Status: slowly updating!

Music to My Ears

Chapter Four

It was finally Tuesday afternoon, and I was super excited for Jonny’s game. He gave me a jersey to wear, but I figured that it would be best not to wear it because things with him and his girlfriend were still shaky, and I didn’t want to come between them again. I yelled at Annalise to get ready, and I started getting ready as well. She changed into her favorite Blackhawks hoodie, and got her small purse ready to go. She put on her boots, and Annalise walked out of her room. “We’re going to grab something to eat before we head over there, right? I’m starving!” I laughed. “Anna, you’re ALWAYS hungry!” I smiled when she patted her belly and smirked. We walked out of the apartment, and grabbed a couple of sandwiches at Potbelly, and went to the United Center. When we got there, we picked up the tickets and went to our seats. They were great seats—first bowl, six rows up from the ice. “Wow, nice seats…” Annalise looked around the arena, which had people trickling in to watch the Blackhawks and Redwings warm-up. Jon specifically asked me to come see warm-ups so he could see me before the game. “Want to go to the glass?” I asked Annalise. She shrugged and we walked to the glass. The Hawks skated out on the ice and Annalise and I chatted nonchalantly as they skated a few laps to warm up their legs. They lined up for drills, and Annalise and I were talking about her boyfriend, Tom, so I was looking at her, not really paying attention to the warm-ups. All of a sudden a huge body slammed into the glass in front of Anna and me, causing us to let out little squeaks. I looked to see who it was and Jonny was standing their smirking at me. I stuck my tongue out at him, and then wished him luck. He said thanks, and then asked where the jersey was. “I didn’t want Victoria to think something else,” I explained. He nodded. “Thanks for coming; I’ll try to find you when we’re on the ice.” ‘Alright, see you later. Go kick some Detroit ass, will ya?” I winked at him before he went and did his drill. Anna raised her eyebrows at me. “Whaaat? Anna, I don’t understand!” I whined at her. She laughed and we walked back to our seats. We kept talking and talking until Anna abruptly said, “I’m thirsty. Wanna grab some pop?” I laughed and egged her on, “You mean soda?” She hit my arm and said, “We are not getting into that argument again!” We laughed before getting Cokes from concessions. The national anthem started when we got back to our seats, and it was amazing. The whole crowd was cheering as he was singing, and the atmosphere was so pumped for the first game of the season, against their long-time rivals, Detroit. The game was soon underway, and both teams had a ton of energy. At the end of the first period, the score was 1-1, and Jon looked frustrated. After the first intermission, our eyes met and I gave him a stern look while giving him a little smile thinking, You can do it. Shake it off, find their weaknesses and play on it. He smiled and nodded before heading on the ice. In high school, I played badminton, and it was a sport that was half mental, and half athletic. You had to believe in yourself, plan your strategy, but still be able to hit all of the shots. It taught me that I had to be more confident in what I do, and I tried to pass that information on to Jon before the second period. It must’ve worked because they played better than before. Towards the end of the period, Jon managed to get the puck away from two defensemen, and he started to sprint down the ice towards the goalie. He faked to the left, and shot to the right, and the puck zoomed past Jimmy Howard. Everyone in the Madhouse immediately jumped up and started cheering; Annalise and I extra loud. I was beaming at him, and he pointed to me and nodded.
The final score was 3-1, in favor of the Hawks, and everyone was ecstatic. Annalise and I made our way down to the locker room, and stood in the doorway while the boys finished their time with the media. When the guard gave us the “okay”, Annalise and I walked into the locker room and found Jon. “Hey, nice game, captain,” I smiled at him. He pulled me into a hug, and when he pulled back, he was smirking. Annalise slightly coughed, as if to get our attention. (It worked.) “Oh, Annalise, this is Jonathan. Jonathan, this is Annalise,” I introduced my two best friends. They shook hands, and Annalise said, “So you’re the little boy in all of Deidre’s childhood pictures?” She smiled, while I blushed. He nodded. “We were inseparable back in Winnipeg,” he explained as he ruffled my hair. “Heeyyy,” I whined as I smoothed it down. “Let me introduce you to the guys,” he told me. “Annalise, how about you talk to Patrick, over there? He’s the creepy looking blonde that thinks he’s all that.” She laughed before agreeing. He first led me to Patrick Sharp and Brent Seabrook, who were both very funny. Seabs was flirting with me for our entire conversation, which was obviously annoying Jonny. I smirked and flirted back a little, just to see Jon’s reaction. He got a pissy look on his face before grabbing my arm and mumbling, “Okay, that’s enough of that…” I laughed and threw a wink over my shoulder towards the pair who was cracking up.
