Status: active af

Fallacies of Fidelity

The Not Date

Alec's POV

Basically, Julia's father scares the absolute shit out of me.

I thought, Hey, Alec what a good idea, you should go meet the people that you will later steal money from! If I had known her dad was going to threaten me, then I wouldn't have gotten down.

"I don't know what Don is up to and why he has to send his son to take care of business but if you touch a single hair on my daughter, I will make sure it'll be the last thing you ever do." Like holy hell, who says that? He let go of my hand after breaking every bone in it. I just smiled because I could see Julia with her mom coming to us. She looked incredible, especially with that shocked expression on her face. I'm just making an observation, not getting distracted. I mean if she looked hot when I saw her in just jeans in a t shirt last week, then she looked flat out gorgeous now.

Now when things switched to my parents, I was careful to hide my expression -- which I'm terrible at doing. I mean my father is one thing but bringing up my mom? I mean I could see that Mrs. Haddock actually cared about how our family felt. I'm pretty sure she was really good friends with my mom before she passed. I didn't even want to talk about it. I haven't talked about it, to anyone, and I didn't want to start now. So I lied saying something like my family was okay, which a complete and utter lie.

Julia and I finally made it outside to where she started making fun of my car! Dana is my pride possession! The only way we actually got on the road was because I agreed to drive one of her cars. Can I just say how blown away I was about how much she knew about cars? I mean this car was beautiful, but I felt stupid not knowing anything about it. And I swear I could listen to her talk vehicles for hours. Julia's voice sort of changes and it was like she could talk about cars for years and never run out of facts. How does she know so much about cars when she's been in Africa for nearly a decade?

Anyways, I drove the car to a place I could see she had never been to, "What is this?" she asked, looking out the window.

"The best pizza parlor in all of New York City," I said getting out and opening the door for her. I kept trying to tell myself Now, Alec don't get distracted but have fun. You're supposed to be having fun and maybe even date this girl so get her to like you. I knew this date had to be perfect and something she probably hadn't experienced in a long time. After some long and hard thinking, I finally decided that this girl hadn't had a proper slice of pizza in 7 years.

"Oh. My. God." she said.

"What? Do you not want to eat here or is it--"

"Let's go! I missed pizza so much!" she jumped up and down before grabbing my hand and pulling me inside. I silently took note that our hands had a bolt of electricity run through it as we touched. A cliche that I had heard so many times but had never actually felt. As we reached the front she kept my hands in hers before she realized her hand was still gripping mine. Just like that, she dropped the contact and smiled shyly.

"It's A!" I turned and saw the owner of the parlor coming to me.

"G!" I yelled and went to hug him. The short fella was plump but boy was he strong, cause when he went to hug me, his 5 foot figure lifted me from the ground, "Whoa!" I laughed.

"It's been too long! I haven't seen you around here since--"

I cut him off cause I knew where he was going, "This is my date, Julia." I had her come over cause she was looking awkward just standing there.

"This isn't a date," she shook his hand.

"Whatever you say, J!" G said.

"Julia," she corrected. But he had already left.

"Don't worry, he calls everyone by their first initial." I explained.

"What happens if there are two people with the same first initial? Won't things get confusing?" she knit her eyebrows together.

"I don't know it's never happened before," I shrugged. We grabbed a table that I made sure was far away from others and ordered a pepperoni pizza, "Aren't you a little curious about what your dad-- sorry, father," I corrected, "said to me?" I asked.

"Knowing him, he probably said something about not touching me and just add a dash of family feud in there and you've got yourself a general conversation with Calvin Haddock." she answered.

"Wow, you are spot on."

"Don't worry about him, he's insane, I swear. Oh yum," Just then the pizza arrived. She took a single bite and it was like she melted right into her seat. Her eyes closed and her lips curled into smile as she chewed. Holy shit, I could watch her eat pizza all night. She groaned as she took another bite.

"Good, eh?" I asked as I shifted in my seat.

