Status: Hiatus

Fireflies & Wishes.

Chapter Eleven

“C’mon! They are expecting us in five minutes!” Leia shouted loudly, her frustration clearly shown.

I surveyed my room, checking one last time to make sure I didn’t leave anything behind. I grabbed my hoodie, thankful that I had time to change, my holey black leggings, ratty white high top converse and oversized sweater seemed perfect for tonight. Leia was in similar clothing, she was tired and cranky. Her happy mood from this morning clearly vanished.

“I am here.” I glared at her, as I walked down the stairs. “I just needed to collect some stuff.”

We walked towards the car, I let Leia drive otherwise she would just criticise me all the way. I knew she was majorly pissed off about something, since she picked me up, but her sour mood kept on growing. I furrowed my brows, feeling the tension in the car.

“Just tell me.”

Then she exploded with all sort of profanities, for a second I was startled, thinking they were aimed at me but they were about someone else. I could only catch half the story, the rest of the words were taboo.

“Clean cut it Leia, otherwise I don’t know what is going on.”

Leia sighed loudly, tapping her fingers against the steering wheel. “I was talking to Dakota today about the Kenny situation and she basically told me, she doesn’t want to be with him ‘cause she is shit scared of being in a relationship. She basically confessed her love about him to me, but she won’t do anything about it, she is just trying to get Kenny jealous, so he basically is getting strung around with his feelings. She is being very selfish! I wish she would realise that if she loves him, she should go for it! It just gets me frustrated when people don’t take a chance.” She vented.

My eyes widened as I took in her words. I knew Dakota wasn’t happy being exclusive, I never thought she loves Kenny. She certainly does have bizarre ways of showing it.

“Is that why she won’t come out with us anymore?” I asked, almost scared to hear the answer.

“Yes, basically, I don’t want to tell Kenny, it will kill him.” Leia said sadly, as we pulled up to the house.

I nodded understanding and knowing it would, as much as he would try to hide it. She killed the engine and slid out of the car, I followed suit. We gave each other a hug before heading into the house. Leia gave Kennedy a big grin, when he greeted us at the door. And ran into Garrett’s arms, I smiled widely at Kennedy, and gave him a hug.

“Nice to see you again.” Kennedy chuckled, tugging me along into the living room.

Pat was already lounging on one of the couches, he was half asleep. But when we walked into the room, his eyes opened widely and he jumped up to embrace Leia and I. Jared was sat with his girlfriend Tessa, they waved at us with a friendly grin. It felt weird not having John around, it must be normal for John to go round to his parents and do his own thing. From what I remember last night, he explained the closeness of his relationship with his parents now that understood and accepted everything. I had an unusual pang of jealousy, I haven’t seen my parents in months, maybe due to my downfall but they didn’t push to see me.

“C’mon Ivy, don’t make yourself comfortable. We are making the food tonight.” Kennedy grinned, pulling me up from the couch.

“What?” I said, pretty sure I misheard what he said.

Kennedy laughed, as he got the phone and handed me a takeout menu.

“Seriously? You believed me. For me, when I cook its ordering takeout.” Kennedy joked, dialling the number.

I rolled my eyes playfully, and selecting the banquet meal for eight. He nodded and ordered it, soon enough he put the phone down. He slung his arm around my shoulder and we walked into the living room, where a zombie film was on which was obviously Garrett’s choice.

About an hour into the film, the doorbell rang. Blood and guts were getting fired on the screen, never in my life whilst watching a film I wanted to escape. Hoping it was the takeout, my belly was grumbling. I walked towards the door, and opened it. My stomach dropped when to my horror/surprise Dakota was there. Her mascara ran like muddy trails along her face, her blue eyes were bloodshot. I gasped in shock, and pulled her into my arms. She looked like an emotional mess.

Dakota sobbed into my arms, I tugged her into the house shutting the door behind me. Her red dress hung off her frame, she was shoeless. I didn’t know what happened, but from the way she was acting it certainly was rainbows and bunnies.

I knew she wouldn’t want to go into the living room, so I got her into the kitchen. I left her sitting down in a chair, her sobs taming down. I passed her a damp cloth for her face, she accepted.

“Do you want to talk about it?” I asked soothingly.

“I don’t know if I can.” She hiccupped, patting the cloth over her eyes.

“Shall I get Kenny?” I suggested, already edging out of the room.

Dakota nodded, whilst sniffling. I walked out of the kitchen and back into the living room, getting met with weird stares, I motioned for Kennedy to follow me. He did, and made a beeline towards Dakota when he saw her. She stood up, and enveloped herself into his
arms, her sobs restarting again.

No one bothered asking me what happened, I guess they already knew. I was about to sit down when the doorbell rang. My stomach growled, this better be the takeout I thought. I opened the door once again, to be met with a man with the food. I grinned widely, paying him the cash Kennedy left me and took the food off him.

“Takeout is here guys!” I shouted, as I walked into the living room.

Everyone piled in and attacked the food they liked. Kennedy and Dakota came in and sat with us. I noticed that Dakota clung to Kennedy’s side, I wouldn’t be surprised if they were exclusive from what I could tell Dakota came to her senses.

