Status: active.

Finding Passion

The Look

There it was again. The Look. The one that screamed, "Look at that poor girl; don't say anything that might hurt her or she'll crumble into a thousand pieces." The red head was slowly realizing that everyone gave her that look once they figured it out. For those who already knew, it was like a line permanently creased the space between their eyebrows and tucked the corners of their lips downward. For those who found out, they either became awkward and didn't know what to say, or they resorted to the look.

The principal was a young woman that couldn't have been older than thirty-five. Her hair was a dark auburn that was twisted up into a bun with a few strands framing her round face. She reminded the younger girl of her mother in the way that she let her eyes light up to carefree and exuberant. Wrinkles were starting to show themselves in the form of laugh lines at the corners of her eyes and parentheses around her smiling lips.

"Sweetheart, it's so good to meet you! I've been looking forward to it."

The girl looked at the woman nervously. In fact, her hatred for The Look came from the fact that it might actually come true one day. She might just crumble and break. This time, she didn't. As she wrung her hands in her lap, she stared at the woman, urging her to continue speaking.

When Roam hadn't signed anything, instead her hands remaining in her lap, the older woman took in a breath. "I've assigned you classes this year that I think would be easy for you to adjust to since it's the middle of the school year. All your teachers have been taking classes so they can at least understand basically what you're signing.

"One of our sophomores is deaf and she's waiting in the office to meet you. She's going to be your guide for the first couple of days or weeks. Whichever you need to get adjusted. Please, if you have an trouble at all or just need someone to talk to, don't hesitate to visit. If I'm not here, just let my secretary know that you need to speak with me and I can pull you from class when I become available."

Her words weren't anything new. Roam had heard them at her previous school when the accident occurred. "Anything we can do to help, let us know." She could still hear the raspy croak of the vice principal's voice. Pulling out of her memory, the girl noticed the older woman staring at her expectantly.

Of course, I'm so thankful that you've made such accommodations for me. I'm sure I'll catch on quickly. Thank you again. She's waiting outside? Her signs were sloppy from the slight shake in her hands. Switching schools was the last thing she wanted to do but she had to. Her grandmother had passed away and her uncle was the only one left.

The principal nodded, smiling at the girl. "You're welcome, sweetie. Remember, if you need anything, I'm here."