Status: active af

Fallacies of Fidelity

The Scheme

Alec's POV

"Come on, you're going to make me late," my younger brother told me. I sat at the table, eating my cereal, taking my time.

"You still have another hour Nick," I replied with a mouth full of Captain Crunch.

"That's what you said last time, and then I ended up coming to school two hours late," he raised an eyebrow at me.

"I don't know why you care so much. Seriously, it's just school," I finished my bowl and stood up, yawning.

"I know but--" he started.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were almost excited to go," I laughed. School was always a hell hole for me. I was just happy that my brother didn't have to go through public school. As soon as my parents could afford it, they sent my younger siblings to private learning areas. Although I'm not sure that's much better.

"I'm not excited," Nick massaged the back of his neck with his right hand like he always does when he's nervous. He had a hint of pink on his cheeks which immediately told me he was hiding something from me.

I started to stand up and crouch my height so I was at eye level with him. My steps brought me closer to him so I could force the answer from him. "Whoa, wait. What aren't you tellin--"

"Alec!" the booming voice of my father made me jump and snap my back straight.

"Yes, sir?" I asked, turning to the sound of the voice. He was about twenty feet away at the door to his den.

"Come here, I need to talk to you." The hollow of the house carried his lower tone all the way to me.

"Yes, sir." My father nodded and disappeared.

"Someone's in trouble," Nick sang as he took an apple from the table.

"Shut up," I hissed. I started walking, "This conversation isn't over, little brother."

"Don't take too long, or I'll be late for sure, big brother!" he called.

I ignored him. What the hell did my dad want? He never wanted me. Now, I don't mean to pull the "neglected as a child" card but my dad has never really liked me. He always made me do jobs for him. It seemed like no matter how hard I tried to to my best, he always found a flaw in whatever I did. I never understood what I did wrong. My older brother, Drew, who was my dad's business partner, well he never did anything wrong. Hell, he got married at my age and was set for life. Five years later, and he's just as an important worker as my father. I always saw it as Drew being my father's achievement and the rest of us were essentially chopped liver.

"Alec!" the voice brought me back. I stood outside the entrance of where me father worked. With a deep breath, I took a step in, "Took you long enough," he huffed. There was a little tug in my chest and I had to take another deep breath to get rid of it.

"What is it that you wanted?" I asked, politely with my hands tangled behind my back.

He looked up at me from over the top of his glasses. My father sat on a modern looking black couch with a pile of papers on his lap. I watched as he put the papers aside and took off his glasses. He sighed, "I have a very important job for you."

I scrunched my eyebrows, "Aren't all jobs you give me important?" I asked.

"Don't talk back to me. And of course they are, but this one is crucial. I would have let Drew handle it, but he's married. And Nicolas is far too young for this sort of assignment." He had a distant look in his eyes.

"What is it?"

"Do you remember that little party we went to last night?" he asked suddenly.


"That was a welcoming home get together for a girl named Julia Haddock." he explained, "Now tell me, did you get to talk to a woman about your age?" he asked.


"Did you get her name?"

"Not exactly, no." I knit my eyebrows remembering that stubborn woman who refused to give me her name. The memories of her face started to fill me but just then my father's voice brought me back.

"Well that's grand." The sarcasm oozed through his words, "We have nowhere to start. Why did you not meet any new people?" He looked miffed.

"I did talk to people," I tried to explain while taking a step forward.

"Obviously not the right people," he muttered, "Anyways, I need you to go back to the Haddock mansion when you have finished taking your younger siblings to school."

"Okay," I nodded, "What for?"

"This is a matter I highly doubt you of all people would understand." The underlying message in his words made the little tug in my chest appear again, "I need you to become friends with Julia Haddock."

"What?" I asked, letting my hands fall to my sides.

"In fact, I need you to do more than become friends with her. I need you to ... what's the word," his fingers scratched his jaw, "Woo her. Date her, whatever you have to do."

"Woo her-- date wait... what?" I was a little surprised at his words.

"I need you to trick her the best you can."

"But why?"

"Don't question me." His voice dropped lower.

"Of course, father."

"If we were to take control of some of the car companies Calvin Haddock is CEO of..." a look of wonder shone brightly in his eyes. He looked like a child on Christmas Eve who desperately wanted to open an early gift. It was a look that I didn't see much, Drew probably saw it more than I did. My brother did more of the jobs my father thought were important. In this moment I realized that my father needed me to do a job no one else could master. No one but me. "Can you imagine the amount of power we would have," he chuckled. I cocked my head at the word "power." He shook his head and glared at me. "Now Alec, please tell me, can you handle this?" he asked me. There was doubt written all over his face like he didn't think I could accomplish this.

I wanted to prove him wrong.

"Yes." I answered shortly. He looked almost alarmed that I agreed. "I can do it."