I piled my plate with noodles and spring rolls, the beers were passed round individually. The movie was paused, so sounds of munching and chatter filled the room. Pat and I sat next to each other, making fun of each other eating. He showed me his food in his mouth, I narrowed my eyes at him and did the same. We both fell into fits of laughter.
The doorbell rang again with a groan Kennedy pulled away from Dakota and went to answer the door.

“Where’s your key?” Kennedy asked, laughing slightly.

“I forgot it again. It’s not as if you’re the best at bringing your key around.” John’s voice retorted.

I swallowed my food, aware of his presence. A big smile found its way to my face, then feeling confused, he was supposed to still be at his parents. When Kennedy and John walked into the living room, John’s eyes met mine and he grinned at me.

“Hey, didn’t realise I was interrupting something.” John said jokingly, sitting down beside me.

“Yeah, it was pretty cool without you.” I joked back, eating some more noodles.

John grabbed my fork out of my hand and twirled the fork to get noodles. I gave him a mock glare, and he ate it, looking like he was savouring every bite just to tease me.

“Aw, Lady and the Tramp moment!” Pat cooed, then a chorus of ‘Aws’ from everyone.

Feeling bashful, I buried my face in John’s shoulder. He laughed loudly, and wrapped his free arm around me, snagging more of my noodles, ending up finishing off my plate.

The food finished up soon, and the film was back on. I was cocooned in John’s arms, shying away every time a zombie would splat against the screen or brains would fly out of the heads. Never again, am I letting Garrett choose a film.

“Are you going to stay over?” Kennedy asked us all.

I glanced at John quickly, who made a discreet nod. Leia was nodding too, I nodded as well and then Dakota finalised it with a big nod and a grin.

“We don’t have any pyjamas.” I spoke up.

“Has that stopped us before? You can borrow some of mine again.” John murmured into my ear.

I looked at him, realising how close we were, I could see the green flecks in his eye I gave him a timid smile and nodded. “Sure.”

“C’mon then,” He pulled me up from the couch by my hand, intertwining our fingers together.

“Guys, we are just going upstairs.” John announced loudly, getting both of us out of the room before bawdy comments could start.

As we walked into his room, he shut the door behind. I forgot what his room looked like, memories of the morning I woke up in here after the party. Heat crawled across my cheeks, how much I was drawn to John was little compared to now.

He let go of my hand, and motioned for me to take a seat on the bed. I hesitantly sat down, taking off my converse, and crossing my legs underneath me. Watching John root through his cupboards, grabbing the familiar Kurt Cobain t-shit and basketball shorts. He noticed my wide smile, and returned it.

“I thought you might like these.” John smirked, as he sat beside me.

“Thank you, should I get changed in the bathroom?” I asked, avoiding looking at his smirk, afraid I might fall off the bed.

“Here would be perfect.” He teased, with a smirk upon his face.

My eyes widened, I punched him in the shoulder. “In your dreams John!” My cheeks were still hot when I was finished changing in the bathroom.

I splashed cold water over my face, tugging my hair into a loose ponytail. Glancing at my reflection in the mirror, wondering what happened to that girl a few weeks back, who would have cringed in the thought of being in such close proximity with a boy, particularly a band boy. I was nothing like the girls he has previously dated. I was in college, soon graduating to be a teacher. I was in love with books where he has his music. I certainly didn’t fit in with this stereotype of groupies. My throat choked up as I thought about this. My eyes slipped across the tattoos, I took in the ‘Forget Regret’ I sighed shakily, snapping out of this over-thinking mode. I walked back into the bedroom, sitting beside John, keeping a fair bit of distance between us, still troubled by those thoughts.

We both mirrored each other’s movements, both our heads leaning against the bed frame, pillows stacked behind our backs. Our arms barely brushing, our legs with millimetres apart, so close, yet so far-away.

“I keep meaning to tell you, that soon, maybe a week now. The guys and I are going back on tour. It’s a short one though, so we’ll be back in like a month’s time or so. I told Leia not to tell you, cause I wanted to tell you.” John spoke finally.

I glanced at him, giving him a small smile, ignoring the fact my stomach sank with realisation he will be gone for a month, in a week. “That’s cool John.”

“But I am going to make a promise to you.” He said, looking into my eyes.

My eyes widened with surprise. “John, don’t make any promises to me, you don’t need too.”

John lifted my chin, still staring into my eyes. “No, I want to. When I come back, I will help you complete that bucket list with you.”

“Seriously?” I repeated in disbelief.

Before I could manage to press on the topic in any way, he pressed his lips onto mine. I kissed him back. He smoothly hovered over me, cupping my face. My hands knotting into his hair, both closing any space between us. I was caught unaware, but somehow I still kissed him back. His familiar scent of smoke mix with his aftershave flooded my nostrils, my head was completely light headed. Whilst my body just tingled all over, like pleasant pins and needles. John pulled away slightly, pressing a light kiss on my lips as if to seal the promise.

“What does this make us?” I asked breathlessly.

All John did was press his lips back onto mine, and somehow I knew the answer, that made all those worries shatter and fly away.
♠ ♠ ♠
ah, I said this would've been out last weekend, oopsies.
But its out now, fingers cross the next one will be out saturday/sunday!
In the next few chapters, it will fast forward quite a bit till after the mini tour, cause that is when their relationship will progress and such.
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