"Pizza is the god of all foods," she answered. I laughed harder than I should have at that. Anyways, we were basking in the taste of glorious pizza before she brought out the question I was praying to God she wasn't going to ask.

"So what about your dad?"

"My father, is fine thanks. My family, is good. I'm good." I answered all the questions I knew she would ask anyways.

"Can I tell you a secret, Alec?" she said.

I looked up at her, "Uh, sure." she waved me to come closer so I leaned over the table until we were dangerously close and I could feel her breath on my face.

"I pride myself on how well I can read someone by their eyes. So in other words," she paused and she leaned forward until her lips touched my ear. "So naturally I know you just lied." Julia plopped back in her seat and took a large bite like nothing happened. Shit, so she's a human lie detector. My father's going to be thrilled to hear about that. She looked like she was going to say more but just then G came over.

"Alright love birds, do you want anything else?"

"Nah, we're good, thanks G," she smiled, "So tell me about you then!" she looked back at me as G left us.

"Well um... I uh..." I stopped.

"Oh, come on! You're not that bland are you?

"Well you know when someone asks you when your favorite color is and just like that you forget the entire spectrum?" I asked.

"Of course."

"Basically what just happened," I smirked at her.

"Well what's your favorite color?" Julia asked mischievously.

"Really?" I replied and we laughed in unison.

"Well, my favorite color is either like a peach or mint," she started. "I still can't decide."

"Um mine is... a light gray."

"Alright, and now tell me a story." I thought long and hard before she rolled her eyes, "I'll go first then. When I first arrived in Africa, I had left this really expensive camera at home so I had to take pictures with a disposable one. The kids there thought it was the coolest gadget I mean if you think about it in our terms, it's just a disposable camera but to them it was everything. When my camera finally came I didn't even use it. I just kept purchasing disposable ones. I'd have the kids take pictures too and when the camera was out of film, I saved the film and gave them the camera. I probably used 300 cameras in seven years," she chuckled.

"300? No way, wow," I breathed. "So you saved all the film rolls?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, I brought them back I mean you should see them! There's so many." Julia's eyes were all lit up talking about Africa like it was the best place in the world. I mean we were in New York City and she wanted to be somewhere else. Not to mention how those kids acted. I don't think I've ever bought a disposable camera and it was like it meant the world to them. I shook my head looking down.

"Now your turn, tell me a story!" like I could tell a good story after hers.

"Well um... Oh, I know! So this one time my younger brother, Nicholas, was running after me cause I had accidentally set fire to his favorite shirt and--"

"Wait, how do you accidentally set fire to a shirt?" she grinned.

"Um," I avoided the question cause I was 100% sure Jules wouldn't approve, "Another story for another time. So anyways, he was running after me as I opened a door to go inside and hide, he ran right into it and broke his nose." I smiled triumphantly.

"That's terrible!" Julia shook her head, laughing, "How long ago was this?"

"About three months ago, Nick still has a crooked nose," I grinned. A lot of new people started streaming into the pizzeria so we decided to get out of there. We said goodbye to G and promised we'd come back.

"Where to now?" she asked me.

"Um I really didn't plan further than this," I admitted.

"Grand! Cause I have an idea!" Julia took the drivers seat and as soon as I got in she took off. It was like the roads would bend to her will. She was a miracle driver, it was pitch black out besides the city lights and she could see perfectly. Whenever I thought she was going too fast and we were going to crash, she would find and impossible opening and suddenly we'd be on the other side. Finally we were pulled up to our destination.

"Central Park?"

"Come on!" she ran out ahead of me and I actually had to run pretty fast to catch up with her. Julia stopped and I realized where we were, "Angels of the Waters and Bethesda Terrance," she said proudly. I looked at the fountain and the terrace that overlooked it. I went to ask her why here but she was gone.

"Jules?" I kept turning in circles looking for her because it was so damn dark out until I saw her running to the fountain, "Jeez you move like a cheetah," I heaved.