"Okay, now go take your siblings to school." he shooed me off, still shocked at my answer. I nodded and turned walking away, "And Alec," I turned looked back at him. He had his glasses back on his nose and papers in his hands, "Don't you dare get distracted." he said with a strict tone. I nodded before walking out.

"Getting distracted, what the hell does that mean?" I muttered.

This is my chance. For once there is something I can do that no one else can. I smiled at that thought. But seducing a girl for money and a business deal? It wasn't exactly my style, but if my father thought that this was best for our family, then I trusted him. Although she's an innocent girl, I'm sure she's nothing but a stuck up little bitch who thinks money is everything. That's how every billionaire's daughters are.

"Jesus Christ Alec! I'm going to be late again!" Nick almost choked on a glass of milk as he checked his phone for the time.

"Yeah yeah yeah, I know. Where's Ruby?" I asked, looking for the flaming hair. The couch was empty, as was the dining room table. I finally noticed the hair in the kitchen. My feet carried me to the room where my younger sister was sitting on the linoleum floor with a jar in between her legs, eating a cookie. She looked up at me, knowing she had been caught. "Ruby..." I scolded. Her bright red hair bounced as she shook her head.

"I didn't do it!" Crumbs fell from her mouth before she captured another round treat from the jar, trying to hide it from my view. I took large steps toward her, trying to look intimidating. Her royal blue eyes grew wide. With a slight smirk on my lips, I snatched my five year old sister from the floor and took the jar too. Her cuteness got to me and I rolled my eyes.

"No more cookies!" I shook my head, smiling.

"School. Late. Now." Nick brushed past me and outside.

"Don't get your panties in a wad," I muttered to which Ruby giggled. With her on my hip, I grasped my keys and Ruby's backpack before going outside and jumping in my black car after bucking in Ruby in the back. Nick quickly turned into an angst-y teenager. He shoved the ear-buds in his ears and blasted music while looking out the window. I almost wanted to laugh. He was acting like a chick. My first stop was Ruby's school. She had been put into first grade for her photographic memory. Lucky little brat. I waved goodbye and watched her skip into the school.

"Can you hurry up?" Nick grumbled.

"Sure thing, princess." I obliged, as I speed down the road to the private high school. As soon as the car stopped, Nick jumped out and slammed the door, "Have a good day," I muttered.

I took a deep breath, "To the Haddock's."


My hands gripped the wheel of my Pontiac as I stared at the Haddock mansion.

Everything my father wanted me to do came crashing down on me. I had to pretend to be best friends with this girl. Even if my father wanted me to do this, I still couldn't help thinking of the outcome. She was going to get hurt and I knew it. I mean I know I've never met the chick but to fool someone that much. I wouldn't wish that upon anyone. It was down right villainous. I couldn't do this. Hell no, what kind of person am I to trick someone who thought you were their best friend. Nope, Alec big buddy you are going home.

I started my car again, getting ready to get out of their parking lot but a sudden visual hit me.

I could see my father shaking his head with pursed lips. He had one hand on his hip as he slightly chuckled. The words fell out of his mouth without hesitation, "I knew you were going to let me down." The tug in my chest brought me back to reality. I absolutely hated that look. My father always wore the expression when he was talking to me. If I wanted his approval of any sort, this was the place to start. I had no idea why my father wanted me to become friends with this Julia Haddock, but the overwhelming feeling of wanting to prove my father wrong filled me up with confidence. I no longer cared how much of a bitch she was going to be because she was so stuck up. I could get over that real quick.

My fingers turned the keys and the ignition stopped. I got out and walked to the doors of the massive mansion. Oxygen filled my lungs fully before I rang the door bell. My fingers fixed my beanie because it felt lopsided angle. Right before the door swung open, I slid the hands in my jeans pocket and looked back to check on my car. When my head turned back around, my eyes met with a pair of extremely familiar ones.

"Genius?" I pointed at her and raised an eyebrow. She looked irritated and bothered by something. Her chocolate hair was pulled back into a sloppy, off-center knot. The irises of her eyes were swiped of all emotion which made her look extremely intimidating; but the warmth of the deep blue that slightly crossed into a forest green made me come to the conclusion that the hard exterior held a softer side. I could only cross my fingers and hope. Her skin was a light bronze color that complimented her strong cheekbones. She wore simply jeans and a white shirt instead of the extravagant dress she wore last night.

"Smart Alec?" she imitated my position by pointing at me and raising an eyebrow. I smirked at her.

"You know I never did get your name," I leaned against the doorway, crossing my arms over my chest. If I could trick this chick into letting me see that Julia then I would be set!

"I told you that I never gave it," she retaliated.

"Oh right, you told me your name was something like 'My Business' am I right?" I asked. She averted her eyes from me, "Wait a second..." I stopped and reflected on what she had just called me not ten seconds ago, "Did you just call me a Smart Alec?" I glared at her, having never been called that.

"You catch on quick don't you?" sarcasm trickled through her voice. I shook my head, chuckling.

"Anyways," it was time to get down to business, "I'm here looking for Julia Haddock." Her eyebrows shot up.


