Traveling the Streets of Paris Again


She said that she would be there.

I ran, and I ran, and I ran some more, I stopped for a breath here and there, and then I ran even more. All the buildings were the same, all the buildings were different, all the buildings were just blurs that passed me as I ran down the street. I had to find her, I had to get to her. She said she was at the tower.

She promised me that she’d wait there, she’d wait until the world’s end to make sure that I found her there. So I continued.

Through the rain, through the storm, through the sun, through the rainbows, and through the darkness, I did not stray for anything. I was going to reach her, eventually, I was going to see her face, and I was going to know what home looked like again when my eyes connected with hers, those beautiful honey brown eyes.

I turned right, I turned left, I avoided the cars passing, I avoided the people as they bustled down the streets, I headed north, I headed south, east, and west, and I kept on.

The tower was getting closer, it was within sight now, it was getting bigger the more miles I gained. A few more horizons of buildings and I’d reach it. Then I’d see her face, I’d reach her body, I’d wrap my arms around her, I’d bury myself in her embrace, and I’d drown myself in her scent. I’d finally be at peace, so I kept running.