arms. He noticed and asked, “Dee, are you cold?” I nodded a little before he shrugged off his suit jacket and handed it to me while driving. I mumbled thanks before putting it around my shoulders. We pulled up to a small coffee shop, and I noticed that it was my sisters’ coffee show. I looked up at the sign that said, “Two Irish Girls’ Café”. I smiled to myself before walking through the familiar door that Jon held open for me and guided me through with a flourish. I immediately noticed that both of my sisters, Erin and Shannon, were standing behind the counter smiling their usual welcoming smiles. “Hey Deidre, how’s it going?” Erin asked me. Jon looked confused before a look of realization crossed his face. “Hey, you guys are Erin and Shannon, right?” The twins looked so confused before he introduced himself once more and they both let out a collective, “OHHHHHH.” I smiled as everyone remembered who everyone was. Erin looked at me with raised eyebrows and showed Jon to a table, while Shannon grabbed my arm and dragged me to the kitchen. I looked back at Jon and Erin, and his order, and probably mine, was being taken. Once Erin was finished, she quickly joined us in the kitchen. “So how did you meet Jon again?” Shannon was the first to ask me a question. “I ran into him at Corner Bakery after my audition for the concerto competition,” I answered. “OHMYGOODNESS HOW DID WE FORGET?! HOW DID THAT GO???” Erin was out of her mind. I chuckled before saying, “Well, seeing as how I’m wearing this beautiful dress tonight, I’d say it went pretty well!” I was grinning at them. They both squealed and hugged me. “Now before you say anything, we aren’t dating. He has a girlfriend. Just so you are aware,” I informed the two tall brunettes. They frowned before Erin said, “Now what makes you think that we were going to say something like that?” We all grinned knowing very well that they were. I winked at them before heading out of the kitchen to the table that Jon was sitting at. “Hey, did you know that Erin and Shannon owned this place?” He laughed before saying, “I had no clue. Sharpie told me about it, and I figured you’d want coffee after your big performance,” he waggled his eyebrows, causing me to laugh. The girls came out with our coffee and pastries, and we all caught up again. “Hey Jon, how’s hockey going? You haven’t said much about it in this past couple days,” I asked. “Oh it’s good. You probably know that it’s the start of the season, so it’s been practice and pre-season games. Our first game is on Tuesday. Hey, can you come?” The girls had disappeared to the kitchen again, and I looked up to find Jon looking intently into my eyes. How do I say no to those chocolate brown eyes? I smiled before agreeing. “Really?” He looked at me excitedly. “Haha, of course! I’ve been to all your games up to until you left. I’m not breaking that streak!” I winked before taking a sip of my mocha. “Good. I’ll leave the tickets in will call, and after the game, come down to the locker-room to meet the guys. Do you want to bring someone?” I nodded, “I’ll bring my roommate, Annalise.” He nodded and took a bite of his pastry. We sat in a comfortable silence before he asked me, “Do you want to head home?” I nodded, and we said good-bye to my older sisters and headed out.
When we got to my apartment, I found a note from Annalise on the counter. Won’t be coming home tonight, apartment’s all yours! ;) I rolled my eyes and smiled. “Do you want anything to drink?” I asked Jon as I kicked off my heels and grabbed a water bottle from the fridge. “Could I have a water bottle?” I threw one to him and we sat down on the couch. “Do you mind if I go change…?” I really wanted to get out of this dress, and my contacts were bugging me. He laughed before saying, “I figured you’d want to sooner or later. Go ahead, I’ll watch TV.” I turned and walked to my room and changed. I walked back to the living room barefoot, and carrying my pillow pet. Jon turned and looked at me and laughed. “What’s so funny?” He shook his head. “Some things never change! Your favorite animal has always been giraffes,” He smiled. “How do you remember that? I don’t even remember that!” We both smiled. “Well, what are we watching?” The TV was still turned off. “I think I’m going to head home, Dee.” I looked at him weirdly. “Jon, don’t pay for a cab, I’ll drive you to practice tomorrow morning. Stay here,” I looked at him. He smiled at me. “Are you sure? I don’t want to be intruding…” He’s always such a gentleman. “It’s fine, you take my bed, I’ll sleep on the couch.” He immediately started shaking his head. “Nu-uh, if I’m staying, you’re going to sleep in your bed.” We are both one of the most stubborn people you’ll meet, and I figured that this was easier than arguing with him. “Fine, we’ll both sleep in my bed then.” He smirked, and I rolled my eyes. “I don’t know about you Jonny, but I’m going to bed now. You can stay up and watch TV more if you want,” I winked before turning on my heel and going to bed. I was almost asleep before Jon climbed into bed and scoot up behind me, putting an arm around my waist. “Hey Dee?” he whispered in my ear. “Hmm?” “Do you remember when we were kids and we said ‘I love you,’?” I chuckled and said yes. “Well I still love you, Dee.” I smiled and said, “I love you too, Jonny.” My eyelids fluttered closed, and I fell asleep.
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concert outfit:
another one! :) haha they were written out-- i just wanted to post them all :P comments please, as always! xoxo