"Come sit with me," she said. I did as I was told, "When I was little girl, back when my father was my 'dad' he would take me here." I could see what she was doing. She was telling me private stuff in case I wanted to talk about my father. A good maneuver but not one that would work on me. "He would walk us through the park before he had to go to work and would visit the 107th United States Infantry statue, the 7th regiment memorial, Alice in Wonderland, the Arthur Ross Pinetum, the Graywacke Arch, and the Bethesda Fountain." She sighed, "Come on," Julia kicked off her boots and socks. Her bard feet, one by one, dipped in the fountain before she finally stood up in the water.

"Jules I don't think we're supposed to--"

"Do you see anyone around?" she asked while taking off her jacket and hat before throwing them on the concrete ground.

"No but--"

"Then come on." I stayed sitting, "When was the last time you ever did something impulsive?" I stared at her thinking hard until I became aware that I couldn't remember the last time I did something insane. I kicked off my shoes, socks, and took off my blazer as she cheered. The bottom of my pants felt uncomfortably wet but I noticed Julia's dress was already half soaked so I tried to forget it. We made it to the middle where the water spouted out. Julia laughed as it sprayed at her. I tried to stay dry but she pulled me under and I was drenched, head to toe. I gasped and tried to push her away but she fell which caused her to laugh even harder, "Come on in, the water's great!" she joked, pretending to swim.

I shook my head and tried to help her up. It was so slippery that when I tried to help her up she only pulled me down. I fell in the water and glared at her. Jules just shrugged and sat under the water flooding down so she was completely wet. My head shook back and forth but I ended up following her lead.

"Do you hear that?" she whispered.

"Hear what?" I said. My body attempted to stand on my own two feet but I just fell again creating a very large splash.

"Who's there!" someone yelled. I could see a cop with a flashlight coming our way.

"Shit, let's go," Julia took my hand in hers and we ran to get our shoes and jackets, "This is totally your fault."

"My fault?!"

"Hey! The fountain is off-limits!" the man yelled. I don't think I've ever ran as fast as I did right then and there. We got back to the Ferrari and Julia took off again, cackling the whole way.

"Did you see that guy's face! 'Who there?'" she imitated "'I said off-limits!'"

"Wow you are terrible at imitating!" I admitted, "And how the hell was that my fault?"

"If you hadn't fallen in the water and creating a cannonball of a tsunami then he wouldn't have found us!"

"Are you calling me fat?" I raised an eyebrow feeling self-conscious.

"Defiantly a little bit," she answered. I was about to defend myself but Julia had driven so fast, we were already at her mansion. I got down to walk her to the door.

"Thank you, Alec. I had a really fun time tonight and thanks for keeping me out all night, I don't think I could have handled my father."

"Any time, really. And I had fun too, more fun than I've had... in a long long time, so thank you." I said, truthfully. Julia curtsied for me with a massive grin that scrunched up her nose, "Maybe we can do this again?" I asked, looking down because embarrassment bubbled up deep inside me.

"Maybe we can... Maybe even as a date." Julia smirked. I took a brave step forward and tried to see if I could actually steal a kiss. Panic flashed in her eyes and she stumbled backwards into the door before opening it quickly and going inside. "Night!" Then Julia was gone, with just a door between us.

"Night," I said, knitting my eyebrows together.

Just then I remembered why I actually went to hang out with her. Julia had almost made me forget what I was supposed to be deceiving her. I kept shaking my head to try and get rid of how open she became with me and told me of Africa. I tried to shake the memories but I really couldn't. And now, as much as I wished I could just forget about her, I knew I'd have to text her in the morning.

Damn you Don Barnett.
♠ ♠ ♠
And here is the second part to the "not date." I hope to be updating regularly now but it's been so long. Is it normal to forget how to write? Anyways, can't wait for this story to progress because I have so many plans for it. MUAHA.

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