Status: Hiatus

Fireflies & Wishes.

Chapter Ten

“Do you want to talk about it?” John asked me, his voice tentative.

I wiped away the remaining tears, then glancing back at the stars in the sky. A sigh escaped from my lips, thankful that John didn’t take me home like I asked or more like ordered. He took me straight to the park, and we were lying on the grassy part by the swings. I glanced at John I at least owed it to him to know.

“It started at high school in Phoenix. I dated this guy Oliver, from freshman year till graduation when he proposed to me. I declined in front of the whole school. I felt like such a bitch, but we were going separate paths, hell he was going to a different state, he was going to be in Massachusetts. And I didn’t love him anymore, he was controlling, I hardly had any friends by the end of senior year. Oliver was adored by all, he was the smart jock so in the end I was the bitch who broke his heart and ruined him, but I didn’t care it meant freedom.” I spoke quietly, not looking at John, playing with the grass, tugging at it.

“And I guess his mom is butt hurt over it?” John asked, furrowing his brows.

I shook my head. “No, I bet you she was more than happy. She never liked me she believed I was ruining his education and star pupil image.” I rolled my eyes.

John nodded his head slowly, “Just so you know, I don’t exactly have the best past so don’t feel as if you have to hide away all this.”

I looked up at him, surprised by this comment. I nodded my head slowly, feeling some sort of gratitude towards him. He pulled me into his arms, my head on his chest, his arm wrapped around my shoulder.

“I think you have me convinced.”

“Convinced?” John raised an eyebrow, then his eyes widened and a big smile was upon his face when he realised. “So, does that mean a second date then?”

“As long as you still want one...” I trailed off, biting my lip as I looked at him.

John smirked. “Of course I do.”


John had me home, just after one in the morning. A farewell kiss on the cheek as a goodbye, and to be fairly honest, I was okay with that. I felt like if there was ever a relationship to form, I wanted it to take its time. I was just enjoying the fun of going out on dates and the not so serious appeal of it all, if anything it could just be a casual fling.

I awoke with a start, I had classes this afternoon. So I slowly paced myself, still thinking about last night. As I came down to the kitchen after my shower, Leia surprised me by being awake and making pancakes with coffee. I eyed her suspiciously as she ushered me to sit down. She placed the coffee, chocolate chip pancakes and a glass of orange juice in front of me before helping herself to a bowl of Lucky Charms. Then went and piled a big stack of freshly made chocolate chip muffins on the table.

This was weird. “You want me to dish on what happened?” I asked her, narrowing my eyes at her.

Leia grinned widely, and nodded her head. “Of course, otherwise you would be fending for yourself for breakfast.”

I rolled my eyes playfully. And relayed the story of what happened last night, Leia gushed and squealed with adoration then scowled and muttered all sorts of profanities at the right time then dramatically wiping her eyes at the end.

“You belong together!” Leia gushed, with happiness.

I took time chewing my pancakes before replying to her insane comment. “We went on just one date.”

“And he wants another one, also you’ve fucked too!”

My eyes widened, I forgot about that lie. I bit my lip, taking a quick gulp of coffee. “I never really had sex with him.”

Leia smirked. “I knew it! John kept telling me you did! I asked him whether he liked the tattoo on you’re under boob and he said yes! And you don’t have one!” She shouted, grinning wildly.

“You told him I had a tattoo on my under boob?!”

“You told me you had sex with John fucking O’Callaghan!”

“Touché.” I sighed with defeat.

Leia smiled at me, rolling her eyes. She finished off her coffee, and kissed me on the cheek. “Now that I’ve dished the gossip, I will pick you up from school after work.” Leia bounded out of the house, like a happy bunny.

I finished off my last pancake, still reminiscing over last night. Finding the tattoo on my under boob, highly funny. I placed the dirty dishes in the sink and cleaned them, taking my time. I only had two hours till my class. I only had two months till graduation. Everything was like a time bomb, suddenly ticking away. Then I have the whole summer free, then to find a job in pre-school.

I placed the now clean dishes in the assigned cupboards. I decided to get changed and ready, since the weather was acting like a sauna again, but that was normal for Arizona. My torn Levi shorts, seemed like a great option along with my oversized sweatshirt, and converse high tops.

I grabbed my books and phone. Remembering I didn’t have the car, and no way would I be able to walk to ASU on a day like today. I bit my lip and scrolled through my contacts on my phone wondering who to call, John told me how he was spending the morning at his parents, so it wouldn’t be fair.

“Hey Kenny, if you’re not busy can you do me a big favour?”

“I am never busy, what is it?”

“Can you drop me off at ASU please?”

“Of course Ivy, at yours in a second.” He then hung up.

I smiled softly, quite pleased with Kennedy’s and I’s friendship. By the time I gathered my stuff together into a bag, and made it to the door. Kennedy was waiting for me in his car, with a big grin.

“Thank you so so much!” I grinned at him, handing him a muffin.

“Good, because it goes well with the coffee I bought.” Kennedy motioned to the Starbucks in the cup holders.

“Great minds think alike.” I mumbled as I took a bite of my muffin, then sipping my coffee.

“I know, also do you want to come round for dinner tonight? John’s not going to be there but it will be nice to spend more time as friends?” Kennedy suggested, taking a bite out of his muffin as he paused at the lights.

I smiled at Kennedy, happy with his offer. I gave him a nod, whilst I finished of my chewing.
“That sounds fantastic! I will get Leia to drop me off after classes.” I replied, taking a gulp from my coffee, ignoring the heat of it.

“Great, tell Leia to come round as well then, no doubt Gare will invited her anyways, and if Dakota is around, she can come too.” Kennedy said, as he pulled up at ASU.

I nodded my head, then glancing at Kennedy, he mentioned Dakota. I wondered how he was feeling about her situation, from what Leia last told me. Kota was again being her ignorant self, she messed around with Nick for the fun of it and won’t even to speak to him, but he as well doesn’t necessarily care. She has been stand offish all through work, Leia constantly complains about her bi-polar behaviour. I didn’t know what to think of the whole situation. I decided to be Switzerland, and stay out of it since the party and I am continuing that.

“You can ask me, you know?” Kennedy pressed, giving me a knowing glance.

I sighed softly, and looked at him. “Has she spoken to you?”

Kennedy shook his head, running a hand through his hair before meeting my gaze again. A heavy sigh slipped from his lips. “I think I might just leave it for now, I don’t think I can go through this on-going drama, where she doesn’t want us to be exclusive.”

“I guess do what makes you feel happy.” I smiled at him sadly, checking my watch before groaning. “Thank you so much for the ride, and I will see you tonight.” I gave him a kiss on the cheek and a half hug before exiting the car.

A buzz from my phone, alerting me I had a message. I clicked and read it.

‘Hope you have a good day, hope to see you soon, John x’

A big smile lit up on my lips, feeling overwhelmed with happiness. Thanking the lord, that last night’s date did not put him off me. Now all I needed to do was get through these three hours of classes. I adjusted my bag, and trudged off to class, hoping that this day would get by quickly.
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Hopefully another chapter will be posted soon!
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