"My business," I grinned widely at her, brushing past her and into the very large home. The mansion put my own house to shame. It was huge and luxurious with art all around the interior. Although I had been here last night, somehow it was easier to appreciate the home when there was less people inside of it.

"Oh no you don't!" she ran over to me and put her hands on my chest, attempting to push me out the door but she was about as strong as a twig with feet. I watched as she struggled to push me out, "Julia's not here!"

"You know her?" I asked, becoming suddenly interested in this woman.

"Well umm kind of I guess," she said as she took a small break from forcing me from the house.

"What you do mean kin--"

"Julia!," a voice yelled from the top of the stairs. The girl in front of me closed her eyes tightly. When I looked up at the voice, a younger girl, probably as old as Nick stood at the top of the stairs with her arms crossed tightly. She was sickly thin with dark waves. Her skin was intensely pale. The girl glared at me before turning her attention to the girl in front of me who was frantically trying to push me out the door, "Julia, where the hell are all the things we just bought?" I looked down at the figure who had stopped moving. Her body turned and faced the girl at the top of the stairs.

"Mila, I had Parker take care of them. I'm pretty sure he's still inside the garage." she said.

"Well make sure he takes them upstairs to my room."

"Will do," the girl went to turn to me again.

"And Julia?" her body whipped around at the sound of the name, "Mother and father are not going to be happy to have an unexpected guest in the house. They get home in ten minutes." The pale girl that I decided was named Mila, turned on her heel and disappeared. I looked down at the chick in front of me.

"Wait a second," I was still confused, "So Julia Haddock is--"

"Me. I'm Julia Haddock," she said.

"Oh," I scrunched my eyebrows together. The bitchy quality I expected from her didn't come, in fact I felt that vibe from Mila, "So is that your sister?"



She was about to question my reply but suddenly switched pathways, "Why did you want to talk to me?"

A lot of consonants left my mouth before I finally settled on making up a lie that was close enough to the truth, "I never got to formally meet the woman who has returned from A..." I held the letter out for as long as possible before Julia finally jumped in.

"Africa," she sounded slightly irritated, as if she's had to say the country more times than she would have liked.

"Africa! So I figured I'd come and say hello but it seems as I've already met you before." I grinned, widely. My smile normally made girls swoon so what different was this Julia?

"So are you leaving now?" she sounded bored.

"Sorry, what?" I stuttered.

"Are you done? We've already met," she went push me out of the door, again.

"Whoa, hold up there Jules," I took her wrists in my hands.

"Julia," she corrected.

"Whatever," I sighed, this chick was going to take more force if I wanted to get to know her, "Listen here, now I felt like maybe last night we had sort of a connection and I was wondering--"

"Nope!" she leaned on my chest with her hands as she tried to push me but just like before, her efforts failed.

"Please? Just have a day out with me?" I pleaded.

"Look, my parents are going to be home any minute!" she threw her head back and whined which I silently noted made her seem a lot younger and gave her a cute aura.

"Well I'm not leaving," I crossed my arms in front of my chest and stuck my chin in the air trying to hold in my laughter.

"Alec!" she started to hit me now.

"One. Date." I simply said.

"Date?!" she choked, "Hell to the fucking no! I'm not going on a date with you! I don't even know you!"

"Isn't that what dates are for? To get to know each other?" I asked.

"Well yes but--"

"Then why not--"

"Shut up. Oh my gosh, just shut up." I looked down at her and saw she had the bridge of her little nose pinched in between her index finger and thumb. Her thick eyebrows were scrunched together and her lips were pursed tightly. She looked adorable, I had to admit. Don't get distracted. But... making her frustrated was defiantly something that I was going to be doing very often.

"So what do you say?" I asked.

"Will you leave my house if I give you an answer?"

"Only if it's the answer I'm looking for," I wiggled my eyebrows at her.

She groaned, "Fine!" her arms fell down to her sides, "But!" she pointed her finger at me and got dangerously close, "This is not a date! Nor will it ever be a date! We are just going out to get to know each other and there is no guarantee that it will happen again. Got it?" she hissed the last bit.

I straightened my posture and brought my hand to my eyebrow in a salute, "Aye aye captain!" I nodded. I could hear her snicker so my eyes flickered down to her. She had covered her mouth and attempted to look unaffected. Before I forgot, I exchanged numbers with her.

"Now will you please go!" she was holding back a smile.

"Alright alright," I put my arms up in surrender and strolled out of her house. Before I closed the door I turned around quickly and saw her back facing me. she really did have a nice backside. "And Jules?" I called, using her new nickname. She almost jumped to face me in pure surprise, "Our date will come." I winked and closed the door, but not before seeing slight pink fill her cheeks.

The date would come. I wouldn't let my father down. Not again.
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I know it's been a long time but I actually wrote this chapter weeks ago but I wasn't sure if I should have split it into two chapters, or keep it as one. It's so long!