We made our way all around the room, and finished with the rookies. Jimmy Hayes was in a conversation, so we talked to Andrew Shaw. Someone called for Jon across the room, and so I was left with Andrew. “I’m Deidre,” I stuck my hand out for him to shake. He chuckled, “Andrew.” “Nice game; that was a pretty pass to Sharp for the third point,” I complimented. “Thanks. You seem to know more a lot more about hockey than Tazer’s other girlfriends,” he commented. I laughed. “I’m definitely not Jonny’s girlfriend. We’ve been best friends since I was three.” With that, his mouth formed an “o” and he immediately apologized. I laughed and said it was fine. “I guess I do know more about hockey than other girls though, seeing as I went to all of his games growing up,” I chuckled at the memories. “Hey Deidre, I think all of us are going out. Including Jon…do you want to come with? I’d love to talk to you more…” He was so shy! He’s also kind of cute too, with his brown hair, hazel eyes and chiseled face. I smiled. “I’d love to Andrew.” He looked relieved. “Alright, I’ll meet you there then? I assume you’ll be going with Tazer.” I chuckled at the team nickname. “Actually, I drove my friend and me here, so I’ll meet you there regardless if Jon was there or not.” He looked happier after I said that. He seems a little intimidated by Jonny; I think I’ll just have to prove to all of the guys that he’s just a big softie. I looked around for Annalise who was flirting with Patrick Kane, Jonny’s best friend on the team. I laughed before walking over to them. “Hey Anna, do you want to go out with the guys? I think they’re heading out to a bar…?” I looked at Patrick for help. “Oh hey Deidre…yeah I think we are going to a bar. Ask Jonny—he’s talking to Seabs and Sharpie, and they’re the ones who usually set everything up,” he trailed off as he looked at Annalise, who was now blushing. “Alright, then we’ll meet you there Pat. Nice seeing you again,” I grabbed Anna’s arm and dragged her with me to go talk to Jon. “Do you mind if we join you tonight…? Andrew asked me if I would go with you guys,” his eyes hardened slightly at the last half of the question, but he smiled at me nonetheless. “Yeah, no problem.” He gave me the address, and Annalise and I left the United Center to go to our apartment to change before our night out with the boys.
Chapter Eight
After 15 minutes of debating with ourselves, Annalise and I decided on our outfits. ( I decided on a simple sweater and my original pair of toms, while Annalise put on a blouse and heels. We left the apartment again, and drove to the bar.
When we got there, the boys were already on their second and third beers. Annalise and I laughed it off, and sat down at the booth that consisted of Andrew, Jonny, both Patrick’s, and Jimmy (Andrew’s partner in crime). They all said their hellos, and Andrew was beaming at me. Kaner looked us both up and I suddenly felt very uncomfortable. I crossed my arms over my chest and looked at my feet while shifting my weight back and forth. Andrew and Jon both noticed and hopped up to take me to the bar to get me something to drink. “Hey Dee--,” Jon said while Andrew said, “Deidre, hey…” and Jon sent a glare to him. “Hey guys, what’s up?” I quickly gave Andrew a hug and kissed Jon on the cheek. They both gleamed at me, and Annalise came up behind me and whispered, “Hanging with Patrick…good luck with your boys, there,” gave me a wink and ran off with Kaner. I chuckled and asked the boys if they wanted to go get something to drink. They both said yes at the same time before giving each other glares.
