Stay With Me

Bree's life suddenly turns around when her father tells her their moving in with his soon to be wife. Her mother died when she was 10 and her father blamed himself. After a few years he started going out with strange and random women and bringing them home until he met Becky a woman he met on a business trip to New York. They were getting married and moving into her house in New York. When she falls for the her step-brothers friend things go crazy as she finds out way too many secrets that she never wanted to know much less expected in the first place.
  1. I'm Coming Over
    The Moving Decision...
  2. What? You Have Kids?
    In New York
  3. Why You Little Wench!
    The Meeting of Jay and Ani
    The title says it all... but other things are in those stores.
  5. Did You Have A Nice Pee?
    Not much in this Chappi
  6. He's Not A Demon, Is He?
  7. Good To See You Too!
  8. SLUT
    Jealous girls aren't very pretty.
  9. And besides I sense it!