Status: Hiatus

Fireflies & Wishes.

Chapter Four

I walked down into the kitchen, following John.

I basically looked like the female version of him, clothes wise. We both had on a pair of basketball shorts, he had a Tom Petty shirt on whereas I had his Kurt Cobain shirt on, he very nicely gave me his grey hoodie, which smelt like him and the bed I slept in, and somehow this made me feel more secure.

I managed to wash the remaining makeup from last night off. So it revealed my pale, ill looking complexion, but for once I didn’t care. We walked into the kitchen, were most people from last night were there. Well, Kennedy’s close friends with Leia slouched in her chair, wearing a clone star wars t shirt, which I am sure she didn’t own. As she stared back at me, the same thought was probably running through her mind. No sign of Dakota, but something told me she wouldn’t be coming down in a while.

“You okay Ivy?” Leia asked. A teasing smile upon her face, great, let the teasing commence.

I shot her a glare, as I took a chair between her and John.

“As well as I can be with a hangover, how about you?” I replied, sighing softly, as I put my head on the table.

“Fine and dandy!” Leia laughed.

I winced, how on earth can she be this happy? Then I saw it, she was holding hands with a boy next to her. I raised an eyebrow at her, and she smiled widely.

“So, you guys haven’t been introduced, this is my amazing best friend slash housemate Ivy-Leigh and this is my new boyfriend Garrett.” Leia said cheerily.

I waved my hand slightly at the blue eyed boy, and he returned the wave. Then I got nudged by John, I shot him a death glare. He was about to say something, but then Dakota came running down the stairs, with a fierce and angry expression that clearly said ‘don’t fuck around with me’.

“Leia! Ivy! C’mon, we are going!” Dakota said, folding her arms across her chest.

Another set of footsteps ran down the stairs, and in came a shirtless and just as pissed off Kennedy.

“Why can’t we talk about this somewhere more privately?” Kennedy sighed, a hand running through his hair.

“No. Kenny, I am sorry but I need space!” Dakota shouted loudly, throwing her hands in the air.

Leia and I shared a look, before getting up smoothly. John tried to hold my gaze, but I didn’t look back. Leia kissed Garrett goodbye and we followed Dakota out.

Dakota was muttering all sorts of profanities under her breath. Just a random guess but somehow I thought Dakota’s night, didn’t go the way she planned it. Neither did mine, it went better than I thought.

Dakota dropped off Leia and I home, and we only just noticed we left last night’s outfit in Kennedy’s. But I didn’t really care, I would never admit it aloud but I was happy to still get the chance to be in John’s clothes.

Leia obviously picked up on this. A mischievous smile came upon her face, as we sat at the table drinking a cup of coffee.

“So I guess you completed your two tasks then?” Leia asked, raising her eyebrow.

I thought back to the night, I got high for the first time that was on the list and then nothing else. I could count as getting so wasted that you pass out, but that wasn’t on the list.

“No need to say anything I already know that you have. Can’t believe you had a one night stand?! What happened to the Ivy I knew?” Leia laughed, as she took a sip of her coffee.

I just stared at her expressionless; she thinks I slept with John. I didn’t know what to say or do. I just nodded my head stiffly. And cupped my hand around my mug, feeling the warmth, wondering what to respond, that means that she thinks I’ve lost my V card. But something stopped me from saying objecting and being honest.

“I need to catch up on my sleep.” I lied smoothly, placing my unfinished coffee on the table before moving upstairs to my bedroom.

I pulled my duvet over my head, pulling up John’s hoodie over my head, taking in his scent before coming up with a rash decision. I am going to try my hardest to avoid John at all costs. I will return his clothes tomorrow, then tada, no more John.


Sunday morning, I finally felt refreshed and somewhat happy. I rolled out of bed, finally feeling free to take off John’s clothes. I placed my denim shorts, baggy navy shirt and tugged my converse on. I folded up John’s clothes neatly, piling them together. Grabbing the car keys and putting my ray bans on as I made myself comfy in the cute white vintage Volkswagen bug that Leia and I share. I started the engine, and headed towards Kennedy’s house.

Trust in us, we’re all that you’ve got these days.

Stupid Leia, left in her CD of a band, I did not know. It was one of those bands, she constantly raves about. I tend to zone out now, knowing that if I attempt to listen I will just get lost and bored. But the voice was hauntingly somewhat recognizable. I shook it from my mind, and turned the radio off.

As I pulled up to Kennedy’s, I sat in my car, taking a deep breath before cutting off the engine and walking to the door. I rapped on the door two times, and stood waiting.

“Hey Ivy, wanna come in?” Kennedy asked, as he opened the door.

I shook my head. “No thank you Kenny, but could you give these to John please? And I know this may sound odd, but do you know where Leia’s and mines dresses are?” I asked, as I placed John’s clothes into Kennedy’s hands.

He nodded, and motioned for me to follow him. “They are in the kitchen I think, we did a big tidy up when you guys went yesterday, so I am sure we piled the left over clothing here.” He pointed to a big pile of clothing on the table.

My eyes widened, and looked at Kennedy with surprise. He laughed at my expression.

“Woah, I was not expecting this.” I laughed.

I went through the pile, finding Leia’s red dress, I put that on my arm, then I found my black laced dress. Then our heels were the only shoes in the pile, so finding them was no problem. Kennedy just laughed at me, as I pulled out a leopard print thong. I chucked it at his head, joining in with his laughter.

Kennedy walked me to the door, giving me a hug. He grabbed my phone from my pocket, and typed in his number. He gave me his phone, for me to do the same.

“Thanks Kenny.” I smiled softly.

“Ah, it’s no problem Ivy, just text me anytime you wanna hang.” He said, with grin.

I walked away, with that offer in mind. As I pulled away from Kennedy’s house and headed towards home. I wished I saw John, so that I could’ve said something to him. But then it was fate, I wasn’t meant to see him which therefore means I am probably not meant to like him. Overall it means that my day old crush needs to vanish.
♠ ♠ ♠
I wonder if they will meet again?
I don't know whether I like Dakota or not? I think I may keep her like that, like a bit of a bitch but still likeable, hmm.
I want to say a thank you to Kennedy Brock for commenting, and to those who have suscribed!:)
Also, I should post the next one on sunday!