(Jon’s POV)
What the hell. I was frustrated at the situation as I walked with Deidre and Shawzy to the bar. “Dee, what should I get you to drink?” I asked her, putting my hand of the small of her back, protectively. If Victoria sees you, you’re a dead man… …what do I care? She smiled before saying, “A diet coke, please.” Shawzy and I both gave her baffled looks. “No alcohol?” Andrew asked her. She laughed and said, “No, I choose not to drink. Plus I have to drive that home unless she does something stupid,” as she pointed at Annalise and Kaner dancing on a table. We all chuckled at the sight and ordered our drinks. Seabs and Sharpie called me over, and I looked at Dee, who was smiling and nodding encouragingly at me. I sent her a gracious look and kissed her on the cheek. Before walking away, I whispered, “Love you,” and I’m pretty sure I saw a blush. I smiled to myself before going to the two idiots that were laughing and pointing at me.
“What did I do this time?” I asked to particularly no one. Sharpie and Seabs laughed even harder. “What?” Sharpie smiled at me and said, “You are so hung up on her, Tazer.” Seabs was still laughing. I pushed Seabs around before we were both laughing. We finally sat down and started to talk. “So, Jonny-boy, are you?” Brent asked. I stopped and thought about it for a second. She was stunning on stage, and she looked like she had all of the confidence in the world. But I know that she didn’t have a lot—she was shaking on the inside. Every time we’re together, there aren’t any awkward moments, either. Do I like her? I know I love her, but I am falling in love with her? I shrugged at Seabs and stared into my beer.
(Deidre’s POV)
Andrew and I talked about everything that night. Orchestra, hockey, my family, how I met Jon, what we enjoy doing, and so much other stuff. I looked over at Annalise, who looked like she was gonna fall asleep in the booth, and I turned to Andrew and say, “I should probably go. I have rehearsal tomorrow morning, and I need to be rested for it. Plus, Annalise over there is about to pass out,” We laughed and nodded to ourselves. “Alright, but Deidre, I really like you and would like to hang out again.” Hang out? Does that mean date? Do I want to date him? He makes me laugh and smile, and seems trustworthy, but I can’t shake the looks that Jon kept giving him. Wait, why does it matter what Jonny thinks? Why do these thoughts about dating or liking someone lead to him? Do I like Jon? I nodded at Andrew. “Sure. You have my number, right? Then just call me sometime,” I smiled at him, and he gave me a hug before I went to get Annalise. Before I got half way to the booth, a familiar arm snaked around my waist and pulled me the opposite way. “Jon, what are you doing?” He smiled down at me and just kept walking. I looked at him weirdly until I saw that we were heading towards the exit. “Jon, I need to get Annalise so I can drive her home!” He laughed and reassured me that she’s getting a cab with Kaner. I rolled my eyes and pressed the question again. “So where are we going, Jon? You always do this!” We both laughed at this, remembering my sisters’ café we went to after my concert. “I’m actually not sure yet, Dee. Could we walk for a little while?” I nodded and we walked to and through Millennium Park.
We got to the bean and I smiled. Jon noticed, and asked me, “What are you smiling at?” “Just thinking.” About the way that you look at me. About how confused you make me. About how I have no idea how I feel about you. He nodded as if he was saying, “That’s an acceptable answer.” He seemed to be thinking a lot, too. We walked under the bean and smiled up at our reflections. I was looking around, and noticed that Jon was looking at me intently. I turned to him and gave him a questioning look. “Just thinking, Dee. Just thinking…” I chuckled at the answer. I shivered in the cold, and his ‘thinking’ look turned worried. “Are you cold?” he asked as he wrapped his jacket around me. He kept his hands around the jacket and looked into my eyes. I could lose myself in those chocolate brown eyes. His gaze flicked towards my lips that were turned up. “Thanks for the jacke--,” I mumbled before I felt Jon’s lips crash on mine.
♠ ♠ ♠
game outfit:
post-game outfits:
haha got crazy on polyvore.. whatever, it was fun :) comments please! i always want to hear what you have to say xoxo