Sequel: Secrets

We Are Young


“It’s your first day Miss President!” Brianna exclaimed. “What is your first order? Please tell me you’re going to make it so all guys with six packs have to show up to school without a shirt, right?” Liv laughed.

“Yeah right”

“Come on, there has to be one guy you want to see without a shirt on” Liv closed her locker and gave it a thought.

“No, no one comes to mind” they started walking.

“Are you serious?” Brianna exclaimed. “I can name like twenty! Christian Hoult, Dylan Sula, Steven Loren from Emmett High!”

“Ok, I get it” Liv said. “I’m just not into guys right now” Liv said. “I’m not boy crazy, I’m class president now, I need to focus on the task at hand”

“And that is?”

“Fundraisers, dances, winter carnival, senior year, prom, PSAT’s, picking out colleges—“ Brianna cut her off.

“You need a boyfriend” she said. Liv rolled her eyes.

“I don’t want one”

“I know a ton of guys who are into you…you should totally date, your mom is totally encouraging you to, but you won’t”

“I’m just not ready for a serious relationship. I have all my life to find someone I love, I don’t have to start at 16” Liv walked into her homework English class.

“Maybe you’re a lesbian” Brianna said. Liv rolled her eyes again, a famous trade mark of hers.

“Bri, there’s more to life then boys. Like establishing close relationships with people, having fun in high school while we’re young”

“Which could be building a relationship with a boy…are you sure you’re not a lesbian?”

“I’m sure, Bri, I’m sure” she sat down in her seat. Taylor walked in. “Oh hey it’s the cool kid, our class president”

“Hi Taylor” she spat. She wasn’t fond of Taylor at all, he was quite annoying Freshmen year, she was sitting in front of him for most of the year. He wouldn’t stop annoying her, probably because he likes her.

“Taylor, do you think Liv should date?” Brianna asked.

“Yeah, I know tons of guys who want to fuck her” Liv gave Brianna a look.

“Ok, maybe you’re right, we have our whole lives to date”

“Thank you”
♠ ♠ ♠
2. Liv Henderson